Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Niconic on March 16, 2009
"Ok, not sure on the meter..... any advice is very welcome."
Jury Duty
Oh, tell me now please, how did they find me here?I keep my ducks in a row; mind my own rear
Yet still here I stand, put off, irritated
Slip in hand; I am called forth
I’ve been instigated!
Who’s running this lottery?
Quit pulling my name please
A team player, I am and all for camaraderie
So why does it feel like they’re picking on me?
Once, twice, three times now, my name has been called
But you? Not one time…..and I am appalled!
My civic duty…..yeah, I understand
But around this appointment, now I must plan
In an overstuffed room, with a slew of my peers
Sequestered with this group??
An irrational fear….
So away I go
A payer of tax! A registered voter!
An American proud! A legal system promoter!
I know it won’t kill me; it’s really not dreadful
Despite crowded rooms and a wait that is so dull
I like helping those who help keep the peace…..
And Yeah! The best part…I’ll get out of work at least!
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