Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by shade_of_solace on March 26, 2009
"I decided to write a poem in which I just wrote and didn't think about the consequence. I'm not sure I like the end result, but it has some good moments. Version One written on March 26, 2009."
Sewer Lines
"Don't Touch."Ready. No, wait.
"He's mine."
This isn't productive
the fine veins of his skin
blue under the surface
of something stretched
too thin, too white,
transparent marble,
soaked by water
pooling under the surface,
the current ready to push
the tiles away with it,
further downstream
downhill, south,
under the city,
under the country,
sewer lines
white sewer lines.
Why do I want him?
"Because he isn't yours."
The truth is harsh,
dying flames.
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