Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Mr. Raven on May 14, 2009
"And then they went and fought fiercely until the end... that came so soon."
The Land of Asnoth
Huge vultures circled over the deserted battlefields of Asnoth. Here and there smokes wrapped the scorched ground hiding bodies of fallen warriors. The armies that had fought here ceased to exist, the kings that had led them laid now dead, equal to the lowliest of their servants in the eternal sleep.Terrible had been the battle, even worse was its result. Horrible forces unleashed by both parties had proven to be more destructive than expected by those who'd seemed to wield them. And now, after the havoc of the fight, dark silence rested upon the place. But not for long.
Look! The ground begins to quake. And suddenly with incomparable roar the earth opens its mouth and devours the mythical land of Asnoth with what has remained of its splendid kingdoms and armies. Nobody ever shall know of its glory and its tragic end.
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