Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Estrella LeMar on October 24, 2007
"Life is a journey. As we travel down that road of life, we must simply remember that everything comes... to pass.
In the end, evil never wins."
In the end, evil never wins."
The Road
We all step out the doorway,Find our feet upon a road,
A pathway, or a highway,
A low-way, or a by-way,
Yet all lead away.
We all travel the path of life.
Whether we travel on the smooth, paved highway of comfort,
Or take the pathway, with much scenery, yet more troubles.
Yet, either way we go,
There will always be a bend in the road,
With surprises past it.
There shall be forks in the road.
When we make choices,
Deadends, hills, and valleys,
Are things we come across,
Yet at the end of all this,...
There we shall find a Father,
Kind and loving, who cares for us.
Who brings us comfort and renews
Our strength for what the next day shall bring.
Every day we choose, and ask,
"Which way, today?"
"And where, from there?"
We know not what the day will bring.
All we know is that we have a Father
Who cares for us,
Loves and protects us,
And will help us in all things.
Wither shall we go in life?
What shall we do?
The pathway seams so dark right now,
I know not were it leads.
I know not what road to take,
Or what path to tred,
But this I do know,
The future I do not dred,
For it is to my Fathers home
That I am led.
The end of my journey awaits me someday,
And that end that awaits?
'Tis simply the opening of Heaven's gates.
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