Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

A Draken Rising
by Estrella LeMarThe Wyriens are a huge, evil group. It is a group of men, and wyverns who do everything possible to cause fear and pain.
A wyvern is a corrupted dragon that has lost its intelligence.
The Drakens a group of men and dragons that work together to bring peace to the land, and to protect the people to the best of their ability.
I am not sure about the title yet..."A Draken Rising" is a temporary title.
Okay, for those of you who wish to attemp to comprehend the size of Caligo, here is a discription.
A place that's very name means death, destruction, and darkness, Caligo lies far to the east. To call this place large, is the biggest understatment one could make. This giant place is fortified with four seperat walls.
The first, outer wall stands a full 12 miles wide, by 8 miles long. This wall is a mere 30 feet high, and 12 feet thick.
The second wall stands half a mile inward from the first. The length of this wall is 7 miles, and the width 11 miles long. This wall is 60 feet tall, and twealve feet thick.
Between these two walls stand even more defensces.
Every two miles stands a large, fortified keep. At every quarter mile mark stands a watch tower.
At the corners of the walls, stand one more keep.
The last two areas are entirely apart from each other, their walls standing around 1/4 of a mile apart.
The first, and the smaller of the two areas stands with its walls 6 miles long, 4 1/2 miles wide, 80 feet tall, and 18 feet thick. This area holds the main palace for Malus, and all of the living quarters,as well as several large training grounds.
The 2nd area has walls 6 miles long, by 6 miles wide. These walls are also 80 feet tall, and 18 feet thick. This area is split , with one area holding the wyvern roosts, and the other area holding the slave pits, and prisions.
A wyvern is a corrupted dragon that has lost its intelligence.
The Drakens a group of men and dragons that work together to bring peace to the land, and to protect the people to the best of their ability.
I am not sure about the title yet..."A Draken Rising" is a temporary title.
Okay, for those of you who wish to attemp to comprehend the size of Caligo, here is a discription.
A place that's very name means death, destruction, and darkness, Caligo lies far to the east. To call this place large, is the biggest understatment one could make. This giant place is fortified with four seperat walls.
The first, outer wall stands a full 12 miles wide, by 8 miles long. This wall is a mere 30 feet high, and 12 feet thick.
The second wall stands half a mile inward from the first. The length of this wall is 7 miles, and the width 11 miles long. This wall is 60 feet tall, and twealve feet thick.
Between these two walls stand even more defensces.
Every two miles stands a large, fortified keep. At every quarter mile mark stands a watch tower.
At the corners of the walls, stand one more keep.
The last two areas are entirely apart from each other, their walls standing around 1/4 of a mile apart.
The first, and the smaller of the two areas stands with its walls 6 miles long, 4 1/2 miles wide, 80 feet tall, and 18 feet thick. This area holds the main palace for Malus, and all of the living quarters,as well as several large training grounds.
The 2nd area has walls 6 miles long, by 6 miles wide. These walls are also 80 feet tall, and 18 feet thick. This area is split , with one area holding the wyvern roosts, and the other area holding the slave pits, and prisions.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Estrella LeMar on November 30, 2007
"This is the prologue to the story, "A Draken Rising,"
it introduces the main character, Rafael Cimmerrii."
it introduces the main character, Rafael Cimmerrii."
A Draken Rising
The blacksmith’s fire raged, it churned, it turned. The golden flame gleamed as it wrapped around the metal, making the metal soft.Rafael pulled the metal out of the flames. Holding it steady, he lifted the hammer.
The hammer rang against the metal, it rang, it rang. The hammer rang against the metal, forming it, changing it, making it into a fearsome blade.
Once the blade took shape at last, Rafael plunged it into a deep pool of cool water. As the steam rose, he pushed his pitch-black hair back from his forehead.
Once he had set the hilt into place, Rafael doused the fire before lifting up his newly completed blade, and examined it through his deep-green eyes. It was a blade that was well made. Three colors shone out from the blade; the gold brightly reflected any light that hit it, while the dark strips of black seemed to devour any light, making light disappear, and the deep red seemed to shine on its own. The hilt shone a deep, nearly blood, red. It also had a strip of pitch black coiling around it, much like a vine might coil around a tree. Strong, sure, well-balanced, and well-made, it was a blade that Rafael could not be more pleased with.
A great boulder was sitting next to the doorway. Strewn about it were many broken shards of metal, and the remains of many shattered blades. As Rafael stood there, next to that great boulder, he eyed it for a moment, before suddenly lifting the blade high, and slashing downwards.
As the blade sliced downward through the air, it seemed to burst into flames. When it finally met the rock, it did not shatter as most would assume it would, instead it continued to slice downward, as easily as a knife might slice through soft butter.
Lifting the blade once more, Rafael grinned as he studied its aurora. The bright glow it gave of was much like the blade, a golden shade, with black and red intertwined. It was truly an excellent blade, a true katari. His katari.
A Draken Rising; Part 1, Malus Cimmerii
Malus Cimmerii sat comfortably in his throne, drumming his fingers impatiently on its golden arm. He was bored, nothing of any interest to him had taken place recently, and he needed news of something.“Sir, your wine.” The slave shivered in fear as the cold, deep-green eyes of Malus Cimmerii , leader of the Wyriens, seemed to pierce into his heart.
“You took long enough to get here.” Malus muttered as he took the glass. The slave waited fearfully as Malus took a sip. “Fool !” The slave shrank back as Malus spat out the wine. “I wished for red wine! Not champagne!” Throwing the glass to the floor, Malus leaped to his feet, eyes ignited red with wrath. Drawing his katari, he slashed at the slave. The unfortunate slave recoiled in pain as the tip of the blade opened up a gash on the slaves cheek. Sheathing his blade, Malus kicked the glass at the slave, splashing him with wine.
“Clean that up!.” Malus snapped, ”and bring me some good wine.” As Malus took his seat once again, the great hall’s doors swung open. “Ah, Cao Nocens, and how goes your day? I dare say it has gone better then mine.”
Cao Nocens bowed. “Your majesty, the men you sent out three days prior have returned.”
Malus sat forward in excitement. “Have they found anything?”
“ No my lord, nothing.”
Malus sat back in discust, "Nothing. That is all they have found, nothing? Why? Is there nothing to find? Our men must have training! But the fools, all they found was nothing?"
“That is either because they are blind, deaf, or simply do not know where to look. The last of the three being more likely.” Stepping out of the shadows, Rafael strode up to Malus, and knelt down on one knee. “Father”
Malus nodded. “Stand and speak my son. What have you found?”
Rafael calmly stood to his feet. “As I said, they simply did not know where to look. There are two caravans traveling towards Levis. They are around sixty miles apart. The first is presently about fifty miles from Levis.”
“How exactly did you discover this when our scouts did not?” Cao growled.
Rafael smirked as his eyes studied Cao for a moment. “I have eyes in many places. There is little that happens that escapes my notice.” Rafael turned to Malus once again, and bowed respectfully. “Father, allow Cao Nocens and myself to lead a party out against these caravans. We will hit the smaller first. I claim the first caravan in its entirety as mine own. Once the prisoners have all been bound, and loaded into the wagons, Cao and the rest of the men must simply travel to the north to come across the second, and do to that one as he pleases.”
“What gives you the right to an entire caravan?” snapped Cao Nocens.
“What does not? I found them, watched them, and could have taken them entirely for mine own. Yet I felt that this could be used as a good training exercise for our men. So I brought the information forward. Do you wish to challenge me on this? Rafael put a hand on the hilt of his katari.
Cao half drew his blade. After studying Rafael for a moment, he re-sheathed it. “No. I will not challenge.”
“Good.” Rafael relaxed somewhat. “Father, we will need to leave quickly.”
“So be it then. Cao, go ready your men.”
“Yes sir!” Cao saluted smartly before turning to leave. As he passed by Rafael, he paused and gave the young man a scathing look before continuing on his way.
“I suppose you will be disappearing to your training grounds, once again.” Malus leaned back in his throne, so he could be more comfortable.
“Yes, Father. I will likely be gone for a good eight months, once again.”
“Do not forget to return the twelfth of March. You turn nineteen, this year.”
“No, Father, I will not forget.”
Malus grinned, “Good.”
Rafael bowed slightly, once again, before stepping back a few steps, and turning, proceeded out of the room.
As Rafael stepped outside into the bright sunlight, he noticed Cao and thirty of the highest-trained Wyriens, the Acerbus, standing to the side, ready and waiting to go.
“We are ready, my lord.” One of the men held out the reins of a great wyvern to Rafael.
“Excellent.” Mounting smoothly, Rafael, Cao, and the Acerbus quickly rose into the air. As they circled upward, to gain height, Rafael glanced down at Caligo. Oh, how he hated that place! The towering walls and the fearsome keeps, the pristine palace, the giant barracks, the foul wyvern roost, and the stinking slave pits. He hated it all. As soon as he had become old enough, he had begun spending as much time as possible away from that foul place, yet, even that was not enough. He wished he could leave and never return, but that was not possible. He knew nothing else. Yet, perhaps, that would change soon enough.
Turning his wyvern, Rafael headed off towards the west, with Cao Nocens and the Acerbus close behind.
A Draken Rising; Part 2,
Mile after mile passed swiftly beneath as Rafael lead Cao Nocens and the Acerbus to the west. It was not long before Rafael spotted the caravan. Rafael drew his katari, before speaking sharply to Cao, “Now remember, this caravan belongs to me. You are to kill no one, only take prisoners, and allow none to escape. I wish for them to all be bound and brought to the center of the opening while I decide what to do with them. Understood?”“Of course.” Cao rolled his eyes, “As you say, it shall be done.”
Down in the unsuspecting caravan, a young lady closed the canvas flap before turning around to sit down. “Ellius is sleeping soundly father, he must be awful tired after such a long ride.”
“No doubt little one. He has traveled a long ways.”
“Father, did he really send his katari, and his book, ahead to Levis?”
“So he said.”
A dark shadow blocked out the sun, the girl and her father looked up to see what it was.
“Run!” The man reigned in the horses before leaping down from his seat, and sprinting towards the woods. He had nearly reached the forests cover when a great beast landed before him. He stumbled backwards as the pitch black wyvern spread its wings out wide, and reared its hideous head. The man tripped, and fell to the ground; as he scrambled to regain his footing, a large claw pinned him
Rafael watched as Cao Nocens, and the Acerbus bound each prisoner, and dragged them to the clearings center. He could see the cruel glint in Cao’s eyes as Cao dragged a poor girl to the center by her hair. That old, familiar feeling was coming back again; as Rafael watched, as he saw the looks of fear and terror on those prisoners faces, he felt a sharp pain inside. It was that foul sickness coming upon him again, that feeling like someone was taking his very heart, and twisting it hard. Rafael shook his head, trying to shake off that feeling. Dismounting his wyvern, Rafael walked over to one of the teams of horses. Glancing at them, he nodded slightly; the person who picked out those horses had a good eye.
“The prisoners are all bound and gathered.” Cao glared at Rafael, “What are your orders?”
Rafael ignored Cao. Walking to were the prisoners were bound, he turned to face the Acerbus. “Listen up, and listen well. There are five wagons here, you are to attach them all together to form a train. Put all the goods in the last three wagons, and load all of the prisoners into the front two. Now, get moving!”
“I challenge your order.” An older man stepped forward. “ It would be far easier to carry them all back on our wyverns.”
“This entire caravan, the prisoners and the spoils, belong to me.” Rafael growled.
“Who gave you that right?”
“My father. Anyone who wishes to challenge me in this may do so right here and now!”
“Then I challenge.” The man drew his katari and strode forward.
“You wish to end your life so soon? So be it.” Rafael drew his katari.
“End my life so soon? We shall see who looses their life!”
“So we shall.” Rafael lifted his blade to parry the attack, before slashing sideways.
“Ugg!” The man winced as Rafael’s katari opened up a gash in his side. “I am no fool,” he muttered.
“Then what are you?” Rafael quickstepped to the left, before turning swiftly to the right and slashing down at his opponent’s knee. As his opponent stumbled backwards in pain, Rafael heard one of the prisoners call out.
“Behind you!”
Rafael spun around quickly and brought his katari up just in time to parry a blow that would have surly finished him. Bringing his knee up hard, he hit the surprise attacker hard in the stomach, making the man double over in pain. Quickly, Rafael beheaded the man. Turning with his slash, Rafael spun around to parry the other mans attack, before lunging forward.
The two katari met with such force, that sparks showered all around. Both Rafael and his opponent struggled to get the upper hand. As they pushed back and forth, Rafael grinned. “Fool” he whispered. His katari flashed, and a dark, black aura surrounded it. This black aura sparked with red and gold, much like the blackest thundercloud will spark with the gold of lightning. The aura around Rafael’s blade seemed to grow larger, and larger, until it engulfed his opponents katari completely. Suddenly the man’s katari was transformed into ashes, and soon the mans limp form fell to the ground to rest in those ashes, as the ashes greedily drank up his blood.
Rafael slowly took a cloth, and wiped his katari clean. The he turned to face the remaining Wyriens. “That man challenged me, and look at the price he paid.” Rafael pointed to the fallen man with his blade. “Does anyone else wish to challenge?”
Everything went dead silent as Rafael’s eyes fell on each of the remaining men. Finally Rafael spoke softly, “I take that as a no, so be it then. Get on with your work, you have your orders.” Rafael calmly sheathed his sword, and strode over to were Cao stood. “You seem distressed Cao. Is it because two of your men died, or is it because I am still alive?”
Cao did not say a word, he simply glared at Rafael, and grit his teeth.
Rafael’s eyes narrowed. “As I thought.”
“You are well advanced for your age, but there will come a time that you come against something that even your training will not have prepared you for. On that day you will learn the meaning of fear.” Cao snarled.
“And no doubt you plan to be the one that teaches me. Let me tell you something Cao, for all you claim, you are not very bright. You are rather easy to read, I know your strengths, and your weaknesses. Do not think you could easily best me.”
“My lord…” one of the Acerbus knelt before Rafael, “Your orders have been carried out. What should we do with the bodies?”
“Let them lie.” Rafael turned to Cao, “The second caravan is directly north of here, a good three hour journey. Do with that caravan as you please.”
“Cao glared at Rafael before striding over to his wyvern. On his orders, the Acerbus mounted up, and soon their forms disappeared in the distance.
A Draken Rising; Part 3
As the Acerbus had made there exit, Rafael had selected a fine, buckskin charger from the captured animals, and had mounted it. Once the Acerbus had finally disappeared from sight, he rode over to the first two wagons, were the prisoners sat. “Which one of you warned me?”“I am the one that warned you lad.”
Rafael’s gaze turned to look at the speaker, the man was well built, and broad-shouldered. From the looks of him, Rafael would guess that he stood about 6’5’’. The man’s age was impossible to tell, for he had a nice head of dark brown hair, with a few specks of white showing. “What is your name?’ Rafael questioned.
“My name is Ellius.” The hazel eyes of Ellius locked with Rafael’s dark green eyes.
“Thank you.” Rafael leaned forward slightly, “Ellius, can you drive a wagon?”
Ellius lifted an eyebrow, “Quite easily actually, but no one can do so with their hands bound.”
“True. Hold out your hands.” As Ellius held out his hands, Rafael’s katari sung through the air, and sliced the ropes that bound Ellius asunder.
Ellius climbed up to the drivers seat, and took the reigns in hand as Rafael
sheathed his katari. “What direction sir?”
“Straight ahead.”
“Of course.” Ellius spurred the horses forward until they were moving at a good clip. As they traveled along, Ellius looked over at their captor. There was something about the lad, as Ellius had looked into that boy’s eyes, it had not been cruelty, hate or anger he had seen. No, instead Ellius had seen a deep sadness. Who was the boy anyway?
They were all moving at a gallop now, when Rafael suddenly held up his right hand. A great beam of light shot forward from his hand, and moved to a place directly in front of the caravan, there it spread out into a great panel. There was no way to avoid it, the caravan was moving to fast. Ellius braced himself for the collision… but the collision never came. Instead, Ellius found himself in a completely different setting. Instead of dense forest and trees, they were surrounded by endless miles of sand. As the horses hooves hit the sand, they slowed down considerably.
“The oasis is right over the next hill.”
Ellius looked over at the boy. The boy’s face was a pale white, and his shoulders sagged. As Ellius looked at him, the boy smiled weakly, “I will be fine in a few moments, I am not accustomed to making the warp panel so large, or holding it so long.” A few moments later, as they came to the top of a hill, Rafael straightened in his saddle, and spread his arms out wide, “Welcome to the oasis. Ellius, drive the wagons to that clearing next to the spring. We will unload there.”
Ellius quietly obeyed.
As the wagon’s finally came to a stop next to the spring, a crowd of people came forward to great them. One older gentleman stepped forward, “Welcome Captain. ‘Tiss great to see you again!”
Rafael dismounted and handed the buckskins reigns to a nearby lad, “Tend to him for me Adam.”
“A’ course Cap’in!”
Rafael grinned as Adam led the buckskin away. Turning, he bowed slightly to the older gentleman. “ It is good to see you again as well Markus.” Rafael motioned towards the five wagons. “The first two wagons are full of people, while the last three are full of their things. You know what to do. Have our newcomers gather
at the southern spring in half an hour, I will address them there.”
Markus nodded, “Yes Captain.”
“Oh, and one more thing, have the Petrosky, and the Poulin family’s come down there as well. I do believe that their six months are done as of today.”
“Yes Captain, it shall be done.”
“Good.” Rafael nodded.
“You are not looking so well.”
Rafael laughed, “You catch on to everything do you not? But no worries, I am fine. I will see you in half an hour.”
“So be it Captain.”
A Draken Rising; Part 4
The half hour passed quickly, and soon everyone had gathered at the southern spring. Rafael waited patiently, finally Markus approached were Rafael was leaning against the old Rowan tree. “Everyone is here Captain.”Rafael nodded, “Good. Have the Petrosky and Poulin families come here.”
“Of course.” Markus bowed, before scurrying off. It was only a few moments before he returned with two young couples, “Here they are Captain.”
“Excellent.” Rafael stood up, before turning to face the first couple. “Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Petrosky, it seems your six months are now over. You may now go to Levis if you would like, or you may stay here and become permanent residents here at the oasis. The choice is yours.”
The young couple looked at each other a moment, before turning back to Rafael. Mrs.Petrosky curtsied, “If ya din’na’ mind Captain, it would be awful nice if’n we could stay on here. We’uns mighty comfta’ble, an’ we’ve made some mighty good friends.”
Rafael looked at the two of them for a moment, “You are certain?”
Mr.Petrosky was the one that spoke this time, “Captain, our decision is made, and it is final. We wish to stay.”
Rafael nodded, “So be it than.” Turning, Rafael spoke to the Poulin couple, “And what about the two of you? Shall you go, or stay?”
Mr.Poulin smiled, “Captain, you have done so much for us, and we are very thankful. As to whether we stay or leave, we agree most wholeheartedly, we would like to stay.”
Rafael smiled, “At this rate, I will have to come up with a name for this place other than ‘oasis,’ it is already the size of a small village.”
As the two families stepped to the side, Rafael turned to look at the newcomers. As he looked at them, that foul sickness came upon him again. They were so scared! Rafael took a deep breath before beginning to speak. “You have nothing to fear here at the oasis. No one will hurt you, there are no predators to fear, this place is a safe haven. There are nice houses for you to stay in, there is plenty of vegetation, and wild game about, so you will never go hungry. There is a large heard of sheep kept near the western spring, so there will always be wool for clothing. There are more than six nice, fresh water springs, so you will never go thirsty. So allow me to say this one more time, you have nothing to fear. Now, because of the circumstances under which you were brought here, all I ask is that you stay here for a full six months. Once that time is over, you will be given a choice; you can either stay here, or I can take you to Levis. The specifics of that will be explained to you closer to that day. Does anyone have a question?”
“Sir, what shall we call you?”
Rafael smiled slightly, “Here, I am known as Captain. That is what I wish for you to call me. I am the one in charge here, and when I am gone, Markus is in charge.” Rafael pointed at Markus before turning back to the crowd, “Are there any other questions?”
Silence fell over the crowd for a moment before one man stepped forward. Rafael immediately recognized the person as Ellius. Calmly, Ellius spoke, “Captain, you say this place is safe, but what of the Wyriens? There is no place that I know of, save Aduro and Levis, that is even partially safe from them.”
Rafael raised an eyebrow, “You seem to know much about the Wyriens Ellius, so tell me, what is the one place that the wyverns, and thus the Wyriens, absolutely refuse to go?”
Ellius frowned, “There is only one such place that I know of Captain, the Barren Waste.”
“Indeed, the Barren Waste. That, Ellius, is the reason this place is safe. This place lies deep within the Barren Waste, no Wyrien would ever have the means to attack this place.” Rafael looked around at the crowd, a gentle smile on his face, “Markus, and a few of the families that have come to call this place home will help you settle in now. Since it is so close to the lunch hour, the families that help you settle in will help you prepare a meal. Any more questions, simply ask Markus or myself. That is all.” Rafael turned his back on the crowd, and walked over to were the springs cool water bubbled up from the ground. Kneeling down, Rafael stretched out his arm to put his hand under the cool, trickling water.
“Captain. An interesting title, the way the Acerbus treated you back where you captured the caravan, I would say that ‘General” is a better fit.” Ellius knelt down next to Rafael, “You are quite the mystery young man, and, rather, a
The two of them stood, and faced each other. “You are very observant Ellius, but I am no general, nor do I wish to be one, at least not to them.” Rafael scanned the area, “It seems everyone else has gone to settle in, do you have any family here?”
“I see. There is a nice place directly next to were Markus lives, I think that place would be perfect for you. Estrella, Markus wife, is loves to cook, and I am certain that she would be delighted with another mouth to feed.” Rafael began to walk towards the buildings, Ellius right beside him. “What do you mean when you say that I am a contradiction?”
“I mean exactly that. You are a Wyrien, yet you cannot stand cruelty, and there is no cruelty within you. The other Wyriens act as if you are a general, and you certainly have the power of one, yet you say you are not. You capture families, then give them more then they have ever had. For these reasons, I say you are a contradiction.” Ellius smiled, “I have never met anyone like you. You are very skilled at swordsmanship, as I saw when you fought those two men. You are also fairly skilled with magic; if you were to look back in history, you would find that the spell needed to create a warp panel disappeared centuries ago, yet you create one simply by raising your hand. It is for that reason that I call you a mystery.”
“You are very learned. There are not many who have such knowledge.” Rafael stopped in front of a small cabin, “ Here we are.”
“Thank you Captain, one for calling me learned, the second for showing me where I hall stay. As for being learned, I have had to be to reach the level of Myrthl Draken, and beyond that, top of the order.”
Rafael stopped in his tracks, “You are a Myrthl Draken?”
“Indeed.” Ellius opened the door, “Shall we go inside?”
“Yes, yes of course,” Rafael stepped briskly inside.
“ I take it this is the dining room.” Ellius looked around.
“Yes, the kitchen is directly to the left, while the living room is to the right. There are two bedrooms that open off the living room, with a large room behind the kitchen and the dining rooms. You may use that room for whatever you wish, most people use it for storage.”
“I see.” Ellius and Rafael walked into the living room where they each took a seat.
Ellius stared hard at Rafael for a moment, before speaking softly, “You are Rafael Cimmerii, son of Malus Cimmerii, leader of the Wyriens, are you not?”
Rafael’s head shot up, a look of astonishment on his face, and fear in his eyes. “How…?”
“How do I know? I simply put the puzzle together. The Acerbus treated you like a general, yet you are not one. When that man challenged you, you said that your father had given you that right. The only man who has the power to give such a right is Malus, and, as far as we Drakens know, Malus Cimmerii only has one son, Rafael. Thus, you must be Rafael.”
“You must tell no-one.” Rafael’s face was pale. “ If my father was to find out about this…” Rafael shivered.
“You need not worry, I will tell no one. You are known as the Captain, so that is what I shall call you.”
The color returned to Rafael’s face, “Thank you Ellius.”
“It is interesting, you are a Wyrien, and their future leader, but you are nothing like what I expected.”
Rafael rolled his eyes, “What, did you expect a person with a heart of stone?
Cruel to the utmost, and entirely hateful? Indeed, that is what I have been raised to be, but I do not agree with those things. If I could, I wish so much to learn about the Drakens, and the things they hold highest in regard, yet what is the chance of that? Unless,” Rafael’s eyes lit up, “Ellius, would you be willing to train me?”
Ellius looked hard at Rafael, “Perhaps. There are a few conditions that must be met. If I an going to train you, you must hide nothing from me. Any questions I ask, you must truthfully answer. If I am to train you, I must know your strengths, your weaknesses, and your fears. You must allow me to read your mind, relive your memories, so that I may fully understand you. Are you certain that you wish to have me train you?”
Rafael spread his arms out wide, “I have nothing to hide Ellius. I will do as you say. Please, train me.”
Ellius nodded, “So be it then. We will discuss this farther after lunch.” Ellius stood up.
"Ellius, thank you."Rafael stepped out the door.
Ellius watched Rafael for a moment. He could tell the boy had a good heart.
"Are you coming Ellius?" Rafael questioned.
"Yes, I am comming." With that they both walked outside.
A Draken Rising; Part 5
“This way.” Rafael lead Ellius towards a small house nearby. Opening up the door, he called out, “Good afternoon Markus, Estrella, I have brought a guest. May we come in?Markus pulled out two dinning room chairs, “Come right in Captain, and take a seat.” Markus held a hand out to Ellius, “And you are?”
“My name is Ellius.”
“Wait, THE Ellius? Ellius LeMar? The Myrthl Draken?”
Ellius laughed, “Yes, although I did not realize I was so famous.”
Markus’ face glowed, “Estrella, we have company!”
“Oh? Well have them sit down. I have a nice meal prepared, come help me set the table.” Estrella called out.
“Coming!” Markus disappeared into the kitchen for a moment, before returning with a dinner platter in hand. As he set it down, Rafael’s mouth began to water at the sight of mutton, cabbage, potatoes, and so much more. A few moments later, a lady came out carrying a large salad bowl. “There we are, all ready to eat.”
Estrella turned towards Ellius, “By the way, I am Estrella.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you Estrella.” Ellius daintily took her hand and gently kissed it.
Estrella blushed, “Oh! My, well you are a charmer. It is nice to meet you as well.”
“It’s Ellius LeMar, THE Ellius LeMar!” Markus grinned.
“Well no wonder he is such a gentleman. Now, everyone, take your seats, and begin dishing your plates.”
Soon everyone was digging in.
“Mmm… delicious,” Ellius smiled, “It has been a long time since I have had a meal so fine. Thank you Estrella.”
Estrella blushed, “Oh, it is nothing, I love cooking, and I have always been good at it.”
“Aye, and look what she has done to me!” Markus patted his tummy, “She’s plumped me right up!”
Estrella sighed, “I do believe that was your own doing my dear.”
Everyone laughed.
“So, how came you to the oasis Markus? How long have you been here?” Ellius questioned.
“Well,” Markus frowned, “Estrella and I have been here nearly five years. You know how I am second in charge of this place? Well, I still do not fully understand how, or why that happened. Back then, well, lets just say the authorities were on the lookout for me and Estrella. One time, they had nearly caught us, we made it out with only the clothes on our backs; then we up and got lost in the forest. We were ‘bout collapsing with hunger, when a young boy shows up out of nowhere. He opened up a warp pane, and brought us here. There was nobody else here at the time, but it looked just about the same as it does now, just a tad bit worn down. The kid introduced himself as the Captain, then he gave us a place to stay. He gave us food, water, clothes, an entire new life. I said I would help clean up the place in return for his aid, but for the first few days, I only worked half-heartedly, then I stopped working at all This went on for a full week. The Captain said nothing at all, but I could feel him watching me. One day I was just goofing off when I looked up to see him standing right there, just looking at me. There was such disappointment in his eyes that I decided right then and there that I was going to shape up, and I did. Few weeks later, he shows up with a few more people, and says, ‘Markus you are second in charge here, just remember, you answer to me. When I am gone, you are in charge.’” Markus shrugs, “Estrella and I have been here ever since.”
“That is quite a story.” Ellius set his silverware down, “Thank you for the meal Estrella, Markus.”
“You’ll come back for dinner?” Estrella questioned.
“If you do not mind, Estrella, Ellius will be joining you for all meals during his stay.” Rafael rose from his seat.
“Oh? Well that is perfectly alright with me.” Estrella smiled.
“Well, I will see you later then, good day to you.” Markus shook Ellius’ hand.
“I will see you latter on.” Ellius calmly strode out the door, Rafael close behind. Soon the two of them were once again sitting comfortably in Ellius’ living room.
“Before I begin training you, there are two things I need.”
Rafael looked up, “What?”
“For one, my katari, secondly, my book “Extremum Bonorum” I had sent them ahead of me to Levis. Count Horatio LeMar will have them in the great hall, above the fireplace. This will be a test for you. You are to go in, and get them. Understood?”
“Should not take to long,” Rafael shrugged, “I will be back before dinner.”
“We will see.”
Rafael stood up, raising his hand and creating a warp panel as he did so. Stepping through the warp panel, Rafael disappeared from view. Ellius stood up and went to find Markus. As he had hoped, Markus was sitting under a small oak tree nearby. “Markus, I need your help with something.”
Markus looked at Ellius curiously, “I am listening.”
“Good, here is what I need…”
A Draken Rising; Part 6
Stepping through the warp panel, Rafael found himself standing in a back alley of Levis. Walking forward, Rafael followed the alleyway to the place it joined with the main street, and began planning his next move. He would have to find a way past the guards and into the palace without looking suspicious, after that he would need to locate the great hall. Rafael mingled with the crowd and began making his way towards the palace gates. As he listened to the conversations around him, Rafael learned that there was going to be a great fireworks display later, once the sunset that night. When Rafael had nearly reached the gates, one particular conversation caught his attention.“Riley, the Count has ordered six of those flags to be delivered to the great hall without delay, I need you to take all six, and cut down on delivery time. Off with you now.”
“No can do boss, flags are heavy, I can only carry two at a time.”
The boss shook his head in disgust, “I need all six delivered Riley.”
“Excuse me,” Rafael stepped over to the business man “I overheard your conversation, perhaps I could be of assistance, I can easily carry all six flags at once.”
The man’s eye’s lit up, “Would you sir? Thank you. These are the flags to be delivered, take them straight to the great hall if you will please.”
Rafael easily lifted the six flags, “I will deliver them right away.” Turning, Rafael made his way up to the gate; once there he called out to one of the guards, “I have a delivery for the Count, might I be permitted to pass?”
One of the guards nodded and opened the gate to let Rafael through, “It’s about time those flags arrived, hurry on up and take them to the great hall.”
Rafael nodded politely, “Of course.” Once he had entered the courtyard, he heard the gate latch shut behind him; calmly he continued onward. Once inside, Rafael continued walking straight towards a large set of mahogany double doors at the end of a brief walk-way. As Rafael came to those doors, he paused; there was an intense argument going on inside.
“Darion! You know as well as I that Ellius can be trusted. He is a man of honor, and kindness.”
“Emily, there are other things in life. BAH!!! Why do I even bother?”
Rafael stepped back quickly as the double doors slammed open, and the man called Darion came storming out. As Darion shoved past Rafael, Rafael noticed a cold glint in Darion’s light-blue eyes; the same cold glint the often saw in the eyes of Cao, and his father. As Darion stomped down the hall, a cold chill ran up Rafael’s back, making him shudder.
“Oh dear, I’m so sorry about that,” the young lady spoke apologetically, “Darion Casteleor is a short man, with an even shorter fuse.” The lady smiled, “ I am Emily Kaio, I see that you brought the flags, thank you. The old ones are beginning to tear, would you mind putting the new ones up for me?”
Rafael smiled gently, “I will do that for you miss, no worries.”
“Thank you again,” Emily sighed and shook her head, “I had better go find Darion, make sure he has not smashed anything; the mood he is in.” Emily quickly followed in the direction Darin had taken just a few moments before.
Rafael stepped inside the great hall, and shut the doors behind him. First things first, Rafael went around the room, and took down the old flags, replacing them with the new ones he had carried in. Now, were had Ellius said his things would be? Ah yes, above the fireplace. Walking over to the roaring flames, he stood there for a moment, enjoying the fire, before reaching up and grabbing the katari and book that rested above the fireplace.
“Those do not belong to you.”
Rafael turned quickly to look at the speaker.
“What is your name?”
“What is yours?” Rafael replied.
The man’s hazel eyes twinkled, pushing back his pure white hair with his left hand, he chuckled. “A guessing game? Ah, but that is not fair, everyone around here knows me, after all, I am the one in charge of these parts.”
Rafael noticed that the man’s right arm was in a sling. “I take it that you are Count LeMar. It is a pleasure to meet you, now if you will excuse me, I must be on my way.”
“You are not leaving with those things.”
Rafael frowned, “Count, you are wounded, and I would prefer not to fight you.”
The Count drew his katari with his left hand, “I may be wounded, but I am not going to allow you to simply leave with those.”
Rafael set the book down on the table, before lifting Ellius’s katari, and slowly moving forward.
The Count lunged forward.
Rafael lifted the blade, and parried.
The Count slashed to the left, when that was blocked, he sliced to the right, never letting up on his attack.
Rafael found himself being pushed back. To his dismay, the Count seemed to have the upper hand fighting at a distance. Suddenly Rafael realized something, the Count may fight well at a distance, but up close, with that injury…, Rafael ducked under a slash before leaping forward and locking blades with the Count. Quickly, Rafael reached up with his free hand and grabbed the Count’s wrist. Squeezing, and twisting, Rafael forced the Count to drop his blade. As the Count sank down to his knees, Rafael kicked the Count’s katari to the side.
“You are quite skilled, but you are no Draken, who are you?” The Count calmly questioned.
Rafael shook his head, “I cannot tell you that.”
“I see.” The Count’s voice remained calm as he spoke, even though death could be only seconds away. “So what now? I am at you mercy, will you finish me, or let me live?”
The two of them locked eyes for a moment, before Rafael finally spoke. “I did not wish to fight you to begin with Count. You are wounded already, and now unarmed, it would be nothing but cruelty and brutality to end you life now.” Rafael stepped over to the table, and took Ellius’s book in hand once again, before raising his hand, and creating a warp panel beside him. “Good-day Count, enjoy the festivities tonight,” stepping through the warp panel, Rafael disappeared.
Slowly the Count stood to his feet. There had been something in that boy’s eyes; when the two of them had locked eyes, the Count had known he was going to be spared. The Count sighed, now he would have to explain to Ellius why his things were missing, but were was Ellius? Who was that boy, and why did he take those things? The Count sheathed his katari.
Time would tell…
A Draken Rising; Part 7
Rafael stepped through the warp panel to find himself back at the eastern spring of the oasis. Quickly he began making his way to were Ellius would be staying for the next six months. As he approached, he saw Ellius come to the door, “I am back with your things Ellius.”“Good, very good. Come here.”
Rafael obeyed, and soon Ellius had his things back. Ellius sheathed his katari on his left side, before looking lovingly at the book. “It is good to have these back again. Wait for a moment while I put my book inside.” Ellius disappeared inside for a moment, before coming back outside. “There we go. Come, it is about
dinner time now, Markus and Estrella will be waiting.”
Ellius and Rafael walked over to Markus house in complete silence, each caught up in thoughts of the day. Rafael was puzzled, what had Emily meant when she spoke about honor, trust, and kindness? He had never heard those words before. As dinner began, Rafael continued to puzzle over those three words.
“Captain, is something wrong? You have a confused look on your face,” Marcus questioned.
Rafael snapped back to reality. “Do you ever miss anything Markus?” Rafael chuckled, “It is nothing really, I have a few questions for Ellius later on, that is all.”
“Uh-huh… well, alright then,” Markus shrugged, “I probably would not have been able to answer the questions anyhow.”
Rafael grinned, “Well here is a question you can answer, how is that little chestnut mare doing?”
Markus eye’s lit up, “She’s doing right well, she’ll be giving birth within a fortnight, and…”
Dinner finished quickly, and soon Rafael and Ellius were back in Ellius’ place. Rafael was sitting in a chair that Ellius had set in the center of the room. Ellius stood in front of him.
“Captain, I am going to read your mind, and go through the events that took place on your mission. Are you ready?”
Rafael nodded, “Yes.”
Ellius took a place behind Rafael, and put his hands on Rafael’s shoulders, “This will only take a minute, now, close your eyes.”
Slowly Rafael closed his eyes; he could feel a strong presence enter into his mind. It seemed like his memories were being sifted through, one by one, scenes of the last few hours appeared before him; first, the back-alley, then the crowded streets; the business, then the guard; the cold glint in Darion’s eye, the apologetic look on Emily’s face, and finally the eye’s of the Count, the eyes of the Count staring into his own as the Count knelt at Rafael’s mercy. Then the scenes cleared, and the presence that had sifted threw his memories gently left.
“Open your eyes,” Ellius’ soft voice commanded.
As Rafael opened his eyes, he saw that Ellius had pulled up a chair, and was sitting in front of him.
“You did well,” Ellius nodded approvingly, “You were able to do exactly as I requested, and you even managed to bring Count Horatio to his knees, that does not happen very often. I am somewhat concerned about what you saw in in Darion, but this is not the time to worry about that. Now, at dinner you said you have some questions to ask me, what are they?”
Rafael bowed his head for a moment before speaking, “Kindness… honor… trust. That lady Emily seemed to hold those things in high regard. What are they?
Never have I heard of them, and they seem to be important.”
“Never heard of them? Hmm…” Ellius stood up and walked over to the fireplace, reaching up, he lifted a piece of paper and a pen from where they lay, before taking a seat at the dining room table, and beginning to write. “Count Horatio LeMar is my cousin, and half-brother, he is far better at explaining such things then I am.” Ellius blew on the ink to dry it, before folding, and sealing it . “Give this to Horatio, he is usually in the great hall playing his violin at this hour.” Ellius handed the letter to Rafael, “We will discuss this farther in the morning.”
Rafael nodded, “Of course Ellius. I will see you in the morning.”
“Goodnight Captain.”
“Goodnight Ellius.” Rafael calmly formed a warp panel, and stepped through.
A Draken Rising; Part 8
The sound of a violin playing rose up to the rafters where Rafael now stood. Looking downward, Rafael saw that no-one other than the Count was inside the great hall. Silently, Rafael dropped to the floor.“Did you forget something when you left earlier?” The Count gently set his violin down on the table.
Rafael shook his head, “I suppose you could say I forgot an explanation. Ellius told me to get his katari and his book. Perhaps if I had explained, we would have avoided our little fight.”
“Ellius sent you?” A worried frown came onto the Counts face.
“Yes. Do not worry, he is perfectly fine, and safe. Here. He wrote you a letter.” Rafael handed the Count the letter.
“That is his seal for certain,” The Count opened the letter, and read over it quickly. “Interesting. He calls you the ‘Captain.’ He tells me I will have to find out your name for myself.
So, you have never heard of trust, honor, and kindness? That makes me wonder what else you have never heard of.” The Count set the letter down. “Honor… is incredibly difficult to explain. You show honor, when you keep your word no matter how hard it is to do so. You show honor when you show respect to others, when you protect the weak, and help the poor. Honor is so much…” The Count looked over at Rafael, “Came back tomorrow afternoon, I will assist in your training as Ellius requested. All I ask is that you address me as Horatio.” Horatio’s eye’s twinkled, “I get rather sick of being called Count this, and Count that all the time.”
“Of course Horatio,” Rafael nodded, “I will tell Ellius for you.”
“Goodbye Captain.”
“Goodbye Horatio.” Rafael quickly formed a warp panel, and stepped threw it to
arrive back at the southern spring. Honor… it seemed like such a good thing, but it also seemed to contradict all that he ever knew. Rafael walked over to the spring, and sat down. Horatio was a good man, so was Ellius. Rafael could tell that this training by them was going to be a new beginning for him. He just hoped he would not let them down. Next time he saw Horatio, he would explain who he was. If Horatio was going to train him, the Count had a right to know, besides, it might help him explain things.
Rafael laid down on the soft, cool grass. Slowly his eyes closed as sleep fell upon him.
A Draken Rising; Part 9
The next morning came swiftly, and Ellius rose with the sun Once dressed, Ellius went outside in search of Rafael. Eventually he found Rafael, balancing on a short stone pillar next to the eastern spring. “Good morning Captain.”“Ellius.” Rafael jumped down from the pillar. “Horatio sends you his greetings, and his response. He says he is perfectly willing to assist in my training.”
“Excellent. Did he say anything else?”
“Well, he spoke of honor,” Rafael turned to Ellius and spoke earnestly. “Honor seems to me to be a very good thing, yet it goes against any and everything I have ever been taught. Protect the weak? Were I come from, the weak are eliminated. This word, honor, it is hard for me to understand.”
Ellius smiled, “Honor is a complex word, it means so much. There are many other things that you must understand before honor can be fully understood.”
“I will learn.” Rafael shook his head, “My entire life I have felt as if there was a gaping hole inside me, a great hurt.”
Ellius looked at Rafael. The boy was full of so much sadness, so much hurting! “Perhaps as your training progresses, we will be able to fill that hole, and heal that hurt.”
Rafael starred of into the distance. “Perhaps we will.” Everything went silent for a moment, before Rafael spoke once again, “Estrella will have breakfast ready by now, she always does. After that I will be going on a ride. Would you like to join me?”
Ellius nodded, “Of course.”
The two of them turned and began walking towards Markus’s house. When they got there, they found breakfast ready and waiting.
“Well there you are, eat up.” Estrella dished their plates as Ellius and Rafael took their seats.
“Where is Markus?”
“He is with the horses. One of the stallions has gone lame, and that husband of mine is trying to find out why,” Estrella replied.
“I hope it is not the speckled gray, I was going to take him out today,” Rafael frowned.
“Even if it is, you have plenty of horses to choose from,” Estrella laughed, “I’ve lost count of how many horses you have here.”
Once breakfast was over, Ellius set down his silverware, “Thank you once again for such a wonderful meal Estrella.”
“Will you be joining the Captain on a ride today?” Estrella questioned.
“Yes, I will be.” Ellius replied.
“Have a nice ride.”
“Thank you Estrella, I will see you later.” Ellius and Rafael stood to their feet.
“Good-day Estrella,” Rafael said.
“Bye Captain,” she replied.
With that, they left. “So where are the horses kept?,” Ellius questioned.
“This way Ellius.” Rafael began walking quickly westward, Ellius close behind. Soon they came to the top of a little hill.
Looking down, Ellius stared in amazement, “Why, there must be over a hundred horses here!”
“Mornin’ Cap’in.” A young boy, about seven or eight years old, looked up at Rafael.
“Morning Adam. Ellius and I are going on a ride. Could you fetch me Pepper and Ifrit?”
Adam jumped to his feet, “Quick as a cheetah Cap’in.” With that, Adam darted away.
Rafael looked over at Ellius, “Adam is an orphan, I found him two years ago, stranded in the Barren Waste. Once I brought him back here, we quickly found out that he has a knack with horses.”
“Poor lad, where does he stay?”
“We have a large stable here, for animals who need special attention. Adam has made himself a room in the loft, and he stay’s there. Some of the families take turns preparing food for him. Ah, look, he is back already.”
“Here we are Cap’in. Pepper is all hot-to-trot to get a runnin’, and Ifrit is too.” Adam grinned, “You want saddles, or are you going bareback?”
“No saddle for me Adam.” Rafael mounted Pepper smoothly.
Ellius mounted Ifrit, “I will be going bareback as well.”
Adam grinned, “Suit yourself. Have a nice ride.”
Rafael grinned. “I always do.” Turning Pepper to the south, Rafael set of at a trot, Ellius right beside him.
A Draken Rising; Part 10
“The sand seems to stretch on forever,” Ellius murmured.Rafael’s eyes twinkled, “Yes, but what mysteries hide within its bounds?”
“What is that over there?” Ellius Pointed to a red object of in the distance.
“I will show you,” Rafael grinned, “Race you there.”
“You’re on.”
The two of them spurred their mounts forward into a gallop, each racing for the lead. First Rafael was in the lead on Pepper, then Ellius and Ifrit pulled ahead. When they finally reached their destination, they were dead even.
“Excellent ride Ellius! I have not had such a good ride in sometime.” Rafael dismounted, and led Pepper over to a small spring. As Pepper and Ifrit quenched their thirst at the spring, Rafael and Ellius looked up at the great red flag mounted beside the spring. Rafael smiled, “I have been mapping out the Barren Waste as best as I can. The map is at Markus place right now. I have mapped out everything within a days ride of the oasis. Any spring that I have found, I marked with a flag such as this one.” Rafael leaned against the flagpole.
“You like to explore?”
“I like to know,” Rafael sighed, “The Barren Waste is a great mystery. I wish to know what it is, what it holds, its size, and what is beyond. Besides that, it is a good… distraction.”
“What do you mean, a distraction?”
“When I feel like I am going to lose my temper, I come out to the Barren Waste.
Out here I can cool off, so to speak.”
“In anger, and in hate, your strength increases yes, but so does your weakness,” Ellius softly said.
“Indeed. That I know full well, and yet,” Rafael shrugged, “Hate and anger, pleasure in causing pain, that is what I have been taught my entire life. Yet I know those things are wrong. When I cause pain to innocents, when I see fear in the eyes of the helpless, when I see harm come to those that have done nothing wrong, I find no pleasure. Instead of pleasure, I feel pain myself, a great pain within me that comes on like a great sickness.”
“You speak of sadness.”
“Yes, that pain you speak of is sadness.” Ellius looked Rafael straight in the
eyes, “Sadness can hurt a lot. You feel it when you lose something you are fond of, or when something happens that you know is not right. There are many things that cause sadness. This entire world is full of sadness. Joy is the opposite of sadness, and is becoming very rare these days. The Drakens were founded by the Great Emperor to put an end to the causes of fear, and sadness. The Great Emperor’s son came to this world hundreds of years ago as the first Draken, a Pure Draken. That Prince sacrificed his life so that all people could enjoy true safety, peace, joy, and so much more. Yet now he has been forsaken, but he has not forsaken us.”
“Who is the Great Emperor?” Rafael questioned.
“He is the almighty creator. He made everything. His son, the Prince, is called the Protector, the Judge, the Shepherd, and the Healer. He has many other names as well.”
A Draken Rising; Part 11
“Rafael, how did you find the oasis?” Ellius questioned softly.Rafael looked down at the ground, “It is a long story Ellius, and a strange one. Sometimes I do not believe it myself.”
“We have time, tell it to me.”
“Alright. I was ten years old at the time, and I had given up on everything. I wanted to get away from Caligo, I craved death, if death was the only escape. At the time, it seemed that way.
I took a satchel of gold with me to Levis, and purchased a good, strong, horse there. Then I simply pointed myself Southward, and took off. I took nothing with me, no food, water, nothing at all. I continued onward until the horse was stumbling from thirst, and I myself was feeling ill. I stopped the horse, and dismounted, before collapsing to the ground. I do not know how long I laid there, a few moments, maybe hours, but I simply laid there.
Then I heard something, the sound of trickling water. I crawled towards the sound, and fell into a deep pool of cool refreshing water. Once I quenched my thirst, I looked around me; only moments before there had been nothing but sand, now there was a great spring, surrounded with the greenest grass I had ever seen. I waited until my horse had refreshed himself, then I mounted once again, and continued south.
Again, I went on until both myself and my horse were on the verge of collapsing, and again I found myself revived at one of these small springs. At this spring, there was a large bush beside the spring, with little berries strewn throughout its branches. I drank and ate, before continuing south once more. This same thing continued to repeat itself over the next ten days.
On the eleventh morning, I mounted my horse, and rode to the top of a nearby hill, only to see this oasis. I looked back towards the spring I had just slept at, but it was no longer there. I rode into the oasis, only to meet a strange man there. I - I cannot remember him exactly, but I remember his eyes, his eyes that held every color. As he spoke with me, I began to feel like I actually had a purpose. He told me there was work for me to do, when I asked him what he meant by that, he told me that my time was still coming, but I would learn. It is that man who taught me how to create a warp panel.
I stayed at the oasis for some time before returning to Caligo, my father had not even noticed that I was gone. Weekly I traveled back to the oasis. That man told me that I needed houses, so we built them together over the next two years. Then one day he said that he was leaving, he created a warp panel, and told me that on the other side was a couple lost in the woods that needed to come here. I stepped through the panel, and found Markus and Estrella moments later. When we returned to the oasis, the man was gone. I have not seen him since.” Rafael sighed, “I wish that I could remember his name…”
Rafael shook his head, "But enough stories for now, I have more to show you. Come.
“Of course,” Ellius murmured. The two of them mounted up, and continued southward.
A Draken Rising; Part 12
Ellius noticed something looming in the distance, “And what is that?”“Ruins. Come, I will show you.” Ten minuets passed before they finally came to a stop in front of an old city gate.
Above the gate, there was a large engraving that read, Come Friends, We Welcome Thee! Come Foe, We Shall Bury Thee! Come All, Our Wealth To See! Marvel At Our Greatness!
“Once, they must have been great, now they are nothing. Pitiful.” Rafael shook his head. “Inside of this gate is another engraving that reads ‘Welcome to Osadious! Friends, rejoice! Here is paradise! Foes, tremble! Here your death awaits!’ A prideful boast for certain. Inside these walls stand buildings of marble, pearl, gold and silver; all overflowing with the riches of this world. Diamonds, and other gems lay strewn about those now empty homes; unwashed, unknown, covered in soot and dust.”
“So this is the ancient city of Osadious.” Ellius gazed at the ruins in astonishment, “In history, there are many stories about this place, but none of those stories can be confirmed, and so they are called legends, even myths. To think that this place truly does exist…”
“There is a giant library straight ahead. All of the manuscripts are well preserved, and well organized. The history of this place, from its foundation, to its ruin, are all recorded for any who wishes to learn. It is a rather interesting tale actually.” Rafael turned his horse so that he could better see Ellius, “It may not be much, but as a token of my thanks for you training me, I will teach you. I will teach you everything I know about this city, and the Barren Waste. I will unveil as many of there mysteries for you as I can.”
Ellius looked over at Rafael, “You know you do not have to.”
“But I want to.” Rafael turned his horse, and spurred the horse forward into a trot, “There is something inside that I wish you to see.” Rafael and Ellius rode into the town, and dismounted next to an old marble fountain. Together they walked over to an old blacksmith’s shop. Stopping next to the door, Rafael pointed towards a great boulder that lay, split in two, next to the entrance. Broken shards of metal lay strewn all about it. “I am the one who split that boulder, when I first made my katari.” Rafael gently drew his blade, and sank its tip into the rock. The katari shown a brilliant gold aura, with small black and red threads of light twirling throughout it.
“Your blade’s aura was black at the caravan,” Ellius lifted an eyebrow.
“It is always black when I am near a Wyrien. The Wyriens are rather suspicious about color, so I think that is why it shows black when they are near. Any time my katari shines when I am not around them, it shines as it is now, gold with threads of black and red.”
“That is understandable. There is a deep magic within the katari. There are some who say that the deep magic can respond to the needs of the one using the blade, if the deep magic considers the user worthy.”
Rafael sheathed his katari, for the next hour, he showed Ellius around the ruins, pointing out different significant places . Eventually he put a hand on Ellius shoulder, “Come, we should be returning to the oasis before long. I have more places to show you tomorrow, but we will return here soon.”
Ellius nodded, “I would like that.”
The two of them went and mounted up once again, before heading of towards the oasis at a full gallop.
A Draken Rising; Part 13
As lunch ended, Ellius leaned back in his chair. “Estrella, if you wanted to, you could become rich off your cooking.”Estrella laughed, “But we already are rich Ellius! Markus and I have everything we need, and much more. Besides, if I truly wanted to be rich by the world’s standards, I could ride over to Osadious, and bring back a sack or two of precious jewels.”
“So you have been there as well?” Ellius leaned forward.
‘Oh, once or twice.” Estrella looked over at Rafael, “Before Markus and I came here, we used to think that riches would make us happy. After we were here for a few months, the Captain took us to Osadious. Riches beyond our wildest dreams were there, just laying there to be taken. Markus and I could not believe how much was there, but it was then that we realized, those things, the gold, silver, the jewels, those are nothing. We were perfectly happy right here, at the oasis, without any of those things.” Estrella smiled, “The Captain has taught us a lot, even if he does not realize it.”
“And it is my turn to teach him.” Ellius stood to his feet, “Come Captain, it is time to begin your training.”
Rafael followed Ellius outside; soon the two of them were standing on an archery range. Ellius handed Rafael a bow, “First we will work on archery.”
“Of course,” Rafael calmly strung the bow.
“First, shoot three arrows at the target, so I can see what skill level you are at.”
Rafael nodded, drawing the bow, he aimed, and fired. The arrow flew threw the air, and buried itself into the top of the target. Rafael fired the second arrow, only to have it bury itself directly next to the first. The third arrow landed just above the first two, and as Rafael lowered his bow, he grimaced slightly. “I have been using the bow for years, but I have never had any actual training in archery.”
“For having no training, you are doing quite well. Now, watch me,” Ellius lifted his own bow. Calmly setting his arrow, he stood in the shooters stance. In one smooth motion, he drew his bow, aimed, and fired. The arrow flew true, and sank into the targets center. Ellius fired the two remaining arrows, before lowering his bow. Looking at the target, he smiled. All three of his arrows were clustered in the targets center. “By the end of six months, you will be shooting just as well.”
Rafael nodded, “Show me what to do.”
This continued on for an hour, Ellius correcting Rafael’s stance and draw as Rafael fired arrow after arrow. Finally Ellius nodded, “On to practicing with a shield.” Ellius led Rafael to a sand pit. Picking up a shield, he tossed it to Rafael, before lifting a small stick off from the ground. “Prepare yourself. You will be using the shield to defend yourself. Do it right, you will be fine, do it wrong, and you will end up with a few bruises.”
Rafael just stared at the shield for a moment; the Wyriens never used shields, and he had never held one before. Rafael looked up at Ellius, confusion in his eyes.
“Something wrong?” Ellius questioned.
“Ellius… how exactly am I supposed to use this? I am not entirely certain how to
hold it.”
Ellius lifted an eyebrow in surprise, “Haven’t you used a shield before?”
Rafael just shook his head.
“Alright, here is what you do…” Ellius patiently explained the proper way to hold a shield, and put it to use defending oneself. Finally, Rafael was ready.
“Prepare yourself then, here I come.” Ellius came forward quickly, and struck Rafael’s shoulder. “Move the shield quickly, anticipate your opponents movements.” Quickly, the stick struck out, and hit Rafael’s side. Rafael clenched his teeth, he would master the shield; he would… Ellius struck towards Rafael’s left, but this time Rafael blocked it. Ellius struck again and again, and by the time an hour had passed, Rafael was feeling sore all over. Eventually Ellius stepped back, “That is enough for today. Now, on to sword play.” Ellius set the stick down, “This exercise is a bit different,” Ellius took the shield, and set it next to the stick, “This will not last long, but you will be blindfolded.”
Rafael frowned, “Blindfolded? But how will I fight?”
Ellius took out a blindfold, “You will find a way. Now, you will not be fighting me in this, Markus and I used magic to create a virtual arena. You will fight five different opponents, each in a different place. I will be standing to the side, giving you instructions. Understood?”
Rafael drew his katari, “I understand. I will do my best.”
Ellius put the blindfold on Rafael before stepping back, “Can you hear me?”
“Good. Let’s begin.”
Rafael could not see what was going on, but he could sense something had changed. Slowly, he crouched down to the ground, and listened.
“Your first opponent is a tiger,” Ellius’ voice echoed in Rafael’s ears.
Rafael could sense something was near him. He could hear the grass moving beside him. Turning quickly, he slashed out. He felt his katari connect with something, and a furious hiss filled the air. Rafael moved quickly, and soon he could tell from the terrified hisses that the tiger was making that he had it cornered. Rafael slowly lowered his katari, and let his senses take control. He heard the creature leap; Rafael knelt to the ground and slashed upwards before rolling to the side. Without thinking, he stood to his feet, and stepped towards the tiger, before plunging his katari down into the tigers heart.
“Good job Captain.” Ellius called out, “Your next opponent is using a spear.”
Rafael could sense his surroundings changing. There was no sand or grass beneath his feet now, just cold hard stone. Lowering his katari, he listened. Where was his opponent? Rafael heard something moving to his left, he turned so he was facing it. He heard something moving through the air, and he brought his katari up to block. The blow was harsh, and Rafael felt himself being shoved backwards. Then he felt himself slammed backwards into a wall, his breath knocked out of him. Rafael struggled to free himself from his situation, but without his sight, he could do nothing effective. As Rafael felt his katari fly from his hand, he grit his teeth, what was he to do?
“Concentrate Captain. Channel your power, anticipate your opponent,” Ellius called out.
Rafael thought he sensed his opponent change his stance, quickly he raised his hand to grab the spear. As Rafael’s hand closed around the spear, his opponent grabbed a hold of his arm, and threw him to the ground. The next thing he knew, Rafael could feel the cold, hard end of the spear, at his throat.
“That is enough.” The surroundings around Rafael faded away, the cold hard stone beneath him returning to dry sand. Ellius took a hold of Rafael’s arm, and helped him to his feet, before removing the blindfold. “You did well against the tiger, but you still have much to learn.”
Rafael quietly sheathed his katari, “Never have I felt that way. I could do nothing, I was so…”
“Helpless?” Rafael looked at Ellius questioningly.
“Sometimes you can only learn, by living. That feeling, of having absolutely no control, no way to change what is going on, not even really understanding what is going on, that is what it means to be helpless.” Ellius looked into Rafael’s eyes, “That is how all prisoners feel when they are laying bound, and unable to defend themselves. Even I felt that way for a time when you first captured me.”
“Is this feeling always so unpleasant?”
Ellius nodded, “Yes, it is.” The two of them looked out over the sand before Ellius
turned back to Rafael once more, “Horatio will be in his personal sitting room at this hour; playing the piano no doubt. Now would be a good time to go and see him.”
Rafael nodded, “I will be on my way then.”
“I will see you again shortly,” said Ellius.
Rafael turned and formed a warp panel next to him, before stepping through.
A Draken Rising 14
As Rafael stepped through the warp panel onto the rafters in Horatio’s sitting room, a soft melody came to his ear. Looking downward, Rafael saw Horatio sitting at a beautiful mahogany piano, with his fingers dancing over the keys. Standing there, Rafael listened to the melody. It was a soothing sound; never had he heard anything like it.Horatio came to the end of a song , and stopped. Softly he called out, “Come down from the rafters Captain, there is no one else here.” Horatio stood to his feet as Rafael leaped down from the rafters.
“How could you tell I was here?” Rafael questioned.
“I may not have physically seen you, but I could sense you.” Horatio looked at Rafael’s arm, “You have quite a bruise forming.”
Rafael grimaced, “I had never used a shield my entire life until this afternoon. I’m sure I will have many more bruises by morning time.”
“Never used a shield before? Anywhere I have ever been, boys begin learning the use of a shield at a very early age.”
“Horatio,” Rafael paused, “Why are you so willing to train me, when you do not even know me? I am rather surprised, you have not asked for my name, or asked where I am from.”
“Ellius is going to train you.”
“You are two different people.”
“True.” Horatio nodded his head, “Young man, you may not know what the word honor means, yet you have honor within you. That, I can see clearly. That is all I need to know.” Horatio smiled slightly, “You could have killed me when we first met, but you did not.”
“How is your arm anyway? It was in a cast when we fought.”
“Yes, but my doctor finally returned from his trip a little after our fight. With him and his remedies, my arm was healed within an hour. It is still not back to its full strength, but no healing is instant.”
Rafael stared at the floor for a moment, before slowly beginning to speak, “Horatio, before you begin training me, I am going to explain to you who I am, where I come from. I feel you have a right to know. Once I have explained, you have every right to refuse to train me.”
Rafael had Horatio’s full attention, “Go on Captain, I’m listening.”
Rafael hesitated, uncertain how to go on, "Horatio, I know full well that you and Ellius are Myrthl Drakens, and among the top of you order. You have sworn oaths to protect the people, and to fight the Wyriens. The leader of the Wyriens is a man named Malus Cimmerii. The Wyriens are a group of thousands who have been trained to kill, torture, and feel hate." Rafael paused, "Throughout history, the Wyriens have accepted Drakens into their ranks, but there is not a single time that the Drakens have accepted a Wyrien into their ranks. Is that not the case?"
"That is the case."
"I am certain you know that Malus Cimmerii has one child, a son who is heir to the Wyrien throne."
"There have been reports that Malus has a son, but there have never been any reported sightings. It is the name of Cao Nocens that has spread, and become feared."
Rafael snorted, "Yes, Cao Nocens. He is well known isn't he? If he had the chance, he would become the heir to the throne. He has tried enough times; he only needs to get rid of me."
"Get rid of you?"
"Yes. I... I am Rafael Cimmerii, son of Malus Cimmerii, and heir to the Wyrien throne. Cao could have the throne for all I care, I dislike Caligo, and avoid it as much as I can."
Rafael, let me ask you something."
Rafael turned his back to Horatio, "What is it?"
"Rafael, do you find pleasure in killing, harming, or torturing others?"
Rafael shook his head, "No. Instead I feel pain myself, an inner pain like a foul sickness."
"And when you look at the prisoners, the slaves of Caligo, what do you think about?"
Rafael turned to face Horatio, a confused look on his face, "When I see how tired and hungry they are, I wish I could help, or free, them."
"It is for those very reasons that I say you have kindness and honor in your heart. It is also because of those reasons that Ellius is training you, and why I am willing to train you."
"Even though I am a Wyrien?"
"You are not one at heart, that is what counts. Rafael, you mat bear the name of your father, the name of Cimmerii, but you are not him. You are your own person."
"No one else seems to think that. People hear the name "Cimmerii," and they run for cover."
"I am not running. Neither is Ellius."
Rafael just starred at Horatio.
"Now I know why you have never used a shield before. The Wyriens prefer to hit and run. They never need to worry about defending themselves." Horatio smiled, " Now that I know a bit more about you, I will be better able to explain things."
"So you will still train me?"
Rafael tilted his head to the side, "I begin to understand what you mean by honor, yet it seems to go so much deeper then I ever would have thought."
"It goes far deeper indeed, but you must first understand trust, kindness, gentleness, courage, and generosity, before you can truly understand honor."
"I see." Rafael thought for a moment, "Horatio, this morning Ellius mentioned someone called 'The Prince.' Can you tell me about him? Ellius said that he died for the people. I do not understand this, how can he die, and still be with us?"
"To fully understand that, you must first understand death."
"Understand death?" Rafael frowned.
"Yes, understand death. You see, when a person dies, they do not come back in a different form, or cease to exist completely. When they die, they go to one of two places; Infierno, or Aether."
"Infierno? The very sound of that word makes me feel dread." Rafael shivered.
"It is a horrible place, tha-"
A knocking at the door interrupted Horatio.
"Count, may I come in?" A gentle voice called out.
"Just a moment Emily, the door is locked."
Of course." Emily respectfully replied.
Horatio turned back to were Rafael had been standing just in time to see the boy disappear through a warp panel. Shaking his head, he walked over to the door to let Emily in.
A Draken Rising; 15
"Infierno? Aether? I have heard whispers of such places, but what are they?" Rafael tossed a stone into the spring before leaning back against the great oak."Well hello Cap'in! There you are, Estrella's got dinner all ready. Come along now so we can eat."
Rafael smiled, "Coming Markus."
A few moments later found everyone gathered around the table, fully enjoying a nice venison stew.
Rafael set his spoon down with a contented smile on his face, "Markus, how are the horses? I heard that one of them is lame?"
Markus frowned, "It's that little Morgan Ms.Daentrea is so found of. She's not very happy about it."
No doubt Ms.Daentrea is very worried about the horse." Rafael smirked slightly.
"Aye, she is worried alright, "Markus grumbled, "She's about worried my ear right off."
"The Captain and I visited Osadious this morning." Ellius set down his silverware. "Spectacular place, and at the same time, a warning."
"A warning? What do you mean?" Estrella said.
"Stories tell about that cities strength, and how it stood against armies of several hundred thousand. Now it lies abandoned, and in ruins." Ellius frowned, "If we assume we are safe, we let down our guard, and become week. If the Drakens do not keep a vigilant watch, Levis and Aduro shall share Osadious fate."
Ellius stood to his feet, "Wonderful meal as usual Estrella, Markus. Thank you. I will see you in the morning."
Rafael also stood, "Goodnight Markus, Estrella, I will see you in the morning as well."
"Goodnight Captain."
"'Night Cap'in."
Ellius and Rafael left. Silently they walked over to Ellius's house. Soon they were seated in the living room.
"How did your meeting with Horatio go?"
"It went… well."
"Tell me." Ellius said.
Rafael nodded before beginning to softly speak. "I felt that he had a right to know who I was before he agreed to train me. I asked why he was willing to train me, when he did not even know who I was. He told me that I have honor."
"You do."
Rafael looked at Ellius for a moment before continuing, "After I told him my name, he asked me if I found pleasure in hurting others. I told him that I feel pain myself." Rafael paused.
"Go on." Ellius prodded.
“Horatio asked me what I think about when I see the slaves in Caligo.”
“When you see them, you wish to help them.”
Rafael nodded, “Yes. Horatio told me that it is for that reason that you two are willing to train me. He said that you see kindness, and honor in me.”
Ellius closed his eyes for a moment, “On the outside, you are a Wyrien, but not on the inside.”
“Do you really believe that Ellius? I have been raised as a Wyrien, to someday take the throne; I am a Cimmerii.”
“By name, yes, but you are your own person.” Ellius tilted his head to the side, “This confuses you?”
“My entire life, people hear the name, Cimmerii, and they assume I am evil. Away from Caligo, I have never been able to use my own name. You, and Horatio are the first to have looked past my name.”
Silence filled the room for a moment as they were each caught up in their own thoughts. Finally, Rafael spoke, “Ellius, what is Infierno?”
Ellius lifted an eyebrow, “Infierno? That place is a horrible place. After death, a person spends eternity in Infierno, or Aether. Infierno is a place of eternal darkness, and eternal fire. It never stops burning, the pain never stops. It is the eternal punishment. Aether is the place of eternal peace, an eternal reward.”
“Infierno, Aether. Eternal punishment, eternal reward.” Rafael shook his head, and stood up, “Excuse me Ellius, but I need to be alone. I will see you in the
“Goodnight lad.”
“Goodnight Ellius.” Rafael stepped outside into the starlight night. As he walked towards the southern spring, he pondered over what he had just learned. Infierno sounded like such a horrible place, and Aether sounded like such a good one.
Rafael sighed as he sat down next to the spring, and watched the freshwater bubbling up out of the ground. Why had he never heard about those places? What more did he not know? Rafael spoke softly, “It seems that the more I learn, the more there is to learn.” Rafael laid down in the grass, and stared up at the stars, “I must learn. That is my only choice, I will learn.”
Slowly, Rafael closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep.
A Draken Rising; 16
“You are an early riser aren’t you?” Ellius chuckled.Rafael jumped down from the balancing pole, “No reason to let the morning go to waste.” Rafael smiled, “Enjoy your breakfast?”
“Hard not to.”
“Good. Now, I have another place to show you this morning.”
“Oh? Then let’s get going.”
Soon they were down at the stable, mounting up.
“What direction today?” Ellius asked.
“Just follow me.” Rafael turned towards the east, and spurred his horse into a gallop. The two of them rode for a full hour before coming to the gates of a small town. Neither had spoken during their ride, and it was not until they reached the center of the town that Rafael broke the silence.
“Look at this place Ellius. It is in perfect condition outwardly; it looks like people were living here yesterday.” Rafael shook his head, “There is no one here. This place has been deserted for years. It is empty, and meaningless. There is no purpose for its existence.”
Ellius looked questioningly at Rafael, “You are not just speaking about this town are you?”
Rafael starred off into the distance, “Sometimes I feel like this place. On the outside I am fit and skilled, and yet--- and yet inside of me is a great emptiness, a great--- sadness; I do not know how to change that feeling.”
“I once felt the same way.”
Rafael looked at Ellius curiously, “You felt this way?”
Ellius nodded, “When I was very young, my parents were killed by the Wyriens, making me an orphan. I was so angry over what happened, that I swore I would kill every Wyrien alive. That is when I started studying to become a Draken.
My Aunt and Uncle adopted me, making my cousin, Horatio, into a half-brother. He was also studying to become a Draken. When I told him about my goals, he challenged me to a contest, a contest to see who could learn the history of the Drakens first. I never was one to turn down a competition, so I agreed.
As I began looking into the Draken history, I began learning about the Great Emperor. It was not until I accepted his love for me that I realized that I had a purpose in life.” Ellius sighed, “I do my best to continue the work of the Great Emperor. I am trying to make people remember Him. The entire world has fallen away from Him. He has nearly been forgotten, even though He is with us every day. He is the one who founded the Drakens, through his son, as a way to protect his people. Now, even the Drakens have begun to forget Him.”
For a moment, all that could be heard was the sound of the gentle wind dancing over the cobblestone streets.
“Let’s go back to the oasis.” Rafael turned his horse, and began a slow trot back to the oasis, Ellius following silently behind.
Ellius was an orphan? His parents had been killed by Wyriens? In truth Rafael was not surprised. The Wyriens were the cause of most tragedies that took place in the country. Ellius had become a Draken for the sole purpose of revenge, yet now he had set aside his hatred to train a member of the very group that had killed his parents. This was confusing to Rafael. As the oasis came into view, Rafael slowed to a stop.
"What is it?" Ellius stopped beside him.
"How did you get past your anger? Your hate? It was the Wyriens who killed your family, and now you are training a member of that very group you swore to destroy. How did you stop hating?"
"I have never stopped hating, I have simply learned where to place my hate."
"What do you mean?"
"Yes, I hate the fact that my parents were killed, but it is the action I hate, not the people. For example, if a horse kicks you, you hate the fact that the horse kicked you, but you do not hate the horse. I hate the different bad things that I see people doing, but just because I hate the action does not mean I hate the person."
Rafael scowled, "I am not sure I understand."
"Think about it, it will make sense in time."
A few moments later, they dismounted their horses and handed the reigns over to Adam.
Ellius looked up towards the sun, "It's about lunchtime. Ready to go eat?"
"Not today Ellius. Go on without me."
"Oh? Well then, meet me back at my house in two hours."
"Rafael nodded, "I'll be there."
Rafael watched as Ellius walked away. Hate the actions... not the people. Rafael sighed, and shook his head. Was he supposed to hate what Cao and his father, Malus, did without hating them as well? Was that even possible? The things that once seemed certain now made little sense at all.
A Draken Rising; 17
"I am going to read your mind again. Are you ready?"Rafael nodded slowly, and sat down on a stool in the center of Ellius' living room. "Go ahead." As he closed his eyes, he felt Ellius' hands gently fall on his shoulders. He took a long, slow breath, preparing himself. Once again he felt a strong presence entering his mind. This time the presence sifted through some of his older memories. For a time, that was alright, but then it began looking at a particular collection of memories. Rafael's mind through up a wall. 'Please, not there...' he thought.
"Rafael," Ellius spoke softly, "Let me see."
Reluctantly, Rafael removed the barrier, then Ellius and Rafael entered into that collection of memories.
These memories were all memories of failure... of laughter. The memories of all the times that Cao and his father had mocked him for something failed are not done right in their eyes. Memories of them laughing at him. Laughing... laughing...
Rafael began to shake, "Stop it. Make it stop..."
Rafael felt the presence of Ellius leave his memories, but he still continued to shake. "They laughed," he swallowed hard, "Every time I failed, they laughed, as if it were funny. Was I some Jester to be watched for entertainment? They seemed to think so." Rafael sighed, and ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm himself.
"And so you fear failure." Ellius stated quietly.
"Fear failure?" Rafael finally stopped shaking, "I hate failure, but fear it? I never thought of it that way. Yes, I suppose you could say that I fear failure." Rafael stood, and turned to face Ellius.
Ellius had gotten out a piece of paper, and was quickly writing a letter.
"For Horatio?"
Ellius glanced over the letter, before sealing it. "Yes, for Horatio." Ellius looked up at Rafael, "He will be in the Great Hall at this hour." He handed Rafael the letter.
I will be on my way then." Rafael formed a warp panel, and stepped through.
A Draken Rising; 18
Horatio was standing in front of the fireplace, watching the crackling flames as Rafael stepped through the warp panel onto the rafters. As Rafael dropped to the floor, Horatio turned to look at him, "Good to see you again Rafael.""You as well Horatio." Rafael held out the note, "Ellius sends his greetings."
"Oh?" Horatio opened the letter and read it before chuckling softly. "He wants to
know when the next tournament will be held."
"Tournament, what type of tournament?"
"Oh, it's a combination of all types of skills. Two contestants at a time. Each contest begins at a different end of the stadium, and races to be the first to reach the middle platform. Each time the course is different; rolling logs, moving platforms, and balancing beams are only a few of the surprises a contestant might meet. Once the contestants reach the center, they battle."
"If they are going to battle anyway, then why do they race to be first?"
Horatio smiled, "The person to get their first chooses the weapons that they use."
"Do they fight to the death?" Rafael questioned.
"No. The weapons are all holograms. The only thing real about them is the stone used to place the spell in. The most damage one of those can do is cause a bruise. The moment a blow is struck that would normally be fatal, the weapons disappear, and a light shines on the winner."
Rafael shook his head, "Sounds like a challenge."
"Oh, it is. It takes a lot of courage to enter a competition like that."
"Courage is the act of facing the odds, even when those odds are uncertain. It is the act of standing up to something, or someone, when others will not." Horatio looked towards the doorway, "I happen to have a model of one of the first tournament courses out is the garden. Would you like to see it?"
Rafael nodded, "Yes, I would, but what if I am seen?"
"If you are worried about being seen, how about I go out to the garden now, and
you make your way out in a few minutes?"
Rafael relaxed his shoulders slightly, "Alright."
Horatio grinned, and shook his head, "I am reminded of when I was younger. Ellius and I used to sneak out of the castle all the time." Turning, he walked out the doorway, and quietly slipped out."
Rafael waited for a few minutes before silently slipping out of the Great Hall. Once he was in the hallway, he climbed up onto the rafters, and began making his way out to the garden.
A Draken Rising; 19
"Hm? What's going on?" Rafael paused as he reached the entryway to the garden.He could hear the sounds of metal meeting metal. Silently he slipped into the garden. As his mind registered what was happening, Rafael's face went pale.
Horatio was frantically defending himself against five men. Taking one look, Rafael recognized them as part of the Acerbus, the elite of the Wyriens. As Rafael watched, he saw Horatio loose his grip. Horatio's katari flew from his hand, landing out of reach. One of the Wyriens punched Horatio in the stomach, making him double over in pain. Then two of them pinned Horatio to the wall. The Wyrien that had punched him held a sword to his throat.
Rafael felt himself moving forward before he even fully realized what he was doing. He did not think, he only reacted. He silently drew his blade as he ran to help Horatio. The Wyriens did not even realize Rafael was there until one of them had their head roll of their shoulders, onto the ground. Rafael quickly stabbed
the two Wyriens holding Horatio, before turning to face the two remaining men.
"Master Rafael?" One of the Wyriens questioned, his eyes growing wide, "Traitor!" His eyes narrowed, "When your father finds out about this..."
Rafael lunged forward. He was not going to let his father find out.
The Wyrien parried, before slashing to the right. Rafael leaped over the slash, before bring his sword around quickly, slicing into his opponents side.
The Wyrien hesitated.
Rafael's blade flashed out, the tip of the blade slicing into the man's eye, blinding him. As the Wyrien stumbled backwards, Rafael quickly leaped forward, and finished the man off.
Once the fourth Wyrien was downed, Rafael frantically scanned the area for the last one. There he was. He was on the other side of the garden, sprinting for the exit. Rafael knew he could not let the man escape. Taking his katari, he threw it like a javelin, and it flew true. The katari sank into the man's chest, and brought him to the ground.
The color returned to Rafael's face as he turned to check on Horatio, "Are you alright?"
Horatio was about to answer when the two of them heard voices coming in their direction.
"Emily, five wyverns were spotted outside the castle grounds."
"The Count is not in his study, or the Great Hall. Most likely he is in the garden."
Rafael looked over to where his katari was sticking out of the Wyriens' chest. He did not want to leave it behind, but he did not have time to get it.
The garden gate began to open.
Rafael formed a warp panel and stepped through.
Horatio was just getting to his feet as Emily Kaio and two guards walked through the garden gate.
"Count! Are you alright? Emily hurried over to help him up, "I was just coming to tell you that some wyverns were spotted."
"A bit late for that. The riders will not be going anywhere." Horatio spoke to one of the guards, "The katari in that man's chest, get it for me."
"Yes m'Lord." The guard walked over and pulled the katari out of the body. As he returned, a confused look came onto his face. "Sir? This blade does not belong to you does it?"
Horatio took the blade, and cleaned it with a cloth Emily handed him. "No. It is not my blade." Horatio sheathed it. "I am going to return it to its owner. Enough said." Horatio turned, and began walking towards to garden gateway, "I am going to spend some time in the Great Hall. I would prefer not to be disturbed."
A Draken Rising; 20
Rafael knelt next to the southern spring, those words ringing in his ears.Traitor. That Wyrien had called him a traitor, and it was true; he was a traitor.
A single tear began to travle down his cheek.
Rafael quickly brushed away the tear, before turning towards the voice. It was Markus.
"Is something wrong Captian?" Markus looked at Rafael, with concern in his eyes.
"No..." Rafael looked away, "actually... yes. There is." Rafael sighed, "Markus, will you go get Ellius for me?"
Markus nodded, "Yes Captain."
Rafael turned his eyes back to the spring, staring into the ever-bubbling water coming up from the ground. He could not block out that word, it continued echoing in his ears.
Traitor... traitor...traitor...
"There he is Ellius." Markus pointed over to where Rafael was sitting. "I'll leave you alone."
Ellius nodded, "Thank you Markus." Ellius began walking towards Rafael.
Rafael stood, and turned to greet him, "Ellius."
"What's wrong?"
"Too much." Rafael chocked slightly, "Ellius... I would rather not tell you what happened, I would rather have you see it."
Ellius could see the emotion in Rafael's eyes, "Alright. Sit down and I will look at your memories of this afternoon." As Rafael took a seat on the ground, Ellius noticed that his katari was missing. As Rafael closed his eyes, and took a deep breath, Ellius entered into his memories.
Ellius smiled as he listened to Horatio describe the tournaments, and tie in the meaning of courage into his description.
The moment that Ellius saw what was happening in the garden through Rafael's eyes, he understood what was wrong. ~That Wyrien, questioning, "Master Rafael?" Then that single word, "Traitor," Ellius watched the rest of what happend, but he knew what was wrong. He gently withdrew from Rafael's memories, returning to the real world.
"I'm a traitor." Rafael's voice was hollow. "I'm a traitor to my father,my family, and the Wyriens. I'm nothing more then a traitor to them all..."
Ellius knelt in front of Rafael, and put a hand on the boy's shoulder, "No. You are not the traitor. A traitor is someone who betrays for their own gain; if anyone is the traitor, it is them, not you."
Rafael sighed, and looked away, "I betrayed them Ellius, I am a part of them, and I fought them; I am the traitor."
"No. You were never a part of them at heart; you are not a part of them."
"Then what am I?" Rafael looked back at Ellius. "What am I? A skilled... nothing? Another person back in the shadows that is never seen? I have nothing else Ellius, nothing. It's all I've ever been,even known. Outside of them, I only exist in stories, and those very stories keep me from being anything else."
"As you continue to learn more, you will see that you are so much more." Ellius stood to his feet, "Knowing Horatio, he will stay in the Great Hall until you show. Why don't you go see him?"
Rafael took a deep breath, before standing to his feet, "Alright." Forming a warp panel, he stepped through.
A Draken Rising; 21
Horatio was standing in front of the fireplace as Rafael stepped onto the rafters in the Great Hall. As Rafael jumped down, Horatio called out softly, "Would you mind bringing over some wood? The fire is beginning to die out."Rafael quietly took a few logs of wood off from the small wood stack in the corner, and carried them over to Horatio.
"Thank you." Taking the logs, Horatio set them in the fire, and soon the fire was burning brightly once again.
The two of them stood side by side, watching the fire burn for a moment, before Horatio slowly drew the katari that was sheathed at his side. "Beautiful blade, and very well made. I believe this belongs to you." Turning the katari so that he was
holding it by the blade, Horatio calmly held it out so Rafael could take it.
Confusion came into Rafael's eyes as he reached for his katari.
"I do not understand. Why..." As Rafael's hand closed around the hilt, the two of them locked eyes.
"This, Rafael, is trust."
The words were spoken quietly, calmly. There was something about the simple way they were said that sent shivers up and down Rafael's spine.
"This is trust Rafael." Horatio released the blade, and spread his arms out wide, "I am unarmed. I have no other weapon; no way to defend myself. By handing you the katari, I hand you the last of my defenses." Horatio lowered his arms. "You and I both know you could easily kill me right now; kill me and gain great glory and pride among your people, but I feel like you are a person I can trust. A person that I can turn my back to, without any fear or worry."
Rafael looked into the Count's eyes. Such a person he had never met before. This man was trusting... trusting him."Before I met you and Ellius, there was so much I did not understand, did not even know existed..." Rafael sheathed his katari. "Trust... trust must be that feeling a person gets when they find someone that they can speak to; a person they can speak to without the fear of being betrayed or judged."
Horatio nodded, "Yes, that is trust. It is hard to go through life, without ever trusting someone."
"Until less than a week ago, I had never felt trust. Yet within moments of knowing Ellius, I could sense he was a person whom I could share anything with. I felt I could trust him. I barley know him, but I trust him. It is much the same with you Horatio. I do not know you very well and yet... and yet I feel I could speak with you for hours. If I were in the midst of a battle, I would not have any fear, should you be watching my back."
Horatio smiled, "Nor would I fear, should you be watching mine."
The room was silent for a moment, then Rafael spoke, "It is getting late, I should be on my way."
"Goodnight Rafael."
"Goodbye Horatio." Rafael formed a warp panel, and stepped through. The cool night breeze gently blew past him as he took a seat next to the eastern spring. Horatio trusted him, and he trusted Horatio. This was very comforting to him.
Lying down on the grass, Rafael gazed up at the stars. His eyes began to close
slowly as he began to drift to sleep.
Trust was such a good thing...
Rafael's eyes closed completely, as he finally fell asleep.
A Draken Rising; 22
"Markus, Ellius, I will be leaving for a few days." Rafael set down his breakfast plate and stood to his feet."So soon Captain?" Markus questioned, "You've only been here for a few days. Must you leave already?"
"Today is March 13th; you know that I leave every year at this time."
"Aye, I know that you leave, but where do you go?" Markus shook his head.
Ellius just looked at Rafael; he could see sadness in the boy's eyes. "Would you like some company?"
"No Ellius. I highly doubt that would be wise."
"Are you certain?"
Rafael opened the front door, "Unfortunately I do not think you would be well received in my father's house."
Ellius lifted an eyebrow.
"Goodbye Markus, Ellius, I will see you again in a few days." Rafael walked out the door.
"Not well received in his father's house? I wonder why? I mean, who could dislike you?" Markus shook his head. "Makes no sense to me."
"I am more curious about what happens there." Ellius turned to Markus, "This happens every year?"
"Yep. He leaves for three or four days, an' when he comes back, he always seems weak, like he's hurt."
Ellius closed his eyes; Rafael would have some explaining to do when he returned.
A Draken Rising; 23
Most people have a party every year to celebrate their birthday. Most people look forward to the day. Most people. Rafael did not. That afternoon as he entered the gates of Caligo, a sense of gloom settled over him. He walked slowly, his mind deep in thoughts. How long had he known Ellius? Less than a week? He had learned so much already…Rafael stopped in front of the palace doors, and took a deep breath before walking in through those great, looming doors.
Twenty minutes later, the palace doors slammed open as Rafael stormed outside. His eyes shone a fire red, and his shirt was torn open, showing the deep gashes on his back that were sluggishly bleeding. Everyone stepped to the side as he walked pass. Finally he passed through the main gate, and stumbled into the surrounding forest.
Coming to a stop in a thickly wooded area, he leaned up against a tree, and took a deep breath. All right, where am I going now? Not the oasis… I can’t let them see me like this. I will not make Ellius worry. Hmm. Well, no one will be in Osadious, I could rest there a few days before going back to the oasis. Yeah, that is what I’ll do. A few days, and I will not be bleeding.
Rafael lifted his hand, and formed a warp panel. Slowly he stumbled through, leaving the gloomy woods around Caligo to find himself in that old, empty city- in Osadious.
Rafael stumbled over to the great fountain in the town square, and took a seat. He slowly lowered his hands into the cool water, and watched as the fresh blood was washed away.
Blood. Covered in blood. His father wanted him to hate, to feel anger. Rafael just wanted to be able to have friends, to be able to trust, but how could he trust? He could not even trust himself. Once again his father had proven that.
Rafael could feel the furry and anger rising again. He could feel the hate. He hated the cruelty he constantly saw, he hated what he was put through each year.
Rafael stumbled down one of Osadious’s back allies. Once he came to a dead end, he stopped, and stared at the wall for a moment.
“A dead end.” Rafael muttered, “a dead end, just like my life. A trap. Something that cannot be escaped. I am a Cimmerii, heir to the Wyrien throne. That is where my life leads, but that is not what I want…”
Rafael pointed towards the wall, “Perhaps a different path, a new path, can be found.”
A billowing flame shot out from Rafael’s hand, and slammed into the wall. The wall shook, and some of the loose stones tumbled to the ground.
“Even dead ends have a way out.” Rafael shouted, as he threw another ball of fire at the wall, then another. Again and again he threw fire at the wall, and finally it began to crumble.
Rafael sank to the ground as he gazed out across the dessert through the gap in the wall. “But where do the openings lead?” He mumbled.
Rafael turned his head to look at the speaker. Mounted on a chestnut stallion, was
“Go away Ellius. Please…” Rafael turned his head away.
“Rafael, your hurt.” Ellius dismounted, “Let me take you back to the oasis.”
“No Ellius.” Rafael stood slowly, and shook his head, “I can’t let them see me like this.”
“You need help, and I can help you.”
“No Ellius.”
“Just trust me.” Ellius stepped forward.
“Trust? How can I trust? I cannot even trust myself.” Rafael turned his head away from Ellius to hide his tears.
“I am your friend Rafael, and so is Horatio. You can trust us.” Ellius held out a hand.
“Trust. Friends.” Rafael muttered as he turned to face Ellius. “Yes, I can trust you. You and Horatio.”
Rafael could suddenly feel his strength leaving. His face turned a pale white.
“Ellius, help me.” He stepped towards Ellius before collapsing in a dead faint.
Ellius stepped forward quickly, and caught Rafael’s limp form before he hit the ground.
“Let’s get back to the oasis.”
Ellius gently lifted Rafael onto the horse before mounting. Quickly directing the horse out of the ruins, he set off towards the oasis at a gallop.
A Draken Rising; 24
(What happened to him? Why is he so badly hurt? His back is torn to shreds. Who did this to him? He said he was going to his father’s house, did Malus do this to him? I wouldn’t put it past the man. Why did he say that he could not trust himself? I don’t understand.) His mind was churning as Ellius rode hard towards the oasis.Finally the oasis came into view. Ellius galloped past the stables, and right up to the front porch of his cabin. Quickly bringing the horse to a stop, he dismounted and carried Rafael inside. He gently laid Rafael down on his bed.
“Sa, there’s blood on your saddle, is something wrong?” Mrs. Petrosky stuck her head in the front door.
“It’s the Captain.” Ellius looked out the bedroom door, “Go fetch Markus and Estrella for me, and hurry.”
Her eyes widened when she saw the blood on Ellius’ shirt. “Right away Sa!” She quickly disappeared.
Ellius went back to Rafael’s side, and gently began removing the tattered shirt. As he did, he noticed that Rafael’s back was covered in scars, layers upon layers of scars.
Ellius carefully finished removing Rafael’s shirt, before laying his hand against Rafael’s forehead.
Rafael was burning up.
“Captain?” Markus stood in the doorway, his eyes wide in disbelief.
Estrella was right behind him, “I’ll go get some water.” She turned and headed to the kitchen.
“Captain?” Mr. Petrosky stepped in the front door, “My wife told me that someone is hurt. I have medical training, perhaps I may help?”
Markus stepped to the side, and let Mr. Petrosky past. Mr. Petrosky glanced at Rafael, before turning to call to Estrella, “Put on two kettles of water, we are going to need it.” He looked at Markus, “There are some herbs growing next to the stable, they may be helpful.”
“Right. I’ll take the horse down so Adam con tend to him as well.” Markus ducked out the front door.
“Ellius, you should change into some fresh cloths, I could use your help cleaning up the Captain.”
Ellius nodded, and went into a separate room, by the time he returned, Mr. Petrosky had laid out a pile of bandages, and was dipping a cloth in some warm water to clean off Rafael’s face. He gently wiped off the blood, before speaking. “Turn him over for me.”
Ellius silently turned Rafael onto his side. “I’ve already removed the shirt, I hope that will help.”
“It will.” Mr. Petrosky handed Ellius a wet cloth, and the two of them began cleaning Rafael’s wounds.
A few minutes later, Markus returned, herbs in hand. “Here you are Mr. Petrosky.”
“Thank you Markus.”
“Look at all them scars. Is this why he up an’ disappears each year? I should have
never let him go.” Markus wiped away a tear.
Ellius looked up at Mr. Petrosky, “Can you tell what caused the wounds and scars?”
“It is impossible to tell for sure, but it is likely that he has been brutally whipped. There are eight layers of scars, then this new set of wounds, making this the ninth time it has happened.”
“Nine times…” Ellius muttered.
Mr. Petrosky stood, “The bandages will have to be changed every three hours, to prevent an infection from setting in.”
“I’ll be right by his side the entire time.” Ellius looked out the window at the darkened sky, “It is late, you should all get some rest.”
Markus, Estrella, and Mr. Petrosky slowly made their ways outside.
Ellius moved a chair over next to the bed and sat down. Reaching out, he set his hand on Rafael’s forehead. With his head bowed, he began sending up urgent words of prayer to the Great Emperor, and to the Prince.
Three days had passed since Ellius had found Rafael in Osadious, and still the boy was unaware of his surroundings. His wounds were beginning to mend, and thankfully there were no signs of infection, but Rafael was running a high temperature. Mr. Petrosky had already done all he knew how to do, and nothing seemed to be helping. At times Rafael would groan, as if in pain. At other times he would move, as if struggling to defend himself.
Ellius had stayed beside him, leaving only once in a while for a breath of fresh air, or to change his cloths. He was worried about Rafael.
(You have to wake up lad. You have to get better. Hold on, keep fighting, all the people here at the oasis need you. Hang in there Rafael.)
Markus walked into the room, “I brought you a sandwich Ellius.” Markus handed a plate to Ellius. “How is he?”
“Still the same. I wish I could get Horatio here. He would know what to do. He has studies medicine for years.”
“I could fetch him.” Markus took a stone out of his pocket. “The Captain made this for when it was time for people to be sent to Levis, an’ he was not here. It’s a warp stone. You just think of the place you want to go, and it opens up a warp panel.”
“Then please go get Horatio right away. Knowing him, he will be in the garden.”
“Right. I’ll be quick.” Markus used the stone to make a warp panel, and stepped through.
The first thing that Markus saw as he stepped through the warp panel was a beautiful flowering cherry tree. He starred at it a moment, before his eyes traveled downward. Sitting with his back to the tree, deeply engrossed in a book, was Horatio. Markus stepped forward, and cleared his throat. Instantly Horatio’s hazel eyes were examining Markus.
“And you are?” Horatio set his book to the side and stood up.
“My name is Markus.” Markus hesitated slightly. “Ellius sent me.”
“Ellius?” Horatio’s eyes scanned the area. “Where is the captain? Ellius has been sending messages through him.”
“That’s just it, Sir. The captain…he’s hurt real bad. We have a man at the oasis with some medical knowledge, but he’s done everything he knows how..” Markus choked slightly, “The captain’s been unconscious for three days, and he’s not waking up. Ellius is the one who found him, and he’s barely moved from the captain’s side since. That’s why I’ve come, instead of him.”
“Come with me.” Horatio turned abruptly and began walking towards the doorway. Markus followed. As they came to the entryway, Horatio stopped and spoke to the guards. “Jason, find Emily and tell her to meet me in the Great Hall. David, go get my medical supplies and travel case. Bring them to the Great Hall.”
The two guards saluted, before hurrying off to do their duties.
As they continued walking, Horatio began asking questions. “Where was he found?”
“Ellius didn’t say.”
“Three days ago.”
“Badly wounded. Unconscious.”
“Badly wounded?” Horatio shook his head. “Details Man, I need more details.”
“I don’t know all of it, but it looks like he was tied up and whipped. There are eight different layers of scars; then this new set.”
Horatio opened the doors to the Great Hall and walked inside. “Any idea who did that to him…or even where it was done?”
Markus paused, “Every year, he leaves on March 13, disappears for a few days, and then come back. This time, Ellius offered to go with him. Captain wouldn’t let him.” Markus scowled, ‘I ‘member the captain saying Ellius would not be very welcome at his father’s place.”
Emily walked into the room saying, “Horatio, I was told you needed to see me?”
Horatio nodded, “Yes. I have to leave suddenly, and I’m not sure how long I will be gone. While I am gone, I’m putting you in charge.’
“Sir, here are your things.” The guard set down two large bags.
“Thank you, Jason. You are dismissed.”
“Sir!” The guard saluted, before leaving the room.
“Now, let’s see…” Horatio opened his bags and checked to make certain he had everything. “Good. I have everything. I’m ready, Markus.” He closed the bags.
“Horatio, do you want your violin?” Emily held out the instrument.
“Thank you, Emily.” Horatio took the violin in hand.
“I’ll carry one of your bags.” Markus lifted the larger one.
“Right. Take care of everything, Emily. I’ll be back.”
“I’ll keep everything in order. Bye.”
Markus used the stone to open the warp panel.
“Goodbye, Emily.” Horatio stepped through the warp panel.
Markus followed.
They found themselves standing beside Ellius’ cabin. Markus directed Horatio inside and showed him where to set his things, before taking him into the captain’s room.
Ellius stood as they entered. “You were able to come. Good.” Ellius took a deep breath. “Horatio, do you think you can help?”
“Sir, please, ya gotta do something ! All the people here at the oasis, they count on him.”
“I’ll do what I can.” Horatio looked at Ellius questioningly, before turning to Markus. “I need to be alone with these two. Will you, please, go out to the porch and make certain no one comes in?”
Markus nodded, “Yes, Sir.” Turning, he quickly left.
Once they were alone, Horatio put a hand on Ellius’ shoulder. “If I am going to help him, I need to know everything I can.”
Ellius sighed, “There is not much I know.”
“Then, let’s start with what we do know. Do you have any idea where it happened?”
“I am not sure, but I believe it happened in Caligo.”
“Where did you find him?”
“In Osadious.” Ellius thought for a moment. “He was awake then but badly wounded and discouraged. He said he could not trust himself, but then, he said he could trust the two of us.”
“Not able to trust himself….hmmmm.” Horatio’s eyes traveled over to Rafael. “What has been going on , since then?”
“No infection, thankfully. He has a high fever.”
Rafael cried out and began to quiver, his breathing coming quick and harsh.
Ellius stepped over and put a hand on Rafael’s forehead. “Easy, Lad.
“ Does this happen often?” Concern filled Horatio’s eyes.
“Yes, he is very restless. I fear he is keeping him from being able to heal well/”
“Unfortunately, that is very possible.” Horatio sighed. “I will do my best to help him.”
“Is there something you need me to do?”
Horatio nodded. “You need to continue praying.” Horatio glanced down at Rafael and said, “We both do.”
Bowing their heads, Ellius and Horatio began sending up their prayers.
A Draken Rising; 25
When Rafael had fainted, everything had gone dark, but then, the nightmares began.First, he found himself in the slave quarters of Caligo. Slowly, he entered into one of the slave shacks. Inside was a young family; a man, a woman, and three children.
The woman handed her husband a small, rock-hard loaf of bread. He split the bread into five different pieces and handed everyone a piece.
Tears welled-up in Rafael’s eyes as he watched them slowly eat.
The door suddenly slammed open and Cao Nocens sauntered into the room, followed by five of his men.
The slave man bowed low to the ground. An evil grin spread across Cao’s face; he nodded to his men.
His men stepped forward and roughly grabbed the slaves.
Cao’s eyes traveled over the five slaves. He tilted his head to the side, before motioning to his men, “Kill them.”
As Cao’s men drew their weapons,. The scene went black , and Rafael , once again, entered the realm of darkness.
Rafael’s thoughts were running wild. The slaves suffer so much! No good food, no good water; their clothes are all rags.
A tear ran down Rafael’s face. He wanted to help them; he longed to set them free.
The darkness faded into light. Rafael was standing high up on a mountain top. A freezing cold wind drove snow up into Rafael’s face and shoved him to the ground.
“So cold….” Rafael shivered. “Where am I?”
Harsh laughter filled the air. Turning, Rafael was blinded by a bright light. Squinting, he tried to see who or what the speaker was.
“Give into your hate, Boy. Kill for pleasure. Sow destruction. Serve me, as your father has served me. I can give you everything you want.”
The creature spread his arms out wide. “It is cold here. Come to me. I will make you warm. Hungry? Follow me. I can give you the best things there are. Is there someone you hate? I will get rid of them…make them disappear, forever.”
Rafael stared at the creature. The offer sounded so appealing, and yet, there was something that just seemed wrong.
“Who are you?” Rafael took a step back.
“I am Babriel. I am power; I am strength. I am riches and pleasure. I can give you anything you want. Just say you will serve me.”
“Serve you? What do you mean?”
“Just give me your word, your oath. I want nothing more.” A slight gleam shown in Babriel’s eyes.
There was something about that look. “No, I can’t do that.” Rafael crossed his arms. “Something is not right.”
“Tsk. Tsk. Come, now.” Babriel shook his head. “Nothing is wrong; let me show you.” Babriel smiled.
As Rafael stared at Babriel, the scene changed. Looking around, Rafael saw they were in a place much like Osadious. The streets were marble and all the walls shown a bright gold. A giant, crystal fountain stood in the center of the town square.
“What is this place?” Rafael turned to look at Babriel.
“Paradise,“ Babriel laughed. “Here you can do anything you want, be anything you want, and have anything you want. You make your own choices. No one is your ruler.”
“Is this real?” Rafael stared at the fountain.
“Go ahead. Taste the water; touch the gold. Ask for anything. I can make it appear.”
Rafael slowly walked over to the fountain and dipped his hands into the cool water.
“Go ahead, “Babriel urged. “Taste it.”
Rafael cupped his hands and lifted some of the water to his lips. Slowly, he took a sip.
“This water is sweet!” Rafael smiled. “I like it.”
“ I thought you would.” Babriel nodded. Just swear to me and this will be yours.”
A cry came from one of the back alleys.
“What was that?” Rafael turned towards the sound, trying to find its source.
“It was nothing. ….just your imagination.” Babriel smiled. “Now, swear to me.”
“I’m going to see what it was.” Rafael began walking down the back alley, with Babriel beside him, urging him to go back.
Rafael came to a corner. There he saw a young man brutally whipping another man. Without thinking, Rafael leaped forward. “Stop!”
Rafael ripped the whip out of the man’s hands, before shoving the man back against the wall.
The golden wall cracked and thin flakes of gold fell to the ground, revealing termite-infested, rotten wood.
Rafael stepped back in horror.
The man who had been being whipped leaped to his feet, a dagger in his hand. Laughing hysterically, he stabbed the man who had been whipping him.
Rafael turned and sprinted back towards the center of town. Once he got there, he stopped in horror. The fountain had shattered, and instead of water coming up from the ground, there was a spewing geyser of blood. Rafael turned to look at
Babriel, saying, “What is this?”
Babriel just laughed. He laughed, and he laughed. As he laughed, he spread his arms out wide.
The walls burst into flames.
“You should have sworn!” Babriel snarled, as he drew his sword.
Rafael reached for his katari, but it was not there. Frantically, he raised his arms to defend himself.
Babriel’s sword lashed out.
It was blocked.
Rafael looked up, to see who had saved him.
The stranger’s skin was a dark tan, and his hair was a dark brown. He stood slightly taller than Rafael. There was something about him; he seemed almost majestic.
Babriel lunged forward.
The stranger parried.
Babriel slashed at the stranger’s legs.
The stranger jumped over the blade, before turning and slashing downward. His blade cut into Babriel’s shoulder. Tar and sulfur oozed out of Babriel’s wound.
“You have done enough, Babriel. Be gone from here.”
Babriel vanished, leaving behind only a wisp of smoke.
The stranger turned to Rafael. “Come, let us leave this place.” The man lifted his hand and formed a warp panel. “After you.”
Rafael stepped through without hesitation. I recognize him. Where have I seen him before?
The place they warped to was a lush garden.. There was a small stream gurgling through the center of the garden, its crystal water reflecting the light. Rafael looked around, before turning to the stranger. “Who are you?”
The man just smiled, “You know me Rafael, just look into my eyes, and remember.”
Rafael looked into the man’s eyes. His eyes held every color, and as Rafael gazed into those eyes, he could sense a great kindness; a great caring. He felt a sense of peace settle over him.
“Your him.” Rafael’s voice was barely a whisper, “You’re the man who showed me the oasis, you’re the one who told me I have a purpose; a reason to live. You taught me how to make the warp panel.”
The man nodded, “Yes Rafael, I am that man.”
“Why? Why do you care about me? Why did you help me? You have said I have a purpose, but what is that purpose? Please, tell me.”
The stranger motioned down a pathway, “Let us walk.”
The two of them walked in silence for a moment, before the man began to speak, “Everyone is special Rafael. Everyone matters. A mother horse will not leave her foal to the mercy of lions, instead, she always has her eyes and ears open for trouble, and she will sacrifice herself for her child.”
The stranger knelt down beside a rose bush. “You see these thorns? Most would say that they are only on the stem to cause problems; to take away from the rose’s beauty; to make people avoid picking it. In actuality, the thorns are there for two reasons. One, to protect the rose from being trampled on the ground, or from being eaten. In this way it helps preserve the flowers beauty.”
“What is the second reason?”
“The second reason is to remind people that no matter how beautiful, or perfect something may seem, everything, and everyone, has there faults, but even with those faults, they can be appreciated, even loved.”
The stranger stood, and they continued walking down the path.
“So you are telling me that all things have a purpose?”
“Yes. Sometimes they are plainly seen, while sometimes they must be searched for.”
“Sir,” Rafael paused, “That creature, that- thing. Who was that? They called themselves Babriel, but who were they? What did they want?”
“Babriel was once the greatest musician and artist within my Fathers empire. He grew prideful, and began to believe that he should rule. He corrupted hundreds of thousands of dragons, and lead an attack. He was defeated quickly, and thrown from the court. He is the one that founded the Wyverns. Ever since then, he has continued waging war against the Great Emperor, and all his followers.”
The soft sound of a violin drifted through the air.
“Who is playing? Where is that sound coming from?” Rafael’s eyes searched the area.
“You have been unconscious for seven days. Ellius and Markus were worried, so they sent for Horatio. He has tended for you the last four days. He is a skilled musician, and is the one playing.”
“Yes. You were badly wounded.” The stranger set a hand on Rafael’s shoulder, “They are your friends, trust them. You must learn to trust, it will do you well.” The man smiled, “Don’t worry, even though you may not always see me, I will always be by your side.”
Rafael’s vision began to fade, soon the garden was lost from view. The last thing he saw as the music grew louder was the stranger’s ever-changing, peaceful eyes.
A Draken Rising; 26
Estrella, Markus and Ellius all sat in Rafael’s room as Horatio filled the room with music. As he came to the end of one song, Rafael momentarily opened his eyes.No one noticed.
During the next song that Horatio played, Ellius sang along. The song was called The Loving Hands of the Prince. As Rafael listened to the words, a gentle peace settled over him. (Who is this Prince? Has a man truly done such wonderful things? I want to know this man, to meet him.)
As Horatio and Ellius finished the song, Rafael opened his eyes once again, “I wish I could play the violin so well. I’d like you to give me lessons someday.”
“Captain, you’re awake!” Estrella leapt to her feet, “No doubt you’re hungry. I’ll fetch you something to eat.”
“It’s good to speak with you again, Captain,” Markus spoke quietly.
Rafael looked over at Ellius, “How long?”
“It’s been seven days, lad.”
“Seven days?” Rafael’s mind wandered back to the man who had saved him from Babriel. He had said seven days, as well.
“If it has been seven days, that means it is your anniversary, Markus. This is the first time I have no present to give you.” Rafael frowned slightly.
“You finally waking up is present enough. Besides, Horatio has been playing the violin for us; we couldn’t ask for much more.” Markus grinned.
“Ah, yes, Horatio.” Rafael turned his gaze to Horatio, “How exactly did you get here?”
Horatio set down his violin. “Ellius never learned much about medicine or healing. That sort of thing is my specialty. After three days with you still unconscious, he became worried. Ellius sent Markus to get me, using a warp-stone you had created.”
“I see.” Rafael tried to sit up.
“Gently…you’re still hurt rather badly.” Horatio helped Rafael sit up.
“Is everything in order, Markus? What has happened during the last seven days?”
“I’ve been being run ragged as usual, Captain. One of the ladies from the caravan
Ellius was in just gave birth to twins. A boy an’ a girl. Then, there’s that fellow, the really young, thin one; he’s got himself into trouble, again. He was trying to balance himself atop one of the picket fences, when he up an’ fell off. Broke his arm. ‘Bout time that happened in my opinion. I’ve been telling him not to do such a fool thing. Perhaps, that will teach him to listen to his elders.”
“What about the horses? Have you begun saddle-training those three colts?”
“Yup. We have. Plus, we have three new colts and two fillies.” Markus leaned back in his chair.
“The black quarter horse…how is his leg?’
“Oh, he’s up and running, again.”
Rafael nodded his approval. “Good, very good.”
Estrella walked into the room, a steaming cup of soup in her hands. “Here is your soup, Captain.”
“Markus, Estrella, would you mind leaving us, for a time? I wish to speak with the captain in private.” Horatio took the bowl of soup from Estrella’s hands. Estrella hesitated.
Markus took hold of his wife’s hands, “Come, we have not taken a ride for some time. Now is as good a time as any.”
Estrella sighed, “Well, all right.” She grinned. “I claim the little, red mare.”
“Fine with me,” Markus grimaced. “That little mare is too smart for me. When I try to ride her, I spend more time on the ground than on her back. I swear she’s got something against me.”
Laughing, the two of them made their way outside, firmly closing the door behind them.
Ellius helped Rafael sit a little straighter, and Horatio handed Rafael the soup.
“Thank you.” Lifting the bowl up to his lips, Rafael took a long
draught. “Mmmmm, excellent, as usual.” Everything was quiet, for a moment.
“Ellius, what happened in the ruins? When you found me? It is all a blur to me, now.”
“You were badly wounded. I offered to help you, but you refused.” Ellius staired off into the distance, for a moment, before continuing, “You spoke of trust and how you cannot even trust yourself.”
“Ellius, Horatio, the two of you I do trust.” Rafael spoke earnestly. “Never in my life, before I met you, did I truly trust anyone. At any given moment, my father’s mood might change. Nothing ever was, or is, safe with him. Cao Nocens would kill me without hesitation, if he ever got a chance.”
"I would gladly leave the Wyriens, if I could,” Rafael sighed, “yet, it seems as if that is impossible. If I tried to leave, my father would search me out, killing anyone who stood in his way. Then he would kill me, slowly; besides that, where would I go?” Rafael handed the soup bowl to Ellius, before closing his eyes; he was so weary.
“Captain," Ellius paused slightly, “What happened at Caligo? What exactly took place?”
Rafael slowly opened his eyes and looked at Ellius.
“If I am to properly treat your wounds, I need to know what took place,” Horatio said.
Rafael turned his gaze toward Horatio. Horatio was so concerned. “All right then,” Rafael took a deep breath, before beginning to speak.
“March 13th is the day I was born. Every year, I am required to be at the palace by three o’clock, in the afternoon. If I am late, my father will torture different slaves, until I arrive. When I get there, he makes me finish them off.”
Rafael paused and looked down at his hands. “One year, I was four hours late. I had to kill forty six different people. Some were old, while some were only five or six years old. There were men …and women I had to kill.” He shivered.
“What happened this time?” Ellius coaxed.
“I arrived at the main gate, and rode into the inner courtyard on a wyvern. After
I arrived, five men bound me. Two of them took whips, and began to strike me.”
“How long did they beat you?”
“Until I gave in to my anger.” Rafael closed his eyes, “I could feel the anger rising, the fury coursing through me. It was not just because they were beating me either, it was so much more. Anger for the fear they cause, anger for the pain they put so many through. My anger took control. I felt as if I lost control of my emotions and actions.
The ropes that bound me burst into flames, and fell away as ashes.
I drew my katari.
The five men sprinted towards the door. I raised my hand as they approached it, and it slammed shut in their faces. As I turned to face me, I used some spell, I don’t even know what spell it was, but it made me invisible.
I was so angry. I thought about how those men had always lived in darkness; I felt they should die in darkness.
All light faded, and the room became pitch black. One by one, I felled them all.
Afterwards, Malus congratulated me on a job well done.
I left then. I went to Osadious; I did not want the people at the oasis to see my weakness. I was not there long before Ellius found me.”
“This happens every year?” Ellius asked.
“Ever since my tenth birthday,” Rafael confirmed.
“You are pale.” Horatio spoke softly.
“I am weary.”
“You should rest.”
Rafael nodded slowly, “Rest, yes, that’s a good idea.”
Horatio helped Rafael lay back down.
“Ellius, will you go fetch me some more of those herbs I’ve been using?”
“Of course.” Ellius quietly left the room.
“Will you play another song for me?”
Horatio nodded, “Of course.”
Horatio lifted his violin, and began to play. He watched as Rafael’s eyes slowly
began to close as the boy fell asleep.
A Draken Rising; 27
Once Rafael had fallen asleep, Horatio finished the song he was playing, before setting his violin to the side. Reaching out, he laid a hand on Rafael’s forehead.Rafael’s temperature was still high, but not as high as it had been.
“He is sleeping?” Ellius looked in the doorway.
Horatio nodded, “He is.”
Ellius motioned to the living room, “We should talk.”
Horatio nodded. Going into the living room, they sat down.
“He goes, and is beaten every year on his birthday.”
“But still he goes.” Horatio shook his head.
“He goes so that others will be spared.”
“He had never learned about the words honor, and mercy. Yet he has demonstrated those things so clearly.” Horatio sighed, “If ever I have met a potential Draken, it is him.”
“But would the council accept him?” Ellius frowned, “You know the Draken’s history as well as I; over the years dozens of Drakens have become corrupted, and joined the Wyriens ranks.”
Horatio leaned back in his chair, “And not once has a Wyrien become a Draken. But this boy is different; while he carries the name of Cimmerii, the name does not fit him.”
The room was silent for a moment.
“Horatio, if both of us were to die tomorrow, what would happen to our family name? Neither of us have children. What would happen to Levis?”
Horatio shrugged, “The LeMar name would cease to exist. No one would carry the name. Emily Kaio is the closest relative. She would become countess, and take responsibility for Levis.”
“Horatio, you are 38 years old, haven’t you ever thought about having a family?”
Horatio paused, “Yes, I have thought about it, many times.”
“You could adopt.”
Horatio stared at Ellius.
Ellius continued quickly, before Horatio could say anything. “You are 38, he is 19. You need a son; he needs a real father. We need someone to carry on our family name; he needs a different name.”
“Ellius, adoption is not a thing to do on whim, it’s a very serious matter.” Horatio looked over at the doorway to Rafael’s room. “I will think on it.”
“You would make a good father for him.” Ellius spoke softly.
Horatio changed the subject, “How is the training going? What have you done so far?”
Ellius smiled slightly, he knew what Horatio was doing, but he would let it go for now. “We have started with archery, and the shield.”
“There is a tournament planned the last week in August. It would take some preparation, and work with the spear, axe, and dagger, but it would be good for him.”
“I’ll speak to him about it.” Ellius nodded, “From what he told us, I get the feeling that he does not understand his own power.”
“The things he described could only be done with advanced magic. From his description, he does not even know how it happened.” Horatio looked out the window, “I am going to review some basic schooling with him, and train him in magic so that he can work towards full potential.”
“It will take him time to recover.”
“He will recover. He is strong.” Horatio stood, “I have been here four days, and I have still not had a chance to look around. Do you mind keeping an eye on him while I take a walk?”
“I’ll go sit in his room and read.”
“All right. I’ll be back in a while.” Horatio walked outside, and slowly began walking down a dirt pathway.
“My Lord, I have not seen you outside since you have arrived. How are things going? How is the captain?” Mr. Petrosky walked over to where Horatio had stopped.
“The captain is conscious.” Horatio nodded. ‘He is still in much pain, but that is to be expected. We spoke for some time, but he soon became weary and fell asleep. He is resting quietly, now.”
“Did you find out how he received his wounds?”
Horatio paused, “He told Ellius and myself.”
Mr. Petrosky sighed, “He is always so silent. He never answers questions about himself. Any time someone asks, he simply looks away in silence.”
“Why don’t you come over a little after supper, to see how he’s doing?”
Mr. Petrosky nodded, “I think I will.”
The two of them shook hands, before going on their ways.
Horatio walked a short distance, before coming to a spring. As he knelt next to the spring,
He heard footsteps coming towards him.
Reaching out, he put his hands in the cold, clear water.
“This is the captain’s favorite spring. He spends more time here than anywhere else.” Markus leaned against a nearby tree.
“Back from your ride already?”
“Yeah. Estrella wanted to get back and fix the captain a good supper.”
Horatio stood and faced Markus. “You have a good life here.”
Markus looked at the ground, “Yeah, I like it here.” He frowned, “It’s a lot more than I deserve.”
“Indeed. Do you know how much you’ve cost me? Or did you ever bother keeping track of how much you stole and swindled?”
Markus went slightly pale, “You recognize me? That was more than five years ago!”
“And I have just finished appeasing all the people you cheated. In the end, it totaled over 150,000 gold pieces and 6,000 silver pieces.”
Markus winced, “I’m not like that anymore; I’ve changed a lot.”
“I’ve always been curious, how did you escape? My men just missed you at your house. We searched the local forest for days.”
“You didn’t miss us sir, we were hiding in a secret room. We waited until midnight, then left through the Barren Waste. We circled around to the east, and entered the woods there. We had nothing, no clothes or food. That’s when the Captain showed up, an’ brought us to the oasis. He gave us so much more then we deserved.”
“Was anyone else here?”
“Not then. Plenty of buildings, but they needed fixing, I was asked to help. At first I did, then I just started goofing off.”
“What did the Captain do?”
“Nothing. He just looked at me; looked at me with such disappointment in his eyes. Eventually I shaped up, and got my act together.”
“When did you decide to stay?”
“After the Captain showed us Osadious.”
“Ellius mentioned that place. So it really exists.”
“Yeah, it does. Estrella and I filled bags full of jewels, and gold before we realized that those things don’t matter. We had everything we needed. We told the Captain that we would stay. That was the first time that we saw him smile.”
Horatio smiled, “You have changed a lot.”
“What are you going to do now that you’ve found me? Arrest me? Take me back to Levis?” Markus shuddered.
“No. I will issue you a full pardon. You have a lot of responsibility here to take care of. I will not take you away from here.”
“Thank you.” Markus sighed with relief. “You’ve done a lot for us, Sir. Helping the captain out an’ all.”
“I would be perfectly willing to stay simply for your wife’s cooking.” Horatio’s eyes twinkled.
Markus laughed, “I hear that a lot.” Everything was silent for a moment.
“Sir, once the captain is well enough, we could all ride to Osadious. The captain could show you around.’ Markus looked over at Horatio, “The captain spends a lot of time there. We’ve done a lot of organizing. We gathered up all the loose jewels and gems that were just lying ‘round and put them in the treasury. We , also, gathered up any ‘n’ all written material we could find. The captain’s put it all in chronological order.”
“Oh? Sounds intriguing. I’ve always enjoyed history.”
“Yes, well, “ Markus paused, “none of the gold, silver, or jewels belong to anyone. They’re just sitting there. I’m sure the captain would let you take as much as you want.”
“We can talk to the captain about it, once he has recovered some.”
“Ah, ‘course.” Markus tilted his head to the side. “So, how did the captain get so badly beaten?”
Horatio hesitated, “He….was beaten.”
“ He doesn’t want to say, does he?”
“Perhaps you should try asking.”
“Hmmm.” Markus looked towards a nearby building, “People are going for supper; we should go check on the captain and see if our meal is ready.”
The two of them returned to Ellius’ cabin.
“There you are. Supper’s all ready. Ellius has already eaten and is in with the captain.” Estrella ushered them inside.
Horatio, Markus, and Estrella ate in silence, before going into Rafael’s room. Rafael was just finishing his supper, when they walked in.
“Horatio, Markus,” Rafael greeted them, “How has your day gone?”
“Estrella and I had a nice ride.” Markus cheerfully responded.
“What about you, Horatio?”
“I’ve had several, interesting conversations, “ Horatio smiled.
“It is good to see you awake Captain.” Mr. Petrosky slowly entered the room.
Rafael nodded in greeting, “Mr. Petrosky.”
Ellius nodded softly. “Captain, Mr. Petrosky has some medical knowledge; he is the one who took care of you, until Horatio arrived.”
“Oh?” Rafael looked up at Mr. Petrosky and replied, “Thank you.”
“Captain, “ Mr. Petrosky looked Rafael straight in the eyes, “I would like to know how you were hurt.”
A Draken Rising; 28
Rafael lowered his head and stared down at his hands.Ellius bent over to whisper in Rafael’s ear. “You can trust them.”
“Trust.” Rafael muttered softly, before sighing. “Markus, Estrella, and Mr. Petrosky, I have never told you anything about myself, have I?”
They remained silent.
“Until recently, I had never even heard of the word trust. I did not know what trust was…not until I met Horatio. It is hard for me to trust, simply because of the way I have been raised. :Rafael took a deep breath, before continuing. “For my own safety, I have stayed silent about myself, but the three of you have done so much for me, regardless. You deserve to know more about me.”
Rafael looked over at Mr. Petrosky. “You asked how I was wounded?”
Mr. Petrosky nodded.
Rafael sighed, “That story goes back nine years, to my tenth birthday. On my tenth birthday, everything in my life changed drastically. Before then, my father had barely acknowledged me and had left me to be raised by my mother. However, early on the morning of my birthday, my mother took her own life.”
Ellius and Horatio glanced at each other; Rafael had never mentioned that before.
Rafael continued, “My father needed to take out his anger on someone, and he did so, on me. He said he would teach me to hate and feel anger. He beat me, until I lost control of my temper; then he stopped. He said I could do anything I wanted to do, so long as every year I arrived at the throne room at three o’clock, on my birthday. Every year since then, I have been beaten.”
“That’s why there were so many layers of scars, “ Mr. Petrosky muttered.
“What did you do after that?” Markus questioned.
“I went to Levis, purchased a nice horse, and rode south.” Rafael closed his eyes, “I felt that life held no meaning, so I ran.”
“Is that how you found the oasis?”
“Yes. There was a man here; he told me that I have a purpose. That man had already built a number of houses, and he helped me build some more. He taught me how to make a warp panel. We worked on the oasis for several years, then one day he told me that there were some people who needed some help. He sent me through a warp panel. That is when I met the two of you, Markus and Estrella.”
By now Estrella was sobbing, “You poor thing!”
“Captain, who is your father?’ Mr. Petrosky asked.
For a moment, everything was silent, and all that could be heard was Estrella’s sobbing. “My father is only related by name. We barely speak. I do not agree with the things he does, yet I have inherited his name, and that name is my curse.” Rafael paused, “My father is Malus Cimmerii, king of the Wyriens.”
“So, you are a Wyrien?” Markus said.
“He is only one by birth, not by choice,” Horatio quietly pointed out.
Estrella went over and sat by Rafael’s side. “I don’t care if he is a Cimmerii or not. He has done so much for us. Does it really matter?”
“You’re right, Estrella, it doesn’t matter.” Mr. Petrosky nodded his head in agreement.
“I do have one more question,” Markus said.
“What is it, Markus?” Rafael looked up at him.
“What is your full name? I mean first, middle, and last name altogether.”
Rafael smiled slightly, “Rafael Wolfe Cimmerii. My mother always loved wolves. She said while they were fierce, they protected each other. She wanted me to be like them. Wolfe would have been my first name, but my father would not hear of it.”
Estrella smiled. “That’s a good name. Do you mind if we use your name, sometimes? We could call you Rafael Wolfe and just drop your last name.”
Rafael slowly nodded, “All right.”
“Rafael,” Mr. Petrosky smiled slightly, “thank you for finally trusting us.”
“I should thank you, Mr. Petrosky, Markus, and Estrella. I expected a different reaction.” Rafael closed his eyes, for a moment.
“You are tired. You should get some rest, “ Mr. Petrosky said.
“Tired of laying down and tired of being waited on, “ Rafael grimaced.
Horatio chuckled, “Not conscious for a full day and already trying to get up. Just wait, Rafael, and I will let you up, in the morning.”
Ellius nodded toward the window. “It’s already dark outside. We should all go get some rest.”
Slowly, the room began to empty, until only Rafael, Horatio, and Ellius were left.
Ellius helped Rafael lay back down.
“Thank you, Ellius,” Rafael wearily smiled.
“You seem relieved, “ said Ellius.
Rafael nodded, “I am. The fact that I am, finally, trusting others relieves me.”
“I am sorry about your mother,” Horatio quietly said.
“Before my mother passed, my father never had such mood swings, but then…” Rafael shivered.
“Then what?” Ellius said.
“His eyes….they changed. That, and suddenly there was suddenly a strong presence of hate and anger around him. The same look in his eyes that Cao always has, and that same presence.” Rafael frowned slightly. “The first time I entered Horatio’s castle, I ran into a man named Darion. He had that same look in his eyes, but the presence, it was either weaker with him or very well-hidden. But it was there.”
“Darion?” Ellius looked up at Horatio. “He is a Draken.”
Horatio nodded, “Yes, but not much is known about him. I will do some research on him.”
“Horatio?” A puzzled look came onto Rafael’s face.
“Who is Babriel?”
“Babriel? He is the founder of the Wyriens, for one. Long ago, he revolted against the Great Emperor. He corrupted many Dragons, turning them into Wyriens. He took contr9ol of the planet we are on, now. The prince founded the Drakens, and the war has been raging ever since.” Horatio tilted his head to the side, “I never mentioned that name. Where did you hear it?”
“When Ellius founded me at Osadious, I was badly wounded, and I quickly lost consciousness. Correct?”
Ellius nodded, “Yes.”
“My mind traveled. That is the only way I can describe it.” Rafael stared off into the distance.
“Where did it travel to?” Horatio said.
“First it went to the slave quarters of Caligo, then to the top of some mountain. It was so cold. I was up to my knees in snow, and a harsh wind was driving the snow into my face. Then some creature appeared. His eyes were the same as my father’s eyes, and Cao’s. The same as Darion. Then that presence, the hate and anger. I have never felt it so strong. It was as if he did not just have the presence, it was almost like he was that presence.” Rafael shivered. “He took me to a city that held every worldly treasure you can think of. He said it would all be mine if I swore to him. He called himself Babriel.”
Horatio glanced at Ellius.
Rafael took a long, deep breath, “I soon discovered that the walls were not pure gold; they were only gilded. The walls were actually rotten wood. Everything burst into flames.” Rafael stopped.
“He was trying to trick you.” Horatio said.
Rafael nodded, “As I soon found out. He tried to attack me. I was unarmed, and defenseless. But someone appeared and saved me. This person took me to a garden, and we walked for a while. I felt I could trust him. He spoke of the Emperor, calling the Emperor his father. I woke up after we had spoken for some time.”
“Rafael, was it the same man you met at the oasis?” Ellius asked.
Rafael nodded, “Yes.”
Horatio was deep in thought as he slowly sat down.
“Horatio?” Rafael said.
“Rafael, that man was the Prince.” Horatio frowned slightly, “The last recorded record of him appearing was several hundred years ago, but now he has chosen to appear to you, and more than once. That can only mean something great is in the works. We must be prepared for whatever it may be.”
Horatio stood to his feet, “I will see you in the morning.”
After Horatio left, Ellius stood to his feet, “It is time for the two of us to rest as well.”
“Horatio seemed worried.” Rafael said.
“He has much to think about.” Ellius shrugged slightly, “He is far more studied than anyone else I know. Most likely he is thinking about something we are not. He will let us know in time.”
“Goodnight Ellius.”
“Goodnight Rafael.” Ellius left the room.
Rafael laid still, staring up at the ceiling.
(Babriel. Infierno. The Emperor. The Prince. There is so much that I do not know. I feel like I’m in a room with a thousand books, and I’ve only looked at a single page.
The Prince has done so much for me, so much more then I deserve. I will serve him. I will learn about him, and follow his ways. Everything I do, will be for him. I don’t know what will happen to me, but I will put my life in his hands.)
With the decision made, Rafael slowly drifted off to sleep.
A Draken Rising
After two weeks of healing, Rafael was back up and moving around. Horatio had begun training his skills with magic. Early in the evening, the two of them had gone to the western spring. Horatio had put a pile of stones on one side of the spring.“Now Rafael, concentrate on the stones. Say nothing out loud, just concentrate on making them weightless. Will them to lift.” Horatio encouraged.
(Concentrate, right.) Rafael stared at the stones, and imagined them slowly rising into the air. At first, nothing happened.
“It may help you concentrate if you point your hand at them.”
Rafael pointed his hand at the stones. He waited a moment, and soon they began to slowly rise into the air. Rafael held them in the air for a moment, before dropping them.
“Good, very good.” Horatio smiled, “Now I want you to move them across the spring one by one, and hold them a foot above the ground. It will be hard at first, but focus on concentrating. I am going to get something from the cabin, and will be back in a while. Don’t let them touch the ground until I return.” Horatio walked away.
“All right, now let’s do this.” Rafael concentrated on the first stone, and slowly floated it across the spring. Once the stone was across, Rafael switched his attention to another.
The first rock dropped.
Rafael switched his attention back to it, and caught it before it could hit the ground.
An hour later, Rafael finally brought the tenth, and last stone across the spring.
“Good job Rafael. You can drop them now.” Horatio walked over to Rafael, and handed him a cup of tea.
Rafael let the stones drop, “You were watching the entire time.”
Horatio nodded, “Yes, and you did well.”
Rafael took a sip of tea.
“You will do this every night, until you can do it in less than thirty seconds.”
Horatio looked up at the starry sky. “It’s getting late Rafael.”
Rafael nodded, “I think I’m going to go do some reading, then go to bed.”
“Goodnight Rafael.”
A Draken Rising
“I will be needing to go back to Levis before long.” Horatio spoke softly.“You can have the warp stone I made, I can make another later.” Rafael shrugged.
“Thank you Rafael.” Horatio said, “That way I will be able to come see Ellius at times.”
“There you two are.” Ellius walked over, “Rafael, let’s take a ride over to Osadious and show Horatio around the ruins.”
The three of them began walking towards the stable.
“Where are the three of you going?” Markus looked over from a horse he was saddling.
“They want to show me Osadious.” Horatio smiled, “I’m looking forward to it.”
“Mind if I tag along?” Markus asked.
“Fine by me.” Rafael motioned to Adam, “Adam, will you bring three horses over here?”
“ ‘Course.” Adam darted away.
“Rafael showed me an old blacksmith shop there. That’s where he made his katari.”
“Oh?” Horatio smiled, “I look forward to seeing it.”
“Here you are.” Adam brought the horses over, “Enjoy the ride.”
“Thank you Adam.” Rafael mounted smoothly.
Once everyone was mounted, they started off at a gallop. After a short time, Markus came up beside Rafael, and began to speak. “Rafael, I used to be a bit of a swindler. I stole from a lot of people.”
“I know that Markus.”
“Well, Horatio is the fellow that had to pay back all the people I took from. I would like to pay him back somehow. Thing is, it’s a rather large sum.”
“How large?”
“Oh, well, just a bit over 150,000 gold pieces, and maybe about 6,000 silver pieces, as well as a few jewels.”
Rafael looked sharply at Markus, “So much?”
“Yes, well,” Markus shrugged, “He has already spoken to me about it, and he is willing to issue me a full pardon.”
“There is more than enough in Osadious to pay him back.”
Markus nodded, “Thank you.”
Twenty minutes later, the gates of Osadious came into view.
“There she is. Osadious, the lost city of legend.”
“Amazing.” Horatio muttered.
Markus snorted, “He says amazing, an’ he’s only seen the gate.”
The four of them rode into the city, coming to a stop next to the fountain. Dismounting, Rafael pointed at a large set of double doors. “Follow me.”
As the doors opened wide, light shone in on the thousands of scrolls and books lined neatly on the shelves. Horatio walked over to the last shelf, and lifted a book up from the bottom shelf. “The End of Osadious, and Birth of the Barren Waste.” Horatio read the title slowly.
“This library contains the entire history of the city.” Rafael spoke softly.
Horatio set the scroll back down, “It’s amazing how they kept such detailed records.”
“Horatio, Ellius, it’s my turn to show you something.” Markus led them through a small door in the back of the building.
Rafael followed them, and watched from the doorway as they stared at the contents of the treasury.
“Markus gave up counting once he hit 500,000 gold pieces. That’s the pile of gold on that table to the side.” Rafael looked over at Horatio, “I am told that Markus owes you a large debt. I’m sure you could easily settle the balance here.”
“Easily is an understatement.” Horatio continued to stare at the vast amount.
Rafael shrugged, “The best way to transport all of this to Levis would be by using a warp stone.”
“What do you mean, ‘all of it’?” Horatio looked at Rafael.
Rafael motioned around at the contents of the treasury, “These riches are doing nothing here, no one is putting them to use. I am giving it all to you and Ellius. I am certain you can put it to good use.”
A smile flickered across Horatio’s face, “You are very generous Rafael.”
Rafael frowned, “Generous? Explain that to me.”
“When a person freely gives of themselves, simply to give. When they give more than is required, they are being generous.” Horatio explained.
Rafael thought for a moment, before nodding, “It makes sense, the way you explain it.” He turned, “I am going outside.”
“You just became a very rich man Horatio.” Ellius laughed.
“We. We just became rich men. I will take a third, and you will take a third. The rest will stay here for now.”
“A third?”
“Someday Rafael might find a use, or a need for the last portion.” Horatio frowned, “Even a third feels like too much.”
Ellius shrugged, “Think of all the good we can do with this.”
“Yes.” Horatio turned to Ellius suddenly, “Ellius, this city would make the perfect training ground. With a bit of hard work, and a little magic, this place could be quite useful.”
Ellius nodded, “I think I see what you’re thinking.”
“Let’s go outside and talk with Rafael.”
“Good idea.”
The two of them walked outside.
Rafael was sitting on the fountain, watching the water cascading down as Horatio and Ellius came outside.
“Are you ready to go back to the oasis?” Rafael looked up at them.
“Almost.” Horatio looked around at the city, “This place could be made into the perfect training grounds with a bit of work.”
Rafael nodded, “No one is using this place, do with it as you please.”
The three of them mounted, and started riding back towards the oasis. As they rode along, Horatio’s eyes sparkled in anticipation.
A Draken Rising
Back at the oasis, they went over to the eastern spring. Rafael sat down next to the bubbling spring as Horatio and Ellius talked to the side.“Ellius, I am returning to Levis in the morning.” Horatio glanced over at Rafael.
“I’ll keep an eye on him,” Ellius tilted his head, “Your worried?”
After the beating he took, it is hard to believe he has already healed. He still moves slowly, as if in pain.”
“His scars are tight, and restrict his movement.”
“So many scars, “Horatio shook his head. “We have always known Malus Cimmerii was an evil man, but to do that to his own son…” Horatio choked slightly.
“Justice will be done, in time. Malus is destined for only one thing. Inferno.”
“I hope that I get to send him there," Horatio spat.
“You sound like I did, when I lost my parents.” Ellius raised an eyebrow, “Do you remember what you always used to say?”
"Hate the action, not the person.” Horatio sighed, “Here I am, trying to teach Rafael, and I am the one needing the reminder.” Horatio smiled, “Thank you, Ellius, I needed that.”
“I needed to remind myself," Ellius grimaced, ‘I wouldn’t mind sending Malus Cimmerii to the grave myself.”
"Horatio, Ellius, I'm going to take a walk, I will see you later." Rafael began walking away, leaving his teachers behind.
"He has been through so much. He is strong to handle it so well." Ellius shook his head.
"Yes he is." Horatio agreed.
"This oasis is a good place for him. It lets him escape from his father, from his name even."
“It’s amazing, really, this paradise in the midst of nothing.” Horatio paused to look around.
“Yes, my home for the next five months.” Ellius laughed, “Compared to my usual schedule, I call this quite the vacation.”
The two of them laughed companionably.
An hour later, Horatio and Ellius found themselves sitting down to lunch with Markus, Estrella, and Rafael.
As the food was passed around, Markus and Ellius were both telling stories about the mischief they always were into, when they were younger. Every once in a while, Horatio would add in a little story of his own. The entire dining room was filled with laughter, even Rafael was smiling and laughing along.
Towards the end of the meal, Horatio noticed Estrella whipping a tear off her face. “Is something wrong, Estrella?”
“No…” She shook her head, before whipping away another tear. “It’s just that I’ve never seen Rafael so happy. He’s never really truly smiled before. Now, he’s finally laughing and smiling. It’s real, finally.” Estrella smiled, “I’m just so glad, I’ve started crying.”
Everyone laughed.
Some time later, Horatio, Ellius, and Rafael walked down to the southern spring.
“Horatio, I have something for you.” Rafael held out a small stone.” It’s a warp stone. I made it, when we got back from the oasis.”
“Thank you, Rafael.” Horatio took the stone and ran his fingers over it. It changed color slightly, as he touched it.
“You’re leaving in the morning?” Rafael said.
Horatio nodded, “Yes. All the same, we will be continuing your training. I have some material for you to read over, and Ellius will be working on your physical training.”
Ellius nodded, “There is something I must know first.”
“Oh?” Rafael asked.
“Your back. It still bothers you?”
“That sounds more like a statement than a question.” Rafael sighed, "Yes. It bothers. The scars are tight, and it can be hard to move."
"Rafael, I might be skilled in healing, but even I have my limits.” Horatio shrugged, “I can do nothing more for you. However, my personal physician, Dr. Chen, is far more skilled than I. I am certain he could do something to help.”
Rafael stared into Horatio’s eyes for a moment. “He is trustworthy?”
Horatio nodded, “Ellius and I have both put our lives in his hands, a number of times.”
Rafael thought for a moment, before nodding. “If you put your trust in this man, then so will I.”
“You have come very far, very quickly.” Ellius smiled his approval.
“I return to Levis tomorrow morning. Come to the Great Hall a little after noon. I will be waiting for you, as will Dr. Chen. I will tell him nothing other than that he is needed. How much you tell him is up to you.”
Rafael slowly nodded, “Alright.” He knelt beside the spring and let the water run over his fingers. “Since you are leaving tomorrow, this is as good a time as any.”
“For what?” Ellius scowled.
“Horatio, during the last week, I have had the same dream over and over, again.” Rafael shivered, “One of the Drakens has become a traitor. In the dream, they hand four dragons over to Cao. Two rider-less, two with partners.” Rafael looked up at Horatio, concern filling his eyes.
Horatio frowned, “I will alert the other council members.” He shook his head, “Change of plans for me. I am going to go get my things and leave straight away.” Horatio reached out and put a hand on Rafael’s shoulder. “I will see you tomorrow, Lad.”
“Goodbye for now, Horatio,” Rafael said.
Horatio smiled, before turning, and walked away.
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