Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

A Draken Rising
by Estrella LeMarIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: A Draken Rising
A Draken Rising; Part 2,
Mile after mile passed swiftly beneath as Rafael lead Cao Nocens and the Acerbus to the west. It was not long before Rafael spotted the caravan. Rafael drew his katari, before speaking sharply to Cao, “Now remember, this caravan belongs to me. You are to kill no one, only take prisoners, and allow none to escape. I wish for them to all be bound and brought to the center of the opening while I decide what to do with them. Understood?”“Of course.” Cao rolled his eyes, “As you say, it shall be done.”
Down in the unsuspecting caravan, a young lady closed the canvas flap before turning around to sit down. “Ellius is sleeping soundly father, he must be awful tired after such a long ride.”
“No doubt little one. He has traveled a long ways.”
“Father, did he really send his katari, and his book, ahead to Levis?”
“So he said.”
A dark shadow blocked out the sun, the girl and her father looked up to see what it was.
“Run!” The man reigned in the horses before leaping down from his seat, and sprinting towards the woods. He had nearly reached the forests cover when a great beast landed before him. He stumbled backwards as the pitch black wyvern spread its wings out wide, and reared its hideous head. The man tripped, and fell to the ground; as he scrambled to regain his footing, a large claw pinned him
Rafael watched as Cao Nocens, and the Acerbus bound each prisoner, and dragged them to the clearings center. He could see the cruel glint in Cao’s eyes as Cao dragged a poor girl to the center by her hair. That old, familiar feeling was coming back again; as Rafael watched, as he saw the looks of fear and terror on those prisoners faces, he felt a sharp pain inside. It was that foul sickness coming upon him again, that feeling like someone was taking his very heart, and twisting it hard. Rafael shook his head, trying to shake off that feeling. Dismounting his wyvern, Rafael walked over to one of the teams of horses. Glancing at them, he nodded slightly; the person who picked out those horses had a good eye.
“The prisoners are all bound and gathered.” Cao glared at Rafael, “What are your orders?”
Rafael ignored Cao. Walking to were the prisoners were bound, he turned to face the Acerbus. “Listen up, and listen well. There are five wagons here, you are to attach them all together to form a train. Put all the goods in the last three wagons, and load all of the prisoners into the front two. Now, get moving!”
“I challenge your order.” An older man stepped forward. “ It would be far easier to carry them all back on our wyverns.”
“This entire caravan, the prisoners and the spoils, belong to me.” Rafael growled.
“Who gave you that right?”
“My father. Anyone who wishes to challenge me in this may do so right here and now!”
“Then I challenge.” The man drew his katari and strode forward.
“You wish to end your life so soon? So be it.” Rafael drew his katari.
“End my life so soon? We shall see who looses their life!”
“So we shall.” Rafael lifted his blade to parry the attack, before slashing sideways.
“Ugg!” The man winced as Rafael’s katari opened up a gash in his side. “I am no fool,” he muttered.
“Then what are you?” Rafael quickstepped to the left, before turning swiftly to the right and slashing down at his opponent’s knee. As his opponent stumbled backwards in pain, Rafael heard one of the prisoners call out.
“Behind you!”
Rafael spun around quickly and brought his katari up just in time to parry a blow that would have surly finished him. Bringing his knee up hard, he hit the surprise attacker hard in the stomach, making the man double over in pain. Quickly, Rafael beheaded the man. Turning with his slash, Rafael spun around to parry the other mans attack, before lunging forward.
The two katari met with such force, that sparks showered all around. Both Rafael and his opponent struggled to get the upper hand. As they pushed back and forth, Rafael grinned. “Fool” he whispered. His katari flashed, and a dark, black aura surrounded it. This black aura sparked with red and gold, much like the blackest thundercloud will spark with the gold of lightning. The aura around Rafael’s blade seemed to grow larger, and larger, until it engulfed his opponents katari completely. Suddenly the man’s katari was transformed into ashes, and soon the mans limp form fell to the ground to rest in those ashes, as the ashes greedily drank up his blood.
Rafael slowly took a cloth, and wiped his katari clean. The he turned to face the remaining Wyriens. “That man challenged me, and look at the price he paid.” Rafael pointed to the fallen man with his blade. “Does anyone else wish to challenge?”
Everything went dead silent as Rafael’s eyes fell on each of the remaining men. Finally Rafael spoke softly, “I take that as a no, so be it then. Get on with your work, you have your orders.” Rafael calmly sheathed his sword, and strode over to were Cao stood. “You seem distressed Cao. Is it because two of your men died, or is it because I am still alive?”
Cao did not say a word, he simply glared at Rafael, and grit his teeth.
Rafael’s eyes narrowed. “As I thought.”
“You are well advanced for your age, but there will come a time that you come against something that even your training will not have prepared you for. On that day you will learn the meaning of fear.” Cao snarled.
“And no doubt you plan to be the one that teaches me. Let me tell you something Cao, for all you claim, you are not very bright. You are rather easy to read, I know your strengths, and your weaknesses. Do not think you could easily best me.”
“My lord…” one of the Acerbus knelt before Rafael, “Your orders have been carried out. What should we do with the bodies?”
“Let them lie.” Rafael turned to Cao, “The second caravan is directly north of here, a good three hour journey. Do with that caravan as you please.”
“Cao glared at Rafael before striding over to his wyvern. On his orders, the Acerbus mounted up, and soon their forms disappeared in the distance.
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