Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

A Draken Rising
by Estrella LeMarIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: A Draken Rising
A Draken Rising; Part 3
As the Acerbus had made there exit, Rafael had selected a fine, buckskin charger from the captured animals, and had mounted it. Once the Acerbus had finally disappeared from sight, he rode over to the first two wagons, were the prisoners sat. “Which one of you warned me?”“I am the one that warned you lad.”
Rafael’s gaze turned to look at the speaker, the man was well built, and broad-shouldered. From the looks of him, Rafael would guess that he stood about 6’5’’. The man’s age was impossible to tell, for he had a nice head of dark brown hair, with a few specks of white showing. “What is your name?’ Rafael questioned.
“My name is Ellius.” The hazel eyes of Ellius locked with Rafael’s dark green eyes.
“Thank you.” Rafael leaned forward slightly, “Ellius, can you drive a wagon?”
Ellius lifted an eyebrow, “Quite easily actually, but no one can do so with their hands bound.”
“True. Hold out your hands.” As Ellius held out his hands, Rafael’s katari sung through the air, and sliced the ropes that bound Ellius asunder.
Ellius climbed up to the drivers seat, and took the reigns in hand as Rafael
sheathed his katari. “What direction sir?”
“Straight ahead.”
“Of course.” Ellius spurred the horses forward until they were moving at a good clip. As they traveled along, Ellius looked over at their captor. There was something about the lad, as Ellius had looked into that boy’s eyes, it had not been cruelty, hate or anger he had seen. No, instead Ellius had seen a deep sadness. Who was the boy anyway?
They were all moving at a gallop now, when Rafael suddenly held up his right hand. A great beam of light shot forward from his hand, and moved to a place directly in front of the caravan, there it spread out into a great panel. There was no way to avoid it, the caravan was moving to fast. Ellius braced himself for the collision… but the collision never came. Instead, Ellius found himself in a completely different setting. Instead of dense forest and trees, they were surrounded by endless miles of sand. As the horses hooves hit the sand, they slowed down considerably.
“The oasis is right over the next hill.”
Ellius looked over at the boy. The boy’s face was a pale white, and his shoulders sagged. As Ellius looked at him, the boy smiled weakly, “I will be fine in a few moments, I am not accustomed to making the warp panel so large, or holding it so long.” A few moments later, as they came to the top of a hill, Rafael straightened in his saddle, and spread his arms out wide, “Welcome to the oasis. Ellius, drive the wagons to that clearing next to the spring. We will unload there.”
Ellius quietly obeyed.
As the wagon’s finally came to a stop next to the spring, a crowd of people came forward to great them. One older gentleman stepped forward, “Welcome Captain. ‘Tiss great to see you again!”
Rafael dismounted and handed the buckskins reigns to a nearby lad, “Tend to him for me Adam.”
“A’ course Cap’in!”
Rafael grinned as Adam led the buckskin away. Turning, he bowed slightly to the older gentleman. “ It is good to see you again as well Markus.” Rafael motioned towards the five wagons. “The first two wagons are full of people, while the last three are full of their things. You know what to do. Have our newcomers gather
at the southern spring in half an hour, I will address them there.”
Markus nodded, “Yes Captain.”
“Oh, and one more thing, have the Petrosky, and the Poulin family’s come down there as well. I do believe that their six months are done as of today.”
“Yes Captain, it shall be done.”
“Good.” Rafael nodded.
“You are not looking so well.”
Rafael laughed, “You catch on to everything do you not? But no worries, I am fine. I will see you in half an hour.”
“So be it Captain.”
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