Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Shadow World
We live in a world of shadows,Shadows are but a glimpse at the real thing,
An out line, an idea of what the real thing is.
We live in a world of shadows,
We are but passing through,
Someday we shall see the real thing,
But now we enjoy the shadows.
Lilies, roses, violets, buttercups, and fruit trees,
If they are but a shadow of the real thing in heaven,
How beautiful heaven must be!
Even now birds flaunt their colorful feathers,
And we enjoy their daily song,
Yet if they are but a shadow,
Oh! How glorious the real thing must be!
The wolf with his mournful cry,
The leopard with his coat of spots,
The cheetah with his speed,
The tiger with his stripes,
And the lion with his golden mane,
If they are all but fleeting shadows in a shadow world,
How glorious the real thing must be!
Before sin came to earth, their glory was not dimmed,
But now they are but a shadow of what was, and shall again be.
Some day, when the time is right,
A trumpet sound will roar
Throughout the heavens,
And throughout all the earth.
Then our Lord Jesus himself will come,
And destroy the shadow that dims nature's glory!
He will lift the fog up from his handiwork,
And we will behold the real thing, his perfect, sinless world,
That was made a shadow of what it was, because of sin.
And, oh, how glorious that will be.
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