Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Estrella LeMar on December 5, 2007
"Two years ago, at the end of November, I was in a bad car crash. I spent a long time in the hospital. I wrote this while I was there."
The Ocean
As I walk along the beach, I feel the cool rough sand beneath my feet. The ocean breeze whistles over the rocks and come to me. It plays with my hair and starts it a-dancing.Ah, the cool ocean air feels grand on my face; it smells of salt, a salty brine. I hear above the roaring tide and the crashing waves, the cry of a lone seagull, standing nearby. He spreads his pure, white wings out wide to catch the whistling wind and is lifted high up into the pur, blue sky, then towards the distant horizon he soars.
I gaze out towards the ocean, the endless blue-green ocean, and smile.
Ever-changing it stretches on forever, to the horizon and past. The waves race each other towards the beach where I stand, and leave cool white foam around my feet.
Ah, the ocean….ever changing, ever moving, never leaving, never coming. Always different, yet somehow the same.
O, the wonder of it!
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