Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Estrella LeMar on December 5, 2007
"I wrote this poem while I was in the hospital two years ago."
Solid stand
You stand, still, on a good strong rock.A rock in the middle of the ocean.
You stand alone, against the whirling wind around you.
Rain may pour, try to make you slip, but still you stand.
You stand strong.
Thunder may sound, lightning may crash.
But still you stand, firm and strong on that rock.
That solid rock that shall ever be.
As light surrounds you, you look around.
You can see people around you.
People swimming, desperately trying to live.
You reach out your hands and start grabbing hold, saving the people around you.
They stand on the rock, that strong solid rock.
There's room for them all.
The wind may pound against you.
The rain may pour down on you.
Satan may send thunder and lightning to scare you.
But you are safe and sound.
For you stand on the rock that is strong.
The rock that is unbreakable.
You stand on Jesus, while surrounded by a sinful world.
You stand on Jesus.
Jesus is all we need.
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