Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

A Draken Rising
by Estrella LeMarIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: A Draken Rising
A Draken Rising; Part 5
“This way.” Rafael lead Ellius towards a small house nearby. Opening up the door, he called out, “Good afternoon Markus, Estrella, I have brought a guest. May we come in?Markus pulled out two dinning room chairs, “Come right in Captain, and take a seat.” Markus held a hand out to Ellius, “And you are?”
“My name is Ellius.”
“Wait, THE Ellius? Ellius LeMar? The Myrthl Draken?”
Ellius laughed, “Yes, although I did not realize I was so famous.”
Markus’ face glowed, “Estrella, we have company!”
“Oh? Well have them sit down. I have a nice meal prepared, come help me set the table.” Estrella called out.
“Coming!” Markus disappeared into the kitchen for a moment, before returning with a dinner platter in hand. As he set it down, Rafael’s mouth began to water at the sight of mutton, cabbage, potatoes, and so much more. A few moments later, a lady came out carrying a large salad bowl. “There we are, all ready to eat.”
Estrella turned towards Ellius, “By the way, I am Estrella.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you Estrella.” Ellius daintily took her hand and gently kissed it.
Estrella blushed, “Oh! My, well you are a charmer. It is nice to meet you as well.”
“It’s Ellius LeMar, THE Ellius LeMar!” Markus grinned.
“Well no wonder he is such a gentleman. Now, everyone, take your seats, and begin dishing your plates.”
Soon everyone was digging in.
“Mmm… delicious,” Ellius smiled, “It has been a long time since I have had a meal so fine. Thank you Estrella.”
Estrella blushed, “Oh, it is nothing, I love cooking, and I have always been good at it.”
“Aye, and look what she has done to me!” Markus patted his tummy, “She’s plumped me right up!”
Estrella sighed, “I do believe that was your own doing my dear.”
Everyone laughed.
“So, how came you to the oasis Markus? How long have you been here?” Ellius questioned.
“Well,” Markus frowned, “Estrella and I have been here nearly five years. You know how I am second in charge of this place? Well, I still do not fully understand how, or why that happened. Back then, well, lets just say the authorities were on the lookout for me and Estrella. One time, they had nearly caught us, we made it out with only the clothes on our backs; then we up and got lost in the forest. We were ‘bout collapsing with hunger, when a young boy shows up out of nowhere. He opened up a warp pane, and brought us here. There was nobody else here at the time, but it looked just about the same as it does now, just a tad bit worn down. The kid introduced himself as the Captain, then he gave us a place to stay. He gave us food, water, clothes, an entire new life. I said I would help clean up the place in return for his aid, but for the first few days, I only worked half-heartedly, then I stopped working at all This went on for a full week. The Captain said nothing at all, but I could feel him watching me. One day I was just goofing off when I looked up to see him standing right there, just looking at me. There was such disappointment in his eyes that I decided right then and there that I was going to shape up, and I did. Few weeks later, he shows up with a few more people, and says, ‘Markus you are second in charge here, just remember, you answer to me. When I am gone, you are in charge.’” Markus shrugs, “Estrella and I have been here ever since.”
“That is quite a story.” Ellius set his silverware down, “Thank you for the meal Estrella, Markus.”
“You’ll come back for dinner?” Estrella questioned.
“If you do not mind, Estrella, Ellius will be joining you for all meals during his stay.” Rafael rose from his seat.
“Oh? Well that is perfectly alright with me.” Estrella smiled.
“Well, I will see you later then, good day to you.” Markus shook Ellius’ hand.
“I will see you latter on.” Ellius calmly strode out the door, Rafael close behind. Soon the two of them were once again sitting comfortably in Ellius’ living room.
“Before I begin training you, there are two things I need.”
Rafael looked up, “What?”
“For one, my katari, secondly, my book “Extremum Bonorum” I had sent them ahead of me to Levis. Count Horatio LeMar will have them in the great hall, above the fireplace. This will be a test for you. You are to go in, and get them. Understood?”
“Should not take to long,” Rafael shrugged, “I will be back before dinner.”
“We will see.”
Rafael stood up, raising his hand and creating a warp panel as he did so. Stepping through the warp panel, Rafael disappeared from view. Ellius stood up and went to find Markus. As he had hoped, Markus was sitting under a small oak tree nearby. “Markus, I need your help with something.”
Markus looked at Ellius curiously, “I am listening.”
“Good, here is what I need…”
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