Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Estrella LeMar on December 10, 2007
"Freedom... such a simple word... such a great meaning.
Everyday a person has to struggle to maintain the freedoms they have, every moment the freedoms that are preasent, are being stolen away. We must open our eyes, and see."
Everyday a person has to struggle to maintain the freedoms they have, every moment the freedoms that are preasent, are being stolen away. We must open our eyes, and see."
Freedom's Challenge
Freedom. A thing that has always been sought after, searched for, hunted down, and fought for.Freedom. A thing that men have died for, women cried for, and children have begged for.
Freedom. A thing, in America, that is now being taken for granted.
Freedom. A thing that is quietly, constantly being stolen away.
There is a challenge in the air, freedom’s challenge. All people choose to either preserve freedom or to simply sit back and watch as that freedom, which so many have fought for, silently slips into darkness, far from their grasp. That is the challenge. That is the choice that now stands before you. What path shall you take?
In American history, so many have fought for freedom. Simply look back to the Revolutionary War. Look at General Washington and how he stood firm against the British tyrannical rule.
“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!” Those were the words of Patrick Henry, and the words that follow emphasize his standpoint.
“I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.”
That was the stand of many a man, and while liberty did, indeed, come at last, there were many men who trod down death’s path. One such man was Nathan Hale, who stood for freedom, until the very last. As he waited to be brought forward, to be executed, he was asked what his last words would be. His reply was simple, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”
Those were the last words that he spoke, and he truly meant them. Now, I must ask, “Would you say the same?”
Following the Revolutionary War, many more battles took place, and every single one was fought over freedom. Through the years, the cry for freedom has had a changing sound. At one time, this cry was yelled out as men fought for their family’s safety, their freedom.
“Remember the Alamo!” This was the cry of every fighting man who valiantly fought for the freedom their own brothers had sacrificed their lives for.
“Remember the Alamo!” The men shouted it out as they pushed forward to bring freedom to those trying to live in their own land.
“Remember the Alamo!”...
That cry was heard for months, until freedom came, at last, to the people of Texas. The men who died were fondly remembered; the men who lived became heroes to all. All of those heroes started out as a person who faced freedom’s challenge.
So, what about you? Will you be a hero?
There has been one great battle for freedom that has presented more than one battlefront.
The official battle for the African-American man’s freedom started with The Emancipation Proclamation. Many a man died during the following Civil War, but, eventually, the slaves became free, but not completely. The Civil War was only one battlefront in this fight.
Another part of the battle was taken on by a man named Martin Luther King Jr. He once said, “I have a dream,“ and, indeed, he did. He had a dream that all his people would be able to enjoy the freedom they had so far been denied.
It was his efforts, and the efforts of so many others, that brought true freedom to those people.
Would you have put in the effort to take freedom to your people?
On September 11, 2001, freedom’s call was shouted out, as hundreds of men, women, and children were buried in rubble. That day brought fear, terror, and sadness to hundreds, even millions of people.
Now, today, our men and women march forward to bring us freedom from fear; freedom from terror. As Winston Churchill once said, “...arise, and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time.”
As we fight for this freedom from terror, look at those around you. Will you fight for their freedom?
Now, as I come to a close, I must pause for a moment and ask, “How come I am free?” In answer to that, I simply look at those known as veterans.
It is because those men and women fought for it, that I enjoy this freedom that is mine, today. Every single one of them, those still living, and those who have passed away, are all heroes. They fought for and preserved freedom for us. Now, we are each faced with freedom’s challenge. Will you step forward and fight for our freedom or will you sit back and do nothing?
The war for freedom is raging.
The battle is right here, close at hand.
This is the choice you must make, will you stand for freedoms cause, or will you
sit back and let evil and captivity triumph?
As for me, I will stand with our heroes and do my best for freedom’s cause.
Will you join me?
This is your choice now.
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