Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Estrella LeMar on December 29, 2007
"No matter how bad a situation may apear,
There is always joy, hope and peace lingering near."
There is always joy, hope and peace lingering near."
My Favorite Christmas Gift (In a fashion)
My favorite gift ever,Is not a gift per-say,
But instead an event that happened two years ago,
On a Christmas day.
That year was a bleak and sad one,
As I lay in a hospital bed,
No tree, or gifts at all to see,
On Christmas Eve that year.
So I went to bed that night,
Expecting not a thing,
Yet as I woke in the early morning,
I could see so many things!
A friend had gotten a small tree,
Set it up during the night,
Covered with lights and a popcorn chain,
Boy, was that a sight!
And the presents,
Oh! So many, piled round to see!
The nurses had spent the night making Christmas special...
For me.
Never will I forget that morning,
When expected sadness turned to joy,
And ever will I remember,
That it is not the gifts that bring the joy.
The greatest gift on Christmas day,
Are the smiles on others faces,
So spred joy each Christmas day,
And watch for smiling faces.
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