Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
There is an old saying...
There is an old saying,You know how it goes,
Knowledge is power,
As everyone knows.
Yet I dare to say that the saying is off-
You may have knowledge, but where does the power come in?
That saying would better if spoken as such:
“Knowledge is a set of eyes to look through.”
Even a blind man can walk around their house,
For they have knowledge of where things are...
Without knowledge a person is blind to their situation in life.
But there is more to the puzzle than that.
A person may see a fire starting, so they know it is there,
That does not mean they will react.
They must use wisdom to properly act.
The use of wisdom is where power comes from.
Without wisdom, knowledge is useless.
Knowledge may be power, in some people’s eyes,
But it is wisdom that brings power to good people’s lives.
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