Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

A Draken Rising
by Estrella LeMarIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: A Draken Rising
A Draken Rising 14
As Rafael stepped through the warp panel onto the rafters in Horatio’s sitting room, a soft melody came to his ear. Looking downward, Rafael saw Horatio sitting at a beautiful mahogany piano, with his fingers dancing over the keys. Standing there, Rafael listened to the melody. It was a soothing sound; never had he heard anything like it.Horatio came to the end of a song , and stopped. Softly he called out, “Come down from the rafters Captain, there is no one else here.” Horatio stood to his feet as Rafael leaped down from the rafters.
“How could you tell I was here?” Rafael questioned.
“I may not have physically seen you, but I could sense you.” Horatio looked at Rafael’s arm, “You have quite a bruise forming.”
Rafael grimaced, “I had never used a shield my entire life until this afternoon. I’m sure I will have many more bruises by morning time.”
“Never used a shield before? Anywhere I have ever been, boys begin learning the use of a shield at a very early age.”
“Horatio,” Rafael paused, “Why are you so willing to train me, when you do not even know me? I am rather surprised, you have not asked for my name, or asked where I am from.”
“Ellius is going to train you.”
“You are two different people.”
“True.” Horatio nodded his head, “Young man, you may not know what the word honor means, yet you have honor within you. That, I can see clearly. That is all I need to know.” Horatio smiled slightly, “You could have killed me when we first met, but you did not.”
“How is your arm anyway? It was in a cast when we fought.”
“Yes, but my doctor finally returned from his trip a little after our fight. With him and his remedies, my arm was healed within an hour. It is still not back to its full strength, but no healing is instant.”
Rafael stared at the floor for a moment, before slowly beginning to speak, “Horatio, before you begin training me, I am going to explain to you who I am, where I come from. I feel you have a right to know. Once I have explained, you have every right to refuse to train me.”
Rafael had Horatio’s full attention, “Go on Captain, I’m listening.”
Rafael hesitated, uncertain how to go on, "Horatio, I know full well that you and Ellius are Myrthl Drakens, and among the top of you order. You have sworn oaths to protect the people, and to fight the Wyriens. The leader of the Wyriens is a man named Malus Cimmerii. The Wyriens are a group of thousands who have been trained to kill, torture, and feel hate." Rafael paused, "Throughout history, the Wyriens have accepted Drakens into their ranks, but there is not a single time that the Drakens have accepted a Wyrien into their ranks. Is that not the case?"
"That is the case."
"I am certain you know that Malus Cimmerii has one child, a son who is heir to the Wyrien throne."
"There have been reports that Malus has a son, but there have never been any reported sightings. It is the name of Cao Nocens that has spread, and become feared."
Rafael snorted, "Yes, Cao Nocens. He is well known isn't he? If he had the chance, he would become the heir to the throne. He has tried enough times; he only needs to get rid of me."
"Get rid of you?"
"Yes. I... I am Rafael Cimmerii, son of Malus Cimmerii, and heir to the Wyrien throne. Cao could have the throne for all I care, I dislike Caligo, and avoid it as much as I can."
Rafael, let me ask you something."
Rafael turned his back to Horatio, "What is it?"
"Rafael, do you find pleasure in killing, harming, or torturing others?"
Rafael shook his head, "No. Instead I feel pain myself, an inner pain like a foul sickness."
"And when you look at the prisoners, the slaves of Caligo, what do you think about?"
Rafael turned to face Horatio, a confused look on his face, "When I see how tired and hungry they are, I wish I could help, or free, them."
"It is for those very reasons that I say you have kindness and honor in your heart. It is also because of those reasons that Ellius is training you, and why I am willing to train you."
"Even though I am a Wyrien?"
"You are not one at heart, that is what counts. Rafael, you mat bear the name of your father, the name of Cimmerii, but you are not him. You are your own person."
"No one else seems to think that. People hear the name "Cimmerii," and they run for cover."
"I am not running. Neither is Ellius."
Rafael just starred at Horatio.
"Now I know why you have never used a shield before. The Wyriens prefer to hit and run. They never need to worry about defending themselves." Horatio smiled, " Now that I know a bit more about you, I will be better able to explain things."
"So you will still train me?"
Rafael tilted his head to the side, "I begin to understand what you mean by honor, yet it seems to go so much deeper then I ever would have thought."
"It goes far deeper indeed, but you must first understand trust, kindness, gentleness, courage, and generosity, before you can truly understand honor."
"I see." Rafael thought for a moment, "Horatio, this morning Ellius mentioned someone called 'The Prince.' Can you tell me about him? Ellius said that he died for the people. I do not understand this, how can he die, and still be with us?"
"To fully understand that, you must first understand death."
"Understand death?" Rafael frowned.
"Yes, understand death. You see, when a person dies, they do not come back in a different form, or cease to exist completely. When they die, they go to one of two places; Infierno, or Aether."
"Infierno? The very sound of that word makes me feel dread." Rafael shivered.
"It is a horrible place, tha-"
A knocking at the door interrupted Horatio.
"Count, may I come in?" A gentle voice called out.
"Just a moment Emily, the door is locked."
Of course." Emily respectfully replied.
Horatio turned back to were Rafael had been standing just in time to see the boy disappear through a warp panel. Shaking his head, he walked over to the door to let Emily in.
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