Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

A Draken Rising
by Estrella LeMarIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: A Draken Rising
A Draken Rising; 15
"Infierno? Aether? I have heard whispers of such places, but what are they?" Rafael tossed a stone into the spring before leaning back against the great oak."Well hello Cap'in! There you are, Estrella's got dinner all ready. Come along now so we can eat."
Rafael smiled, "Coming Markus."
A few moments later found everyone gathered around the table, fully enjoying a nice venison stew.
Rafael set his spoon down with a contented smile on his face, "Markus, how are the horses? I heard that one of them is lame?"
Markus frowned, "It's that little Morgan Ms.Daentrea is so found of. She's not very happy about it."
No doubt Ms.Daentrea is very worried about the horse." Rafael smirked slightly.
"Aye, she is worried alright, "Markus grumbled, "She's about worried my ear right off."
"The Captain and I visited Osadious this morning." Ellius set down his silverware. "Spectacular place, and at the same time, a warning."
"A warning? What do you mean?" Estrella said.
"Stories tell about that cities strength, and how it stood against armies of several hundred thousand. Now it lies abandoned, and in ruins." Ellius frowned, "If we assume we are safe, we let down our guard, and become week. If the Drakens do not keep a vigilant watch, Levis and Aduro shall share Osadious fate."
Ellius stood to his feet, "Wonderful meal as usual Estrella, Markus. Thank you. I will see you in the morning."
Rafael also stood, "Goodnight Markus, Estrella, I will see you in the morning as well."
"Goodnight Captain."
"'Night Cap'in."
Ellius and Rafael left. Silently they walked over to Ellius's house. Soon they were seated in the living room.
"How did your meeting with Horatio go?"
"It went… well."
"Tell me." Ellius said.
Rafael nodded before beginning to softly speak. "I felt that he had a right to know who I was before he agreed to train me. I asked why he was willing to train me, when he did not even know who I was. He told me that I have honor."
"You do."
Rafael looked at Ellius for a moment before continuing, "After I told him my name, he asked me if I found pleasure in hurting others. I told him that I feel pain myself." Rafael paused.
"Go on." Ellius prodded.
“Horatio asked me what I think about when I see the slaves in Caligo.”
“When you see them, you wish to help them.”
Rafael nodded, “Yes. Horatio told me that it is for that reason that you two are willing to train me. He said that you see kindness, and honor in me.”
Ellius closed his eyes for a moment, “On the outside, you are a Wyrien, but not on the inside.”
“Do you really believe that Ellius? I have been raised as a Wyrien, to someday take the throne; I am a Cimmerii.”
“By name, yes, but you are your own person.” Ellius tilted his head to the side, “This confuses you?”
“My entire life, people hear the name, Cimmerii, and they assume I am evil. Away from Caligo, I have never been able to use my own name. You, and Horatio are the first to have looked past my name.”
Silence filled the room for a moment as they were each caught up in their own thoughts. Finally, Rafael spoke, “Ellius, what is Infierno?”
Ellius lifted an eyebrow, “Infierno? That place is a horrible place. After death, a person spends eternity in Infierno, or Aether. Infierno is a place of eternal darkness, and eternal fire. It never stops burning, the pain never stops. It is the eternal punishment. Aether is the place of eternal peace, an eternal reward.”
“Infierno, Aether. Eternal punishment, eternal reward.” Rafael shook his head, and stood up, “Excuse me Ellius, but I need to be alone. I will see you in the
“Goodnight lad.”
“Goodnight Ellius.” Rafael stepped outside into the starlight night. As he walked towards the southern spring, he pondered over what he had just learned. Infierno sounded like such a horrible place, and Aether sounded like such a good one.
Rafael sighed as he sat down next to the spring, and watched the freshwater bubbling up out of the ground. Why had he never heard about those places? What more did he not know? Rafael spoke softly, “It seems that the more I learn, the more there is to learn.” Rafael laid down in the grass, and stared up at the stars, “I must learn. That is my only choice, I will learn.”
Slowly, Rafael closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep.
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