Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

A Draken Rising
by Estrella LeMarIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: A Draken Rising
A Draken Rising; 16
“You are an early riser aren’t you?” Ellius chuckled.Rafael jumped down from the balancing pole, “No reason to let the morning go to waste.” Rafael smiled, “Enjoy your breakfast?”
“Hard not to.”
“Good. Now, I have another place to show you this morning.”
“Oh? Then let’s get going.”
Soon they were down at the stable, mounting up.
“What direction today?” Ellius asked.
“Just follow me.” Rafael turned towards the east, and spurred his horse into a gallop. The two of them rode for a full hour before coming to the gates of a small town. Neither had spoken during their ride, and it was not until they reached the center of the town that Rafael broke the silence.
“Look at this place Ellius. It is in perfect condition outwardly; it looks like people were living here yesterday.” Rafael shook his head, “There is no one here. This place has been deserted for years. It is empty, and meaningless. There is no purpose for its existence.”
Ellius looked questioningly at Rafael, “You are not just speaking about this town are you?”
Rafael starred off into the distance, “Sometimes I feel like this place. On the outside I am fit and skilled, and yet--- and yet inside of me is a great emptiness, a great--- sadness; I do not know how to change that feeling.”
“I once felt the same way.”
Rafael looked at Ellius curiously, “You felt this way?”
Ellius nodded, “When I was very young, my parents were killed by the Wyriens, making me an orphan. I was so angry over what happened, that I swore I would kill every Wyrien alive. That is when I started studying to become a Draken.
My Aunt and Uncle adopted me, making my cousin, Horatio, into a half-brother. He was also studying to become a Draken. When I told him about my goals, he challenged me to a contest, a contest to see who could learn the history of the Drakens first. I never was one to turn down a competition, so I agreed.
As I began looking into the Draken history, I began learning about the Great Emperor. It was not until I accepted his love for me that I realized that I had a purpose in life.” Ellius sighed, “I do my best to continue the work of the Great Emperor. I am trying to make people remember Him. The entire world has fallen away from Him. He has nearly been forgotten, even though He is with us every day. He is the one who founded the Drakens, through his son, as a way to protect his people. Now, even the Drakens have begun to forget Him.”
For a moment, all that could be heard was the sound of the gentle wind dancing over the cobblestone streets.
“Let’s go back to the oasis.” Rafael turned his horse, and began a slow trot back to the oasis, Ellius following silently behind.
Ellius was an orphan? His parents had been killed by Wyriens? In truth Rafael was not surprised. The Wyriens were the cause of most tragedies that took place in the country. Ellius had become a Draken for the sole purpose of revenge, yet now he had set aside his hatred to train a member of the very group that had killed his parents. This was confusing to Rafael. As the oasis came into view, Rafael slowed to a stop.
"What is it?" Ellius stopped beside him.
"How did you get past your anger? Your hate? It was the Wyriens who killed your family, and now you are training a member of that very group you swore to destroy. How did you stop hating?"
"I have never stopped hating, I have simply learned where to place my hate."
"What do you mean?"
"Yes, I hate the fact that my parents were killed, but it is the action I hate, not the people. For example, if a horse kicks you, you hate the fact that the horse kicked you, but you do not hate the horse. I hate the different bad things that I see people doing, but just because I hate the action does not mean I hate the person."
Rafael scowled, "I am not sure I understand."
"Think about it, it will make sense in time."
A few moments later, they dismounted their horses and handed the reigns over to Adam.
Ellius looked up towards the sun, "It's about lunchtime. Ready to go eat?"
"Not today Ellius. Go on without me."
"Oh? Well then, meet me back at my house in two hours."
"Rafael nodded, "I'll be there."
Rafael watched as Ellius walked away. Hate the actions... not the people. Rafael sighed, and shook his head. Was he supposed to hate what Cao and his father, Malus, did without hating them as well? Was that even possible? The things that once seemed certain now made little sense at all.
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