Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

A Draken Rising
by Estrella LeMarIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: A Draken Rising
A Draken Rising; 17
"I am going to read your mind again. Are you ready?"Rafael nodded slowly, and sat down on a stool in the center of Ellius' living room. "Go ahead." As he closed his eyes, he felt Ellius' hands gently fall on his shoulders. He took a long, slow breath, preparing himself. Once again he felt a strong presence entering his mind. This time the presence sifted through some of his older memories. For a time, that was alright, but then it began looking at a particular collection of memories. Rafael's mind through up a wall. 'Please, not there...' he thought.
"Rafael," Ellius spoke softly, "Let me see."
Reluctantly, Rafael removed the barrier, then Ellius and Rafael entered into that collection of memories.
These memories were all memories of failure... of laughter. The memories of all the times that Cao and his father had mocked him for something failed are not done right in their eyes. Memories of them laughing at him. Laughing... laughing...
Rafael began to shake, "Stop it. Make it stop..."
Rafael felt the presence of Ellius leave his memories, but he still continued to shake. "They laughed," he swallowed hard, "Every time I failed, they laughed, as if it were funny. Was I some Jester to be watched for entertainment? They seemed to think so." Rafael sighed, and ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm himself.
"And so you fear failure." Ellius stated quietly.
"Fear failure?" Rafael finally stopped shaking, "I hate failure, but fear it? I never thought of it that way. Yes, I suppose you could say that I fear failure." Rafael stood, and turned to face Ellius.
Ellius had gotten out a piece of paper, and was quickly writing a letter.
"For Horatio?"
Ellius glanced over the letter, before sealing it. "Yes, for Horatio." Ellius looked up at Rafael, "He will be in the Great Hall at this hour." He handed Rafael the letter.
I will be on my way then." Rafael formed a warp panel, and stepped through.
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