Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

A Draken Rising
by Estrella LeMarIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: A Draken Rising
A Draken Rising; 19
"Hm? What's going on?" Rafael paused as he reached the entryway to the garden.He could hear the sounds of metal meeting metal. Silently he slipped into the garden. As his mind registered what was happening, Rafael's face went pale.
Horatio was frantically defending himself against five men. Taking one look, Rafael recognized them as part of the Acerbus, the elite of the Wyriens. As Rafael watched, he saw Horatio loose his grip. Horatio's katari flew from his hand, landing out of reach. One of the Wyriens punched Horatio in the stomach, making him double over in pain. Then two of them pinned Horatio to the wall. The Wyrien that had punched him held a sword to his throat.
Rafael felt himself moving forward before he even fully realized what he was doing. He did not think, he only reacted. He silently drew his blade as he ran to help Horatio. The Wyriens did not even realize Rafael was there until one of them had their head roll of their shoulders, onto the ground. Rafael quickly stabbed
the two Wyriens holding Horatio, before turning to face the two remaining men.
"Master Rafael?" One of the Wyriens questioned, his eyes growing wide, "Traitor!" His eyes narrowed, "When your father finds out about this..."
Rafael lunged forward. He was not going to let his father find out.
The Wyrien parried, before slashing to the right. Rafael leaped over the slash, before bring his sword around quickly, slicing into his opponents side.
The Wyrien hesitated.
Rafael's blade flashed out, the tip of the blade slicing into the man's eye, blinding him. As the Wyrien stumbled backwards, Rafael quickly leaped forward, and finished the man off.
Once the fourth Wyrien was downed, Rafael frantically scanned the area for the last one. There he was. He was on the other side of the garden, sprinting for the exit. Rafael knew he could not let the man escape. Taking his katari, he threw it like a javelin, and it flew true. The katari sank into the man's chest, and brought him to the ground.
The color returned to Rafael's face as he turned to check on Horatio, "Are you alright?"
Horatio was about to answer when the two of them heard voices coming in their direction.
"Emily, five wyverns were spotted outside the castle grounds."
"The Count is not in his study, or the Great Hall. Most likely he is in the garden."
Rafael looked over to where his katari was sticking out of the Wyriens' chest. He did not want to leave it behind, but he did not have time to get it.
The garden gate began to open.
Rafael formed a warp panel and stepped through.
Horatio was just getting to his feet as Emily Kaio and two guards walked through the garden gate.
"Count! Are you alright? Emily hurried over to help him up, "I was just coming to tell you that some wyverns were spotted."
"A bit late for that. The riders will not be going anywhere." Horatio spoke to one of the guards, "The katari in that man's chest, get it for me."
"Yes m'Lord." The guard walked over and pulled the katari out of the body. As he returned, a confused look came onto his face. "Sir? This blade does not belong to you does it?"
Horatio took the blade, and cleaned it with a cloth Emily handed him. "No. It is not my blade." Horatio sheathed it. "I am going to return it to its owner. Enough said." Horatio turned, and began walking towards to garden gateway, "I am going to spend some time in the Great Hall. I would prefer not to be disturbed."
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