Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Estrella LeMar on November 20, 2008
"some people we never forget"
I will never forget you
As I gaze up at the starlight,Your face pops into mind.
Even though I have not seen you,
In such a long time.
I remember how we spoke,
And how we often laughed.
I sometimes find it hard to speak to others,
Trust, for me, is hard.
But I could always trust you.
I miss the twinkle in your eyes,
They twinkled like the stars.
You could always make me smile,
Now I smile just thinking of you,
Missing you all the while.
I never realized how much I would
Miss your company.
I sometimes wonder if you know how much
You mean to me?
When I say my prayers, I always send up,
A special prayer for you.
That you will stay safe, and succeed
In everything you do.
Memories are lasting,
My memories of you hold on.
Even though your not beside me-
We've been apart so long.
As I gaze up at the stars above me,
I wonder, where and how are you?
As the stars gaze down upon us,
Do you wonder too?
When your walking down the street,
Do I ever come to mind?
I sometimes wonder if you know,
How I truly felt.
I, for one, never truly knew
Until we parted ways.
We were close friends,
A closer freind I never had.
Even now, I am still waiting,
Hoping to hear from you.
Even if that never happens,
I just hope you know,
How much I miss you-
I will never forget you.
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