Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

A Draken Rising
by Estrella LeMarIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: A Draken Rising
A Draken Rising; 20
Rafael knelt next to the southern spring, those words ringing in his ears.Traitor. That Wyrien had called him a traitor, and it was true; he was a traitor.
A single tear began to travle down his cheek.
Rafael quickly brushed away the tear, before turning towards the voice. It was Markus.
"Is something wrong Captian?" Markus looked at Rafael, with concern in his eyes.
"No..." Rafael looked away, "actually... yes. There is." Rafael sighed, "Markus, will you go get Ellius for me?"
Markus nodded, "Yes Captain."
Rafael turned his eyes back to the spring, staring into the ever-bubbling water coming up from the ground. He could not block out that word, it continued echoing in his ears.
Traitor... traitor...traitor...
"There he is Ellius." Markus pointed over to where Rafael was sitting. "I'll leave you alone."
Ellius nodded, "Thank you Markus." Ellius began walking towards Rafael.
Rafael stood, and turned to greet him, "Ellius."
"What's wrong?"
"Too much." Rafael chocked slightly, "Ellius... I would rather not tell you what happened, I would rather have you see it."
Ellius could see the emotion in Rafael's eyes, "Alright. Sit down and I will look at your memories of this afternoon." As Rafael took a seat on the ground, Ellius noticed that his katari was missing. As Rafael closed his eyes, and took a deep breath, Ellius entered into his memories.
Ellius smiled as he listened to Horatio describe the tournaments, and tie in the meaning of courage into his description.
The moment that Ellius saw what was happening in the garden through Rafael's eyes, he understood what was wrong. ~That Wyrien, questioning, "Master Rafael?" Then that single word, "Traitor," Ellius watched the rest of what happend, but he knew what was wrong. He gently withdrew from Rafael's memories, returning to the real world.
"I'm a traitor." Rafael's voice was hollow. "I'm a traitor to my father,my family, and the Wyriens. I'm nothing more then a traitor to them all..."
Ellius knelt in front of Rafael, and put a hand on the boy's shoulder, "No. You are not the traitor. A traitor is someone who betrays for their own gain; if anyone is the traitor, it is them, not you."
Rafael sighed, and looked away, "I betrayed them Ellius, I am a part of them, and I fought them; I am the traitor."
"No. You were never a part of them at heart; you are not a part of them."
"Then what am I?" Rafael looked back at Ellius. "What am I? A skilled... nothing? Another person back in the shadows that is never seen? I have nothing else Ellius, nothing. It's all I've ever been,even known. Outside of them, I only exist in stories, and those very stories keep me from being anything else."
"As you continue to learn more, you will see that you are so much more." Ellius stood to his feet, "Knowing Horatio, he will stay in the Great Hall until you show. Why don't you go see him?"
Rafael took a deep breath, before standing to his feet, "Alright." Forming a warp panel, he stepped through.
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