Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

A Draken Rising
by Estrella LeMarIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: A Draken Rising
A Draken Rising; Part 6
Stepping through the warp panel, Rafael found himself standing in a back alley of Levis. Walking forward, Rafael followed the alleyway to the place it joined with the main street, and began planning his next move. He would have to find a way past the guards and into the palace without looking suspicious, after that he would need to locate the great hall. Rafael mingled with the crowd and began making his way towards the palace gates. As he listened to the conversations around him, Rafael learned that there was going to be a great fireworks display later, once the sunset that night. When Rafael had nearly reached the gates, one particular conversation caught his attention.“Riley, the Count has ordered six of those flags to be delivered to the great hall without delay, I need you to take all six, and cut down on delivery time. Off with you now.”
“No can do boss, flags are heavy, I can only carry two at a time.”
The boss shook his head in disgust, “I need all six delivered Riley.”
“Excuse me,” Rafael stepped over to the business man “I overheard your conversation, perhaps I could be of assistance, I can easily carry all six flags at once.”
The man’s eye’s lit up, “Would you sir? Thank you. These are the flags to be delivered, take them straight to the great hall if you will please.”
Rafael easily lifted the six flags, “I will deliver them right away.” Turning, Rafael made his way up to the gate; once there he called out to one of the guards, “I have a delivery for the Count, might I be permitted to pass?”
One of the guards nodded and opened the gate to let Rafael through, “It’s about time those flags arrived, hurry on up and take them to the great hall.”
Rafael nodded politely, “Of course.” Once he had entered the courtyard, he heard the gate latch shut behind him; calmly he continued onward. Once inside, Rafael continued walking straight towards a large set of mahogany double doors at the end of a brief walk-way. As Rafael came to those doors, he paused; there was an intense argument going on inside.
“Darion! You know as well as I that Ellius can be trusted. He is a man of honor, and kindness.”
“Emily, there are other things in life. BAH!!! Why do I even bother?”
Rafael stepped back quickly as the double doors slammed open, and the man called Darion came storming out. As Darion shoved past Rafael, Rafael noticed a cold glint in Darion’s light-blue eyes; the same cold glint the often saw in the eyes of Cao, and his father. As Darion stomped down the hall, a cold chill ran up Rafael’s back, making him shudder.
“Oh dear, I’m so sorry about that,” the young lady spoke apologetically, “Darion Casteleor is a short man, with an even shorter fuse.” The lady smiled, “ I am Emily Kaio, I see that you brought the flags, thank you. The old ones are beginning to tear, would you mind putting the new ones up for me?”
Rafael smiled gently, “I will do that for you miss, no worries.”
“Thank you again,” Emily sighed and shook her head, “I had better go find Darion, make sure he has not smashed anything; the mood he is in.” Emily quickly followed in the direction Darin had taken just a few moments before.
Rafael stepped inside the great hall, and shut the doors behind him. First things first, Rafael went around the room, and took down the old flags, replacing them with the new ones he had carried in. Now, were had Ellius said his things would be? Ah yes, above the fireplace. Walking over to the roaring flames, he stood there for a moment, enjoying the fire, before reaching up and grabbing the katari and book that rested above the fireplace.
“Those do not belong to you.”
Rafael turned quickly to look at the speaker.
“What is your name?”
“What is yours?” Rafael replied.
The man’s hazel eyes twinkled, pushing back his pure white hair with his left hand, he chuckled. “A guessing game? Ah, but that is not fair, everyone around here knows me, after all, I am the one in charge of these parts.”
Rafael noticed that the man’s right arm was in a sling. “I take it that you are Count LeMar. It is a pleasure to meet you, now if you will excuse me, I must be on my way.”
“You are not leaving with those things.”
Rafael frowned, “Count, you are wounded, and I would prefer not to fight you.”
The Count drew his katari with his left hand, “I may be wounded, but I am not going to allow you to simply leave with those.”
Rafael set the book down on the table, before lifting Ellius’s katari, and slowly moving forward.
The Count lunged forward.
Rafael lifted the blade, and parried.
The Count slashed to the left, when that was blocked, he sliced to the right, never letting up on his attack.
Rafael found himself being pushed back. To his dismay, the Count seemed to have the upper hand fighting at a distance. Suddenly Rafael realized something, the Count may fight well at a distance, but up close, with that injury…, Rafael ducked under a slash before leaping forward and locking blades with the Count. Quickly, Rafael reached up with his free hand and grabbed the Count’s wrist. Squeezing, and twisting, Rafael forced the Count to drop his blade. As the Count sank down to his knees, Rafael kicked the Count’s katari to the side.
“You are quite skilled, but you are no Draken, who are you?” The Count calmly questioned.
Rafael shook his head, “I cannot tell you that.”
“I see.” The Count’s voice remained calm as he spoke, even though death could be only seconds away. “So what now? I am at you mercy, will you finish me, or let me live?”
The two of them locked eyes for a moment, before Rafael finally spoke. “I did not wish to fight you to begin with Count. You are wounded already, and now unarmed, it would be nothing but cruelty and brutality to end you life now.” Rafael stepped over to the table, and took Ellius’s book in hand once again, before raising his hand, and creating a warp panel beside him. “Good-day Count, enjoy the festivities tonight,” stepping through the warp panel, Rafael disappeared.
Slowly the Count stood to his feet. There had been something in that boy’s eyes; when the two of them had locked eyes, the Count had known he was going to be spared. The Count sighed, now he would have to explain to Ellius why his things were missing, but were was Ellius? Who was that boy, and why did he take those things? The Count sheathed his katari.
Time would tell…
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