Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

A Draken Rising
by Estrella LeMarIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: A Draken Rising
A Draken Rising; Part 8
The sound of a violin playing rose up to the rafters where Rafael now stood. Looking downward, Rafael saw that no-one other than the Count was inside the great hall. Silently, Rafael dropped to the floor.“Did you forget something when you left earlier?” The Count gently set his violin down on the table.
Rafael shook his head, “I suppose you could say I forgot an explanation. Ellius told me to get his katari and his book. Perhaps if I had explained, we would have avoided our little fight.”
“Ellius sent you?” A worried frown came onto the Counts face.
“Yes. Do not worry, he is perfectly fine, and safe. Here. He wrote you a letter.” Rafael handed the Count the letter.
“That is his seal for certain,” The Count opened the letter, and read over it quickly. “Interesting. He calls you the ‘Captain.’ He tells me I will have to find out your name for myself.
So, you have never heard of trust, honor, and kindness? That makes me wonder what else you have never heard of.” The Count set the letter down. “Honor… is incredibly difficult to explain. You show honor, when you keep your word no matter how hard it is to do so. You show honor when you show respect to others, when you protect the weak, and help the poor. Honor is so much…” The Count looked over at Rafael, “Came back tomorrow afternoon, I will assist in your training as Ellius requested. All I ask is that you address me as Horatio.” Horatio’s eye’s twinkled, “I get rather sick of being called Count this, and Count that all the time.”
“Of course Horatio,” Rafael nodded, “I will tell Ellius for you.”
“Goodbye Captain.”
“Goodbye Horatio.” Rafael quickly formed a warp panel, and stepped threw it to
arrive back at the southern spring. Honor… it seemed like such a good thing, but it also seemed to contradict all that he ever knew. Rafael walked over to the spring, and sat down. Horatio was a good man, so was Ellius. Rafael could tell that this training by them was going to be a new beginning for him. He just hoped he would not let them down. Next time he saw Horatio, he would explain who he was. If Horatio was going to train him, the Count had a right to know, besides, it might help him explain things.
Rafael laid down on the soft, cool grass. Slowly his eyes closed as sleep fell upon him.
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