Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

A Draken Rising
by Estrella LeMarIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: A Draken Rising
A Draken Rising; Part 9
The next morning came swiftly, and Ellius rose with the sun Once dressed, Ellius went outside in search of Rafael. Eventually he found Rafael, balancing on a short stone pillar next to the eastern spring. “Good morning Captain.”“Ellius.” Rafael jumped down from the pillar. “Horatio sends you his greetings, and his response. He says he is perfectly willing to assist in my training.”
“Excellent. Did he say anything else?”
“Well, he spoke of honor,” Rafael turned to Ellius and spoke earnestly. “Honor seems to me to be a very good thing, yet it goes against any and everything I have ever been taught. Protect the weak? Were I come from, the weak are eliminated. This word, honor, it is hard for me to understand.”
Ellius smiled, “Honor is a complex word, it means so much. There are many other things that you must understand before honor can be fully understood.”
“I will learn.” Rafael shook his head, “My entire life I have felt as if there was a gaping hole inside me, a great hurt.”
Ellius looked at Rafael. The boy was full of so much sadness, so much hurting! “Perhaps as your training progresses, we will be able to fill that hole, and heal that hurt.”
Rafael starred of into the distance. “Perhaps we will.” Everything went silent for a moment, before Rafael spoke once again, “Estrella will have breakfast ready by now, she always does. After that I will be going on a ride. Would you like to join me?”
Ellius nodded, “Of course.”
The two of them turned and began walking towards Markus’s house. When they got there, they found breakfast ready and waiting.
“Well there you are, eat up.” Estrella dished their plates as Ellius and Rafael took their seats.
“Where is Markus?”
“He is with the horses. One of the stallions has gone lame, and that husband of mine is trying to find out why,” Estrella replied.
“I hope it is not the speckled gray, I was going to take him out today,” Rafael frowned.
“Even if it is, you have plenty of horses to choose from,” Estrella laughed, “I’ve lost count of how many horses you have here.”
Once breakfast was over, Ellius set down his silverware, “Thank you once again for such a wonderful meal Estrella.”
“Will you be joining the Captain on a ride today?” Estrella questioned.
“Yes, I will be.” Ellius replied.
“Have a nice ride.”
“Thank you Estrella, I will see you later.” Ellius and Rafael stood to their feet.
“Good-day Estrella,” Rafael said.
“Bye Captain,” she replied.
With that, they left. “So where are the horses kept?,” Ellius questioned.
“This way Ellius.” Rafael began walking quickly westward, Ellius close behind. Soon they came to the top of a little hill.
Looking down, Ellius stared in amazement, “Why, there must be over a hundred horses here!”
“Mornin’ Cap’in.” A young boy, about seven or eight years old, looked up at Rafael.
“Morning Adam. Ellius and I are going on a ride. Could you fetch me Pepper and Ifrit?”
Adam jumped to his feet, “Quick as a cheetah Cap’in.” With that, Adam darted away.
Rafael looked over at Ellius, “Adam is an orphan, I found him two years ago, stranded in the Barren Waste. Once I brought him back here, we quickly found out that he has a knack with horses.”
“Poor lad, where does he stay?”
“We have a large stable here, for animals who need special attention. Adam has made himself a room in the loft, and he stay’s there. Some of the families take turns preparing food for him. Ah, look, he is back already.”
“Here we are Cap’in. Pepper is all hot-to-trot to get a runnin’, and Ifrit is too.” Adam grinned, “You want saddles, or are you going bareback?”
“No saddle for me Adam.” Rafael mounted Pepper smoothly.
Ellius mounted Ifrit, “I will be going bareback as well.”
Adam grinned, “Suit yourself. Have a nice ride.”
Rafael grinned. “I always do.” Turning Pepper to the south, Rafael set of at a trot, Ellius right beside him.
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