Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

A Draken Rising
by Estrella LeMarIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: A Draken Rising
A Draken Rising; Part 10
“The sand seems to stretch on forever,” Ellius murmured.Rafael’s eyes twinkled, “Yes, but what mysteries hide within its bounds?”
“What is that over there?” Ellius Pointed to a red object of in the distance.
“I will show you,” Rafael grinned, “Race you there.”
“You’re on.”
The two of them spurred their mounts forward into a gallop, each racing for the lead. First Rafael was in the lead on Pepper, then Ellius and Ifrit pulled ahead. When they finally reached their destination, they were dead even.
“Excellent ride Ellius! I have not had such a good ride in sometime.” Rafael dismounted, and led Pepper over to a small spring. As Pepper and Ifrit quenched their thirst at the spring, Rafael and Ellius looked up at the great red flag mounted beside the spring. Rafael smiled, “I have been mapping out the Barren Waste as best as I can. The map is at Markus place right now. I have mapped out everything within a days ride of the oasis. Any spring that I have found, I marked with a flag such as this one.” Rafael leaned against the flagpole.
“You like to explore?”
“I like to know,” Rafael sighed, “The Barren Waste is a great mystery. I wish to know what it is, what it holds, its size, and what is beyond. Besides that, it is a good… distraction.”
“What do you mean, a distraction?”
“When I feel like I am going to lose my temper, I come out to the Barren Waste.
Out here I can cool off, so to speak.”
“In anger, and in hate, your strength increases yes, but so does your weakness,” Ellius softly said.
“Indeed. That I know full well, and yet,” Rafael shrugged, “Hate and anger, pleasure in causing pain, that is what I have been taught my entire life. Yet I know those things are wrong. When I cause pain to innocents, when I see fear in the eyes of the helpless, when I see harm come to those that have done nothing wrong, I find no pleasure. Instead of pleasure, I feel pain myself, a great pain within me that comes on like a great sickness.”
“You speak of sadness.”
“Yes, that pain you speak of is sadness.” Ellius looked Rafael straight in the
eyes, “Sadness can hurt a lot. You feel it when you lose something you are fond of, or when something happens that you know is not right. There are many things that cause sadness. This entire world is full of sadness. Joy is the opposite of sadness, and is becoming very rare these days. The Drakens were founded by the Great Emperor to put an end to the causes of fear, and sadness. The Great Emperor’s son came to this world hundreds of years ago as the first Draken, a Pure Draken. That Prince sacrificed his life so that all people could enjoy true safety, peace, joy, and so much more. Yet now he has been forsaken, but he has not forsaken us.”
“Who is the Great Emperor?” Rafael questioned.
“He is the almighty creator. He made everything. His son, the Prince, is called the Protector, the Judge, the Shepherd, and the Healer. He has many other names as well.”
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