Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
A Little Fantasy
"Fantasy my little friends? No, they are not fantasy." Gabriel shook his head at the five little boys."Master, tell us the story once again.Tell us the story of men with wings"
Gabriel nodded, "Alright...
There is a race of beings, beings that can apear as humans, as birds, or any creature they choose. They are protectors, and healers; they are among us every day. These creatures spend their time disguised, and dwelling among the human kind, protecting them."
"But why do they do it sir?" One of the boys piped in.
"They are following thier orders. " Gabriel smiled gently, " and they want to."
"Even when people do bad things? Do those creatures protect them even then?" questioned one child.
"It is up to thier master." Gabriel looked lovingly down at the children.
"Hmph, I think it is a just a story." One of the boys stood up and stomped his foot angrily, "No such thing could be true." Turning, the boy stomped away towards the cliffs edge.
"Master, is it just a sto-"
"Ahh!" Everyone turned to see the boy trip at the top of the cliff, and tumble over the edge. Gabriel was up on his feat in an instant. Running towards the cliffs edge, he jumped after the boy.
The remaining boys looked at each other in shock; it happened so fast. They could do nothing, they were frozen in place.
Once Gabriel had caught the boy, he spread his wings out wide, and circled round to catch the breeze. Gently he carried the boy back to the top of the hill. Setting the boy down, Gabriel spoke, "Are you alright?"
Eyes wide, the boy nodded.
Everyone heard footsteaps aprouching up the pathway, and the boys all turned to look. It was Professor Ross. "And what are you youngsters doing here all by yourselves?" He questioned.
One boy shook his head, "But we are not alone Professor."
"Oh?" The professor questioned, "And who may I ask, is with you?"
The boys looked around, Gabriel was gone.
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