Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

A Draken Rising
by Estrella LeMarIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: A Draken Rising
A Draken Rising; Part 13
As lunch ended, Ellius leaned back in his chair. “Estrella, if you wanted to, you could become rich off your cooking.”Estrella laughed, “But we already are rich Ellius! Markus and I have everything we need, and much more. Besides, if I truly wanted to be rich by the world’s standards, I could ride over to Osadious, and bring back a sack or two of precious jewels.”
“So you have been there as well?” Ellius leaned forward.
‘Oh, once or twice.” Estrella looked over at Rafael, “Before Markus and I came here, we used to think that riches would make us happy. After we were here for a few months, the Captain took us to Osadious. Riches beyond our wildest dreams were there, just laying there to be taken. Markus and I could not believe how much was there, but it was then that we realized, those things, the gold, silver, the jewels, those are nothing. We were perfectly happy right here, at the oasis, without any of those things.” Estrella smiled, “The Captain has taught us a lot, even if he does not realize it.”
“And it is my turn to teach him.” Ellius stood to his feet, “Come Captain, it is time to begin your training.”
Rafael followed Ellius outside; soon the two of them were standing on an archery range. Ellius handed Rafael a bow, “First we will work on archery.”
“Of course,” Rafael calmly strung the bow.
“First, shoot three arrows at the target, so I can see what skill level you are at.”
Rafael nodded, drawing the bow, he aimed, and fired. The arrow flew threw the air, and buried itself into the top of the target. Rafael fired the second arrow, only to have it bury itself directly next to the first. The third arrow landed just above the first two, and as Rafael lowered his bow, he grimaced slightly. “I have been using the bow for years, but I have never had any actual training in archery.”
“For having no training, you are doing quite well. Now, watch me,” Ellius lifted his own bow. Calmly setting his arrow, he stood in the shooters stance. In one smooth motion, he drew his bow, aimed, and fired. The arrow flew true, and sank into the targets center. Ellius fired the two remaining arrows, before lowering his bow. Looking at the target, he smiled. All three of his arrows were clustered in the targets center. “By the end of six months, you will be shooting just as well.”
Rafael nodded, “Show me what to do.”
This continued on for an hour, Ellius correcting Rafael’s stance and draw as Rafael fired arrow after arrow. Finally Ellius nodded, “On to practicing with a shield.” Ellius led Rafael to a sand pit. Picking up a shield, he tossed it to Rafael, before lifting a small stick off from the ground. “Prepare yourself. You will be using the shield to defend yourself. Do it right, you will be fine, do it wrong, and you will end up with a few bruises.”
Rafael just stared at the shield for a moment; the Wyriens never used shields, and he had never held one before. Rafael looked up at Ellius, confusion in his eyes.
“Something wrong?” Ellius questioned.
“Ellius… how exactly am I supposed to use this? I am not entirely certain how to
hold it.”
Ellius lifted an eyebrow in surprise, “Haven’t you used a shield before?”
Rafael just shook his head.
“Alright, here is what you do…” Ellius patiently explained the proper way to hold a shield, and put it to use defending oneself. Finally, Rafael was ready.
“Prepare yourself then, here I come.” Ellius came forward quickly, and struck Rafael’s shoulder. “Move the shield quickly, anticipate your opponents movements.” Quickly, the stick struck out, and hit Rafael’s side. Rafael clenched his teeth, he would master the shield; he would… Ellius struck towards Rafael’s left, but this time Rafael blocked it. Ellius struck again and again, and by the time an hour had passed, Rafael was feeling sore all over. Eventually Ellius stepped back, “That is enough for today. Now, on to sword play.” Ellius set the stick down, “This exercise is a bit different,” Ellius took the shield, and set it next to the stick, “This will not last long, but you will be blindfolded.”
Rafael frowned, “Blindfolded? But how will I fight?”
Ellius took out a blindfold, “You will find a way. Now, you will not be fighting me in this, Markus and I used magic to create a virtual arena. You will fight five different opponents, each in a different place. I will be standing to the side, giving you instructions. Understood?”
Rafael drew his katari, “I understand. I will do my best.”
Ellius put the blindfold on Rafael before stepping back, “Can you hear me?”
“Good. Let’s begin.”
Rafael could not see what was going on, but he could sense something had changed. Slowly, he crouched down to the ground, and listened.
“Your first opponent is a tiger,” Ellius’ voice echoed in Rafael’s ears.
Rafael could sense something was near him. He could hear the grass moving beside him. Turning quickly, he slashed out. He felt his katari connect with something, and a furious hiss filled the air. Rafael moved quickly, and soon he could tell from the terrified hisses that the tiger was making that he had it cornered. Rafael slowly lowered his katari, and let his senses take control. He heard the creature leap; Rafael knelt to the ground and slashed upwards before rolling to the side. Without thinking, he stood to his feet, and stepped towards the tiger, before plunging his katari down into the tigers heart.
“Good job Captain.” Ellius called out, “Your next opponent is using a spear.”
Rafael could sense his surroundings changing. There was no sand or grass beneath his feet now, just cold hard stone. Lowering his katari, he listened. Where was his opponent? Rafael heard something moving to his left, he turned so he was facing it. He heard something moving through the air, and he brought his katari up to block. The blow was harsh, and Rafael felt himself being shoved backwards. Then he felt himself slammed backwards into a wall, his breath knocked out of him. Rafael struggled to free himself from his situation, but without his sight, he could do nothing effective. As Rafael felt his katari fly from his hand, he grit his teeth, what was he to do?
“Concentrate Captain. Channel your power, anticipate your opponent,” Ellius called out.
Rafael thought he sensed his opponent change his stance, quickly he raised his hand to grab the spear. As Rafael’s hand closed around the spear, his opponent grabbed a hold of his arm, and threw him to the ground. The next thing he knew, Rafael could feel the cold, hard end of the spear, at his throat.
“That is enough.” The surroundings around Rafael faded away, the cold hard stone beneath him returning to dry sand. Ellius took a hold of Rafael’s arm, and helped him to his feet, before removing the blindfold. “You did well against the tiger, but you still have much to learn.”
Rafael quietly sheathed his katari, “Never have I felt that way. I could do nothing, I was so…”
“Helpless?” Rafael looked at Ellius questioningly.
“Sometimes you can only learn, by living. That feeling, of having absolutely no control, no way to change what is going on, not even really understanding what is going on, that is what it means to be helpless.” Ellius looked into Rafael’s eyes, “That is how all prisoners feel when they are laying bound, and unable to defend themselves. Even I felt that way for a time when you first captured me.”
“Is this feeling always so unpleasant?”
Ellius nodded, “Yes, it is.” The two of them looked out over the sand before Ellius
turned back to Rafael once more, “Horatio will be in his personal sitting room at this hour; playing the piano no doubt. Now would be a good time to go and see him.”
Rafael nodded, “I will be on my way then.”
“I will see you again shortly,” said Ellius.
Rafael turned and formed a warp panel next to him, before stepping through.
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