Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

A Draken Rising
by Estrella LeMarIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: A Draken Rising
A Draken Rising
After two weeks of healing, Rafael was back up and moving around. Horatio had begun training his skills with magic. Early in the evening, the two of them had gone to the western spring. Horatio had put a pile of stones on one side of the spring.“Now Rafael, concentrate on the stones. Say nothing out loud, just concentrate on making them weightless. Will them to lift.” Horatio encouraged.
(Concentrate, right.) Rafael stared at the stones, and imagined them slowly rising into the air. At first, nothing happened.
“It may help you concentrate if you point your hand at them.”
Rafael pointed his hand at the stones. He waited a moment, and soon they began to slowly rise into the air. Rafael held them in the air for a moment, before dropping them.
“Good, very good.” Horatio smiled, “Now I want you to move them across the spring one by one, and hold them a foot above the ground. It will be hard at first, but focus on concentrating. I am going to get something from the cabin, and will be back in a while. Don’t let them touch the ground until I return.” Horatio walked away.
“All right, now let’s do this.” Rafael concentrated on the first stone, and slowly floated it across the spring. Once the stone was across, Rafael switched his attention to another.
The first rock dropped.
Rafael switched his attention back to it, and caught it before it could hit the ground.
An hour later, Rafael finally brought the tenth, and last stone across the spring.
“Good job Rafael. You can drop them now.” Horatio walked over to Rafael, and handed him a cup of tea.
Rafael let the stones drop, “You were watching the entire time.”
Horatio nodded, “Yes, and you did well.”
Rafael took a sip of tea.
“You will do this every night, until you can do it in less than thirty seconds.”
Horatio looked up at the starry sky. “It’s getting late Rafael.”
Rafael nodded, “I think I’m going to go do some reading, then go to bed.”
“Goodnight Rafael.”
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