Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Jules on September 25, 2009
"My friend and I were talking about reading and writing. I told her that she should write a book. She has posted a sample here and challenged me to do the same. "
What is this foolishness?
What is this foolishness? My friend suggested that I challenge myself to write a story. Here I am making a fool of myself. This is not a coincidence because making a fool of myself is something I do on a regular basis. I mean… the very idea that I can write anything that would be of interest to anyone else. One of the words I am to use during this process is ESL. I didn’t even have a clue about ESL, so I did what any red-blooded American would do . I checked with Merriam-Webster. For those of you that may or may not know it means English as a Second Language. This I find truly ironic because I don’t even have a solid grasp of English as a first language. Maybe I should regroup, go back to school and enroll in English 101 or Beginners Writing 1. What is a girl like me thinking? I have a husband, a dog, a cat and no job. So why do I feel the compulsion to add more stress? There is a certain sturdiness to my life. Like so many others, I was brought up by parents who loved me. They encouraged me to speak my mind, taught me right from wrong, instilled a strong work ethic and the importance of good hygiene. All of the sudden I find myself stepping out of my comfort zone and wondering… Did someone add some pharmaceutical additive to my sweetner?More writing by this author
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