Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Audrey_E_Marquis on October 11, 2012
"This post is a Grab Bag which uses the following words: grandfather clock, mangle, frumpy, hike, accumulate"
Tick, Tock
The grandfather clock tickstocks
drags down the minutes.
I wonder,
as I always do
how will I mangle my minutes today?
The dusty lace curtains,
hang frumpy and forlorn
I long to hike them up
and peer out
from the shadows
get a glimpse of the world.
But tick
goes the grandfather clock.
Time is slipping by.
What if I do the wrong thing?
make the wrong choice?
Pick the wrong place?
The hours slide by,
accumulate in
my mental hourglass
of time wrongly spent.
And tick
goes the grandfather clock.
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