Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by 'Chelle on December 1, 2009
"This post is a Grab Bag which uses the following words: rewarding, cyberspace, offend, world power, electrocute, steam, dismount, unsuitable, seller, knitting needle"
True Confessions of a Virtual Creep
There is nothing more rewarding for me, after a long day at work, than to slip quietly into cyberspace, where in the shadowy anonymity of my avatar, I can offend people to my heart's content.In the real world, I am a mild mannered seller of insurance. I am disarming, charming, and empathetic. The old ladies with their gummy smiles that I find so disgusting trust me implicitly. They swallow my pitch, nodding over knitting needles, and serve me tea and stale banana bread. I want to gag, and I want to fling it back in their rheumy eyes, but I don't. I sip. I simper. I wait.
At last, at long last, I am home. The blue monitor calls to me from the bedroom. In here, I can imagine myself to be a world power to be contended with. I can at last say all the things I've wanted to say all day. I am not slandering. Not at all. I'm letting off steam after a hard day's work.
In my virtual world I can be dirty. I can be naughty. I can be completely unsuitable company for elegant old ladies and dignified old gentlemen. You will never know it from looking at me or talking to me. I will sway you, too. I will charm you completely tomorrow as we sit on your doilie covered divan sipping tea. You will buy from me. I will assuage your fears even as I imagine what it might be like to watch someone's electrocution.
Only a few more hours. One more cup of tea. I can wait.
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