Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lindareed on December 16, 2009
"'Supposed to be funny... I don't know if it worked. Ha ha."
Dear Santa,
Dear Santa,I've really tried to be a good girl this year. Ya know? To make up for last Christmas, which I still haven't forgiven you for by the way. The worst thing I did that year was pour coffee down little Drake's shirt. I thought you were supposed to give us a little slack, everyone makes mistakes sometime or another. I still can't believe that all you gave me was a crummy sweater. It's brown, for crying out loud! Sweaters are bad enough without being colored a horrendous shade of tan.
But let's forget about that for now. It's the Christmas Season! I'm personally looking forward to another year with my favorite man in red. I know your probably wondering if I'm ever going to get to it, so here it is. My 2009 Christmas list:
A new Barbie Doll, a red wagon, a choo-choo train that plumes smoke and everything, lots and lots of candy and one of those little action guys that shoot lasers that I saw TV.
Well I better let you get back to your Christmas duties. Lots of hugs and kisses,
P.S. Don't tell my husband about this. He told me not to write to you any more.
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