Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Greedily, I tackle the grand spread before me -Voluminous mounds of scent and flavor -
After a rote grace of thanks is too hastily spoken,
While thoughts alone are on what I savor.
A quick toast is made to our health and well being,
And my mind is still preoccupied with what I’ll sample first;
Amidst the sounds of friendly laughter and stories,
An overturned glass is the festive scenario’s absolute worst.
After reaching my fill and then some,
I lazily stretch out my arms and contentedly sigh;
Completely happy in a full tummy and wondering
If I can find room for another piece of pie.
Hungrily, she attacked the pale pasty substance -
Sparingly glopped on her dirty tin plate -
Grateful for one added day of existence,
Yet inwardly pleading for just a bit more to sate.
Her slight bony limbs are in sharp contrast
To her enormous void within;
And her sweaty hair is plastered firmly against
Her dust streaked, fly-studded grin.
Though her stomach remains aching and empty,
She turns without hesitation towards her more needy brother,
And offers what little she has left,
Because he probably won’t live to see another.
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