Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lady di on August 1, 2011
"This post is a Grab Bag which uses the following words: encounter, cuddly, typify, illumination, onward"
How Much Is That Doggie in the Window?
Today is the day - I'm so bound and determined, you see,To encounter that perfect companion and playmate for me.
From amidst the noisy span of cages and greeting grins I turn
Seeking an illumination from some depth of that which I yearn.
I'll happily opt for a cute and cuddly sort of chum
The kind that will lift me from my rainy day glum.
Or even a large and clumsy, tail-wagging oaf
Who will gladly bound across fields or eagerly loaf.
Oh, that this day will not typify those spent thus far,
In heart wrenching disappointment as I return to my car.
I pray there's no need to move onward in quest
Of a forever friend whose love is the best!
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