Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by stolen_water on October 31, 2007
"These are some lyrics I came up with recently. I would still very much classify it as being a work in progress. It is intentionally written to be vauge and abstract, therefore allowing it to mean different things to different people. But, at it's core is the theme of shattering the oppression that inflicts us, whatever that may be. And, yes, it took me far longer to write than whatever the time counter says. Haha."
Seize The Blade
Heroes and villains collideWe'll bear witness this night
Legends align their place
Cowards and fools flee the fight
As vultures circle
And the hour draws near
Gather up your arms
Dispel your fear
Carnage greets the field
Eden’s curse we’ve grown to learn
Relish your redemption songs
Providence shall return
As vultures circle
And the hour draws near
Gather up your arms
Dispel your fear
When the trumpets sound
And shattered earth cries out
Let the torches blaze
Lift your swords and shout
We are one, join in the crusade
A cadence of the free, seize the blade
We are the brave, let our arrows siege
Cherish your name, pillage your dreams
Seize the blade
March on, oh faithful few
Stand firm, stand true
And welcome your salvation home
While the eternal light of morning follows you
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