Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Book Reports
by Peter-TwitchellI am doing this in the Alphabetical order so far
Book Report At Agincourt
G. A. Henty Book ReportsPeter Twitchell 3/23/09
Title: At Agincourt
Author: G. A. Henty
What Type of book Historic Fiction
Setting: France
Main Character Names: Guy, Tom, Count Charles d’Estournel, The duke of Burgundy, Sir Eustace de Villeroy
Describe the main Character: Guy is the son of an English knight. Guy goes to France with Sir Eustace de Villeroy as an Esquire. He went to Paris with sir Eustaces wife and was there during the time of the white hoods of Paris. He Saved the Life of Count Charles d’Estournel. Than when the house that he was staying in was attacked, Count Charles d’Estournel came to his rescue. Than Guy discovered that the white hoods were going to demand the life of Count Charles d’Estournel. He warned Count Charles d’Estournel and Count Charles fled Paris with some of his friends. Guy than had to go it to hiding because the Butchers gained the upper hand. Then when the butchers were defeated Guy with his lady fled Paris. Guy returned to England in time to take part in the expedition to France and was Present at the battle of Agincourt. He won his spurs at Agincourt and a estate from the crown.
I learned that the duke of Burgundy aided the mob of Paris in the massacres.
I really liked the battle of Agincourt.
I didn’t like when they had to fly.
I Wonder Why Burgundy didn’t stop the mob of Paris.
I would recommend this book because it is exciting history.
In Freedoms Cause
G. A. Henty Book ReportsPeter Twitchell 3/23/09
Title: In Freedom’s Cause
Author: G. A. Henty
What Type of Book: Historic Fiction
Setting: Scotland
Main Character Names: Archibald Forbes, William Wallace, Sir John Kerr, Red Roy, Robert the Bruce
Archibald is the son of a Scottish Knight who was killed fighting out a quarrel with another Knight. After he grew old enough he went to his uncle’s house to learn how to manage a castle. When their Archibald met William Wallace. After many adventures, William Wallace was taken prisoner to England where he was executed and his followers scattered. After a few months Sir Archibald goes up to London and talks to Robert the Bruce and gets him to join the Scottish side in the war that was going on at that moment. After many more adventures the Scots won the war and Sir Archibald went home.
I learned that the Scots fought the English and for the most part lost, but some times won.
I really liked the battles.
I didn’t like when Archibald was taken a Prisoner to King Edward the first.
I Wonder why William Wallace didn’t make sure that his Cavalry was not commanded a coward.
I would recommend this book because it is exciting history.
The Young Carthaginian
G. A. Henty Book ReportsPeter Twitchell 3/23/09
Title: The Young Carthaginian
Author: G. A. Henty
What Type of Book: Historic Fiction
Setting: Roman Empire
Main Character Names: Marcus, Hannibal, Hanno, Hamilcar, Clotilde,
Marcus is a noble of Cartage who joins a company of Cavalry. This is sent out to Spain to help Hannibal defeat the Rebel Spaniards, then Hannibal invades Rome. After many adventures Hannibal is defeated and Marcus escapes to Germany.
I learned that Hannibal would have defeated the Roman Empire except that his enemies in Carthage would not send him reinforcements.
I really liked the battles.
I didn’t like when the Romans took Marcus to be a slave.
I wonder why Hannibal didn’t ask the French tribes to attack.
I would recommend this book because it is exciting history.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Peter-Twitchell on February 2, 2010
"I Forgot to say that Each of these took 1 to 2 Hours to write"
A Knight of the White Cross
G. A. Henty Book ReportsPeter Twitchell 3/23/09
Title: A Knight of the White Cross
Author: G. A. Henty
What Type of book Historic Fiction
Setting: Rhodes
Main Character Names: Gervaise Tresham, Sir John Boswell, Sir Ralph Harcourt, Robert Rivers, and Hassan Ali
Describe the main Character: Gervaise Tresham is the only son of a knight in England who entered the Order of Saint John at age 9. He went to Rhodes to be the Grand masters Page at age 12. He became a professed knight at 13; shortly after werds he saved a galley of the Order and was knighted. He than discovered a revolt in the prison and was given the command of a galley and destroyed a pirate fleet and earned the thanks of the pope than he was taken as a slave by Hassan Ali and sold on the coast of Tripoli. He escaped and made his way back to Rhodes in time to take part in the first siege of Rhodes.
I learned that the Knights of Saint John defeated the Turks at Rhodes once.
I really liked the battles.
I didn’t like when Hassan Ali captured Tresham.
I wonder why the Knights of Saint John didn’t fortify the hill of St. Stephan
I would recommend this book because it is exciting history.
Beric the Briton
G. A. Henty Book ReportsPeter Twitchell 3/23/09
Title: Beric the Briton
Author: G. A. Henty
What Type of Book: Historic Fiction
Setting: Roman Britain
Main Character Names: Beric, Parta, Nero, Bocuoc, Berenice, Petronius, Suetonius, Aemilia, Ennia, Pollio, Scopus, Muro, Philo, Poris
Beric is a Briton Chief who fights Rome and is defeated and taken a prisoner to Rome. After some adventures he gets set free and set back to Briton as a magistrate. The Story Begins with Beric going to a Roman town to see some friends. The Story Ends with Beric bring set back to Briton as a magistrate.
I learned that the Britons did not all get defeated when their Queen committed Suicide.
I really liked when the Britons fought in the swamps against the Romans.
I didn’t like when the Britons were taken to be slaves.
I wonder why Beric didn’t keep watch the night that he was surprised.
I would recommend this book because it is exciting history.
Both Sides of the Border
G. A. Henty Book ReportsPeter Twitchell 5-11-09
Title: Both Sides of the Border
Author: G. A. Henty
What Type of book: Historical Fiction
Setting: England
Main Character Names: Oswald, Roger, Sir Henry “Hotspur” Percy, Glendower, William Baird, King Henry, John Forester, Alwyn Foster
Oswald is the only son of John Forester who has a castle but is not a knight. At the beginning of the story John went on a raid against the Bairds who had 2 weeks before went on a raid into England. John was successful and only lost 3 men. After that they got a message from Oswald’s uncle. The message was about Oswald, who, the message said, was now able to become one of Hotspur’s squires. Oswald gladly accepted and went to Alnwick (which was the chief town in that area) to learn his duties. While there Oswald met Roger who at that time was a monk. About the middle of the story Roger was released from his vows and became a man-at-arms. Near the end of the book Oswald was made a Knight for services to King Henry. When he saw Hotspur next, Hotspur gave him an estate that was near Yardhope (which was his father’s castle). Near the end of the book the Percies raised the standard of the real king (who was a nephew of Hotspur) but were defeated by King Henry. Sir Oswald escaped and went back home he did not fight again as far as I know.
I learned that The Percies fought King Henry and lost.
I really liked the battles.
I don’t know what I didn’t like.
I wonder that at the Battle of Shrewsbury Hotspur didn’t kill all the knights around the false king’s banner.
I would recommend this book because it is exciting history.
By Pike and Dike
G. A. Henty Book ReportsPeter Twitchell 3/23/09
Title: By Pike and Dike
Author: G. A. Henty
What Type of book Historic Fiction
Setting: Holland
Main Character Names: Captain William Marten, Edward Martin, The Duke of Alva, The Prince of Parma, and The Prince of Orange.
Describe the main Character. Edward Martin is the only son Captain William Martin who goes to sea in his father’s ship and trades with Holland at the time of the Revolt of Holland against The Duke of Alva who was killing all the people in Holland. The Spanish attacked the Ship in the Zuider-Zee and the English beat the Spanish off. During the Fight Captain William was shot trough the leg by a cannon ball and lost it. Ned joined the prince of Orange and got sent to Brussels on a mission. On the way to Brussels he met a member of the council of blood and got arrested he escaped and completed his mission and returned to Rotterdam. His next big adventure was the fight in which the Dutch beat up the Spanish then he was at the siege of Haarlum. He escaped and went to Delft and got promoted to captain in the non-existent Dutch army. He then went to Alkmaar and went through the Siege of Alkmaar, Which Defeated the Spanish Army. Then Ned fought in the Battle on the Zuider-zee, which the Dutch navy beat up the Spanish Navy. Then Ned was With the Expedition to Relieve Leyden. He was attacked by Fever and sent Back to England by the Prince of Orange. While in England he was employed by the state and in the service of the state he went to Antwerp at both the Spanish Sieges and Escaped from both. He returned home and was Knighted by the Queen and Married.
I learned that the Spanish sacked Antwerp.
I really liked The Battles
I didn’t like when Ned got captured.
I Wonder Why the Spanish sacked a friendly town.
I would recommend this book because it is exciting history.
St. Bartholomew’s Eve
G. A. Henty Book ReportsPeter Twitchell 3/23/09
Title: St. Bartholomew’s Eve
Author: G. A. Henty
What Type of book Historic Fiction
Setting: France
Main Character Names: Philip Fletcher, Francois De Laville, Francois De La Noue, Admiral Coligny, the Prince of Conde, the Cardinal of Lorraine, The Duke of Guise, and Charles king of France.
Describe the main Character: Philip is the son of an English Yeoman and a French Huguenot lady who fled to England. Philip went to France when 16 to Visit Francois De Laville. While he was there the Second Huguenot war Broke out he Fought in most of the battles in that war. When it ended he went back to England to see his Father and Mother. He returned and went on some visits with his cousin. He went to Paris with the Admiral and was there at the time of the massacre of St. Bartholomew’s eve. He went through the siege of La Rochelle he then went back to England.
I learned that the king of France almost joined Holland.
I really liked the battles
I didn’t like when Philip had to rescue his cousin.
I wonder why the king listened to his mother.
I would recommend this book because it is exciting history.
The Cat of Bubastes
G. A. Henty Book ReportsPeter Twitchell 3/23/09
Title: The Cat of Bubastes
Author: G. A. Henty
What Type of Book: Historical Fiction
Setting: Ancient Egypt
Main Character Names: Amuba, Jethro, Amusis, Thotmes, Chebron, Mysa, Ameres, Ruth, and Moses
Describe the main character: Amuba is Prince of the Rebu who gets taken to Egypt to be a slave. After a long adventure he gets back to his people and gets crowned king.
The story begins with a battle between the Rebu and Egyptians. The Rebu defend their city and get defeated. Amuba gets taken with 99 other slaves to Egypt. Amuba has a lot of adventures but it would take too long to tell so I suggest that you read the book. Amuba escapes Egypt and gets the Rebu throne.
I learned that the Egyptians were almost defeated in battle.
I really liked the battles.
I didn’t like when they were taken prisoners.
I wonder why they didn’t hold the shore at the battle in the city.
I would recommend this book because it is Exciting History.
Wulf the Saxon
G. A. Henty Book ReportsPeter Twitchell 3/23/09
Title: Wulf the Saxon
Author: G. A. Henty
What Type of Book: Historical Fiction
Setting: Saxon England in 1066
Main Character Names: Wulf, Edward the King of England, Walter Fitz-Urse, Harold the King of England (Successor of Edward), Ulred, Osgod, Tostig, Beorn, Duke William of Normandy, Guy, Gurth, Ulf, Harold of Norway, Edith, De Burg
Wulf is a kind hearted young thane (which is a equivalent of a French knight) that gains a bigger estate.
A quarrel between Wulf and Walter Fitz-Urse begins the story. Wulf gets to sent to his estate. Wulf rescues Harold of England from a scurvy count of Normandy by telling the Duke of Normandy William. The English fight the Normans at Hastings in 1066 and lose. Wulf gets a bigger estate and a wife from Normandy.
I learned that Harold had to give a oath to William that he could not keep.
I really liked the Battle of Hastings.
I didn’t like it when Harold gets thrown into prison by a Norman count.
I wonder why Harold went to the battle of Hastings with his brothers.
I would recommend this book because it is exciting History.
St. George for England
G. A. Henty Book ReportsPeter Twitchell 3/23/09
Title: St. George for England
Author: G. A. Henty
What Type of Book: Historic Fiction
Setting: England and France
Main Character Names: Walter Fletcher (or as he can be called Somers), Geoffrey Ward, Giles Fletcher, King Edward the Third, Sir Walter Manny, Ralph, Sir Phillip Holbeaut
Walter Somers is a son of a Knight who was killed because he was a supporter of Edward’s mother whom Edward did not like. Walter’s mother fled to London were she left her child with Giles Fletcher. When Walter was old enough he was apprenticed to Geoffrey Ward as a Blacksmith. After an adventure with some robbers he participates in a Tournament which he won. After the Tournament he learns his true name and joins Sir Walter Manny who is going to France to fight with a Countess. After many adventures he goes home during a truce. He gets attacked by the Black Plague and was almost killed by it but was taken by Sir Phillip Holbeaut to be killed but his wife told Ralph and raised the peasants. They set out after them and came up on them. After a fight Sir Walter Somers was rescued and brought back to his castle.
I learned that the 100 Years War was started in the reign of Edward the Third.
I really liked the battles.
I didn’t like when Walter was taken Prisoner
I wonder why Sir Walter Somers didn’t have men on watch when he was sick.
I would recommend this book because it is exciting history.
The Dragon and the Raven
G. A. Henty Book ReportsPeter Twitchell 3/23/09
Title: The Dragon and the Raven
Author: G. A. Henty
What Type of Book: Historic Fiction
Setting: Saxon England
Main Character Names: King Alfred, Egbert, Edmund, Jarl Bijorn, Sweyn, Siegbert, Freda
Edmund is the son of a Saxon Thane who fell fighting the Danes at Kesteven. After the battle Edmund and Egbert go to the West Saxon kingdom and are entertained by the King who gave Edmund an Earldom. After many adventures (in one of them he gets thrown up on the shores of Norway) he gets back to England and marries a Danish girl.
I learned that the Saxons defeated the Danes in many battles but were the losers of the wars.
I really liked the sea fights.
I wonder why the Saxons at the battle of Kesteven didn’t hold together.
I would recommend this book because it is exciting history.
The Lion of St. Mark
G. A. Henty Book ReportsPeter Twitchell 3/23/09
Title: The Lion of St. Mark
Author: G. A. Henty
What Type of book Historic Fiction
Setting: Venice
Main Character Names: Francisco Hammond, Matteo, Guissepi, Maria, Giulia, Signor Polani, and Ruggiero Mocenigo.
Francisco is a English boy who went to Venice with his father. At the beginning of the book he rescues Maria and Giulia from Ruggiero and gets invited into Signor Polani’s house. After a adventure with pirates, war is declared with Genoa, Hungary, and Padua. When war was declared Francisco with his friend Matteo went to Sicily to get grain and bring it back to Venice. When in a Sicilian Harbor they got captured by the Genoese. As there were only 4 people on board (the rest were on shore leave) the Genoese let them go but said that the Genoese would keep the ship. That night the original crew of the ship retook the ship and hid. After the Genoese tried to find it and failed, the ship went back to Venice and Francisco did not have any adventures for a little while. Then he received the thanks of Venice by rescuing the admiral’s ship at the battle of Antium. After a adventure in which he was captured by Ruggiero and escapes he then goes to Corfu and stops Ruggiero from carrying off Maria and Giulia. During the fight Ruggiero and his crew were killed. After that adventure he was put second in command of a ship and fought in the battle of Pola (which was lost by Venice) and was taken prisoner by the Genoese. On the way to Genoa Francisco recaptured the ship and some other ships. When he got back to Venice he discovered that the Genoese fleet was almost to Venice. The Padua and the Genoese army’s besieged Venice and almost won, but the Fleet of Venice came up just as the city was going to give up. After that Francisco married Giulia and became a merchant.
I learned that Venice was almost destroyed.
I really liked the battles
I didn’t like when Ruggiero took Francisco.
I wonder that Venice didn’t attack the Padua army.
I would recommend this book because it is exciting history.
Winning His Spurs
G. A. Henty Book ReportsPeter Twitchell 3/23/09
Title: Winning His Spurs
Author: G. A. Henty
What Type of Book: Historic Fiction
Setting: The Holy Land (Israel)
Main Character Names: Cuthbert, Sir Walter the Earl of Evesham, Cnut, King Richard the Lion Hearted, Sir Philip the Count of Brabant, Saladin, Sir Rudolph Fleming
Cuthbert is the son of a Norman Knight who married a Daughter of a Saxon franklin. By rescuing Sir Walters’s daughter from a false Knight, he gets to be Sir Walters’s page for the Crusades. After many adventures king Richard makes Cuthbert a Knight. After the Crusade, Cuthbert goes back to England were he finds the estates of Sir Walter (who was killed in the Holy Land) given to Sir Rudolph Fleming. After many more adventures he gets back his own lands.
I really liked the Battles.
I didn’t like when Saladin takes Cuthbert as a slave.
I would recommend this book because it is exciting history.
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