Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Book Reports
by Peter-TwitchellIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Book Reports
Beric the Briton
G. A. Henty Book ReportsPeter Twitchell 3/23/09
Title: Beric the Briton
Author: G. A. Henty
What Type of Book: Historic Fiction
Setting: Roman Britain
Main Character Names: Beric, Parta, Nero, Bocuoc, Berenice, Petronius, Suetonius, Aemilia, Ennia, Pollio, Scopus, Muro, Philo, Poris
Beric is a Briton Chief who fights Rome and is defeated and taken a prisoner to Rome. After some adventures he gets set free and set back to Briton as a magistrate. The Story Begins with Beric going to a Roman town to see some friends. The Story Ends with Beric bring set back to Briton as a magistrate.
I learned that the Britons did not all get defeated when their Queen committed Suicide.
I really liked when the Britons fought in the swamps against the Romans.
I didn’t like when the Britons were taken to be slaves.
I wonder why Beric didn’t keep watch the night that he was surprised.
I would recommend this book because it is exciting history.
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