Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Book Reports
by Peter-TwitchellIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Book Reports
Wulf the Saxon
G. A. Henty Book ReportsPeter Twitchell 3/23/09
Title: Wulf the Saxon
Author: G. A. Henty
What Type of Book: Historical Fiction
Setting: Saxon England in 1066
Main Character Names: Wulf, Edward the King of England, Walter Fitz-Urse, Harold the King of England (Successor of Edward), Ulred, Osgod, Tostig, Beorn, Duke William of Normandy, Guy, Gurth, Ulf, Harold of Norway, Edith, De Burg
Wulf is a kind hearted young thane (which is a equivalent of a French knight) that gains a bigger estate.
A quarrel between Wulf and Walter Fitz-Urse begins the story. Wulf gets to sent to his estate. Wulf rescues Harold of England from a scurvy count of Normandy by telling the Duke of Normandy William. The English fight the Normans at Hastings in 1066 and lose. Wulf gets a bigger estate and a wife from Normandy.
I learned that Harold had to give a oath to William that he could not keep.
I really liked the Battle of Hastings.
I didn’t like it when Harold gets thrown into prison by a Norman count.
I wonder why Harold went to the battle of Hastings with his brothers.
I would recommend this book because it is exciting History.
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