Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Book Reports
by Peter-TwitchellIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Book Reports
The Dragon and the Raven
G. A. Henty Book ReportsPeter Twitchell 3/23/09
Title: The Dragon and the Raven
Author: G. A. Henty
What Type of Book: Historic Fiction
Setting: Saxon England
Main Character Names: King Alfred, Egbert, Edmund, Jarl Bijorn, Sweyn, Siegbert, Freda
Edmund is the son of a Saxon Thane who fell fighting the Danes at Kesteven. After the battle Edmund and Egbert go to the West Saxon kingdom and are entertained by the King who gave Edmund an Earldom. After many adventures (in one of them he gets thrown up on the shores of Norway) he gets back to England and marries a Danish girl.
I learned that the Saxons defeated the Danes in many battles but were the losers of the wars.
I really liked the sea fights.
I wonder why the Saxons at the battle of Kesteven didn’t hold together.
I would recommend this book because it is exciting history.
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