Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by girl_anachronism on December 20, 2009
"Not a usual Christmas gift. A bit odd."
It's Better to Give...
This year, I gave the gift of a promise.I hope he heard me. I hope he cares, and that the gone can hear us.
I promised him I would go to that city- to learn something about myself, to make myself stronger, to learn how to be alone the proper way, and enjoy it- and to find meaning.
If it is the right promise to make, or the best thing for me, I don't know. But it's what I feel like right now. Lost. I think that going somewhere where someone I respect lost themselves will help me understand the way I feel every day. I think that somehow, I owe him something, even though we never met- because he lent me the knowledge that I am not alone, other people do feel as I do. Fiction's slave, and a fool for it.
Merry Christmas, Heath.
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