Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The better present is one made with love...
I sat in my room for all of two hours. I had no idea what to gift my best friend. She told me that very morning over the phone that she found the perfect gift for me. I wasn't sure what to make of that. She told me that I'd love it, and that we should gift each other in the nearby park on Christmas morning. I agreed.Two hours later, I had nothing. Tomorrow was Christmas. I wasn't sure what to do. I rummaged around my room. Nothing. I dug under my bed. Nothing. I shuffled through all of my old toys in the closet.Nothing.
As I was closing the closet door, something caught my eye. Years ago, my grandmother had given me a digital camera. A camera. I slipped the camera off the hook and headed out to my back yard. I tried to think of all the things that could remind her of times with me.
I took a picture of the cat sunning herself on the deck. We used to sit and watch her sometimes. Then I took a picture of my bare feet, to remind her of times we spent with our shoes off. I took a picture of the Christmas tree in our living room, and the cookies on the counter. Both of which we liked to admire. I took a picture of my bedroom, where we spent all our time, and the tree house we played in outside.
I plugged the camera into the computer and set to work. I printed out the pictures and built a small and seemingly pretty, although small flipbook of the photos. Once bound, I put it into a box with wrapping and I made it perfectly acceptable.
The next morning, I arrived early in the park. I shifted from foot to foot and contemplated weather she'd ike my gift or not. She arrived soon after I did, and I didn't have to wait long. She was carrying a similar small box, and we handed them over in tandem. We sat down on a nearby bench and set about unwrapping the boxes. I got my box open first. beneath the tissue paper, I pulled out a photo album. The cover was engraved with my name. I opened it up. It only held a single picture of us. Underneath was written, " Friends ony get better with time." I smiled.
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