Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Casino on December 27, 2009
"The great playwright proves more than generous."
Shaken Not Stirred
The interview started in 5 minutes and I was lost. Deep rutted and stinking roads led me supposedly to the Globe theater but somehow I'd managed to end up in a cul de sac, knee deep in horse dung confronting a rather sallow chap wielding a shovel who informed me that the side entrance to Shakespeare's hangout was actually right in front of me.Relieved and numb with anticipation I threw back the leather folds and made my entrance. Shakespeare, a jovial man in his late 30's had had the kindness to rearrange his complex schedule in order to spend a few minutes with me.
With a curious sort of modesty he merely sat there, waiting to see what sort of fool he was dealing with:
"First of all I'm your biggest fan. Remember when Prince Hal played that trick on Falstaff and his buddy said 'How the rogue roared'? That was really cool..."
He nodded politely, "yes that one was from a while back. I'm glad you liked it."
"What's it like? What's it really feel like to be William Shakespeare the great playwright?"
He shrugged and stood. My heart sank. Was the interview over so soon? He gestured that I should follow him. A furious disturbance seemed to be taking place somewhere in the building and as led me closer, my nervousness grew. A great red and green curtain loomed and I realized we were now backstage at a live performance.
"To be or not to be..."
"You ask what it's like to be William Shakespeare" my interview subject whispered. "Listen and find out." With that he withdrew and sprinted into the shadows.
"Polonius!" a voice thundered. "Is that you noble one?" I heard a sharp intake of breath and the point of a sword pierced the curtain like a feeler. "Polonius, most wise of men, would you play a child's game?" And this time a yard of fabric was sliced through as the same blade barely missed my shoulder. I bolted, scared for my life and stumbled badly into a wooden post. Stunned, I crumpled to the floor. Instantly the curtain flew open and great peals of laughter rang out. Standing in front of two dozen or more roaring men and women was the leading man himself.
"You asked!" Shakespeare shouted.
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