Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Morpheus Quinn on January 25, 2010
"This was free writing fiction that brings the adjustment of a man's mind around the silence of the monastery."
Bombarded By SilenceTime is ticking. The sound of the clock's minute hand moving loudly as it travels around the entire clock. There is no rest. No peace. The clock keeps ticking, ticking , TICKING. It's getting louder and louder, driving me crazy. I think I'm going mad. There is no place I can run. Even as I entered the church, swinging the doors wide open, the sound of the clock ticking seems to be following me.
"Who's there?" I ask nervously as the sounds of footsteps follow behind me.
The footsteps are moving quicker, the sound of the clock ticking louder. "WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?" I scream.
There is no place for quietness. Just a moment of silence. Oh, to steal just a moment of silence.
The footsteps are getting louder, so i run into the confessional booth.
Darkness surrounds me offering me a seat. So I sit.
Grabbing my head between my hands I scream, "GOD HELP! GODDD HELP MEEEE."
The noise won't stop. The small wooden sheath above me rises.
"What is wrong my son?" the priest asks in a soft voice.
"What's wrong? Father what do you think is wrong. Don't you hear the noise? It's all around us. There's no escaping it. Tick, TIck, TICk, TICK!. Don't you here the clock? The tick gets louder and louder."
'What noise my son?"
Don't you hear it? Thump. THUmp. THUMP! Someone is coming this way."
" Son, you are thirty miles away from the nearest city. It's just your mind adjusting to the silence around you."
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