Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by tensoon on January 24, 2010
"My first stab at writing anything outside of school. A good first effort in my opinion."
A Bug's Life (Stan)
Stan was born yesterday. Today, he makes his way outside. His 24 hours of life have been but a preparation for what is to come. The world is vast, more vast than his small mind can grasp. His future was wide open, no limits bound him. He stretched his wings for the first time, they felt strong. He was built perfectly for what he wanted to do. He would venture out and make the most of what little time he had. Stan set out on his adventure, and while he didn't make a difference in the grand scheme of things, his life was important to him because he had lived it exactly as he wanted to, as he was meant to. There's something special to be said for that...More writing by this author
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