Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Sibling Rivalry
"Give that back Peter, I had it first!" Yelled a young girl with blonde pigtails who was reaching for her doll that was being help by her older brother who was olding high in the air out of her reach. The boy smirked and shook his head with a glin tin his blue eyes. "No, I won't." The girl had tears pouring out of her eyes by this time and still no remorse form the boy, all he did was walk away. "Better go tell on me like you ALWAYS do!" He said with a laugh before locking himself in his room and set the doll in the closet before laying down to read a book.The girl meanwhile did exactly what he said to do but went to her fahter instead who she knew would get to Henry and make him give up the doll since he had a fear of his father.
"Daddy!" He laid down his newspaper and held out his arms for her jump into. "What's wrong sweet heart?"
She wiped the tears out of eyes and pointed to her brothers room. "Henry took my doll and won't give it back."
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