Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Maine Character on April 11, 2010
"I've never been good with poems, but I'll give it a try.
Stays the Same
It started with a 'hello'When I gave you some of my Jell-o
You smiled with a wink
I'm glad you liked it, or so I think
You smell to me like roses
Ever since we were picking our noses
You flatter me with everything you say
and I want to tell you every day
But something always makes me think
Am I hansome? Do I stink?
At best, it's better not to say
How you truely, make me feel this way
I never know what to do
Especially, when I'm around you
When your close, I lose my breath
When you speak, it scares me to death
When I ask you out, only time will tell
Even after I wished on a penny, in a well.
But I think you're better without the likes of me
And how in the end, our relationship is the same.
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