Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

by XxlillyxXIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Poems
Thanks Mom
The night arrive,The moon shines again,
the stars running in the sky,
so many wonders in our word
makes me cry of emotion
saying to myself
"Thanks god I'm alive"
Everytime I feel the wind,
When the sun shines above me,
When I see everyone smiling
I fill of emotion
And again I raise my gaze to heaven
And say on my knees
"Thanks I'm alive"
Everytime you look at me
When you call on me
I feel that I can fly on the skies
above an ocean of dreams
and I know that even if I fall
You'll be there to catch me
Everytime I hear myself breathing
My spirit takes flight
because I know I still have a life beyond
and it has only begun
A life of wonder and happiness
and even in trying times
I'll be strong to continue my journey
With you by my side supporting me
I know there's no montinue tall enough
or a blizzard to strong
to make me give up
I owe everything to you
thanks for being there when I couldn't see
thanks for your shoulder when I need cry
Thanks for giving me faith when I couldn't believe
thanks for giving me your love
Thanks for everything MOM
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