Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

fangs on my neck
by XxlillyxXIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: fangs on my neck
fangs on my neck (pt4)
Chapter 3I didn't have to much to do but to explore the castle, I walk into the darkness of a hall that guide to some stairs, I walk in silence, hidding my steps and breathing slowly. I finally get to the top of the tower, all the room was iluminated by a huge window that show you the whole forest. In the center of the room was a big and antique desk and an elegant chair. Above the desk where several notes and pictures.
On the walls where some paintings, dark paintings. The floor was made of wood. I walk to the desk and I sit down in the chair, I start reading the notes, but there was one that I didn't understand because it was write in another language.
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I didn't understand a word, but I keep it so that maybe I could find out what it say. I open one drawer, there was a small red box, I took it and I open it, inside were many pictures of him and a lady, I took one photo, also inside were cards all of them black exept 3, two pink and 1 red, I took them and I put them also away, when I close the box Pyro appear just infront of me, he took the box in his hands and he shout to me really angry.
"Go away from here, I don't want to see you again in my life"
I run out of that room with the 4 cards, I didn't think it twise, I ran out of the mansion into the forest, I continue running to the center of the forest, I stopped, there was a small river and stones beside it, I sat down in one stone crying, I get pretty scared when I saw him that angry, his eyes turned into red and his fangs appeared.
I took out the card, I opened one pink first, I open the envelope and took the paper out of it. The paper was thin a soft, and the letters where from a lady. I start reading.
Dear Pyro,
I can't wait to see you again, I been missing you all this week, when will you come?
I can't wait to have you in my arms, to feel you next to me. I can't belive that of all the girls of the city you choose me, even knowing that I'm not rich or famous. I'll be waiting for you .
Always yours
He's in love, that was the first thing that I though, I was happy for him, but why if I was happy tears where comming out of my eyes? I put away the card, and I took the other one that was pink.
Dear Pyro,
My father is forcing me to get married with a noble of another city, I don't want to get marry with another man, I love you, please come for me, I'll be waiting for you here. My parent is sending me in 2 days, if you don't come, I'll die because I prefer dying than being with a man that isn't you.
Love you forever
I didn't understand, didn't he go for her? what really happened? I opened the next card, the black one and I continue reading.
Lady Sally was found death in her room one day ago, she was found hanged in her room, but before she killed herself she write something in her wall, no one know what it means, the phrase found was "Always yours even in death"
It's clear that she took away her own life.
The vampire council
He didn't went for her, even knowing she will kill herself he let her die. I keep the cards in one small bag of the dress. I laid there waching the sun getting out iluminating the horizont, and giving heat to all the living creatures.
I realize that right now I knew a part of Pyro's past, but I wouldn't see him again, because he right now hates me. I close my eyes feeling the wind in face.
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