Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Under the same sky
by XxlillyxXIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Under the same sky
Iris 1
And so the night was about to begin, I was covering myself with my wings, looking at the city, the night was so cold that I could barely move, the wind was so strong that I won’t be able to fly to my home. I’ll need to stay in the forest, but I was starving and thirsty and not to mention freezing. All my body was shivering, and so I fell in the white snow, fainting. I woke up in a cave, lying next to a bonfire, and cover with a red banquet.What was I doing there? But anyway, I was glad to be there, other way I would be already death. I start hearing steps, and then a guy appear from the dark of the cave, his hair was black and his eyes blue, his skin so pale, his body was completely perfect even his face, all of him. When I saw him it was like if my heart stopped for a minute. His smile was so charming, it made my heart melt.
“I’m glad you wake up…” He said in a seductive voice
He was the one who saved me, but why? All humans only care about themselves, but there was something different on him, but I didn’t know what was it.
“Why did you help me?”
He laugh a little of my question but then he answer, what did he mean when he said he wasn’t human either? I turn to look at him with a strange face, but then a tail appear from his back, a demon tail, also a pair of horns and black demon wings, also his eyes turn red. And in a second he transform again.
Now I understand, he wasn’t human because he was a demon, but I was only half fallen angel. I was immortal and with fallen angels powers, but still I could die, or bleed. I stood up and I took the blanket and fold it.
“Thanks for saving me….um…..”
He smiled and he told me his name was Ryusen, it was a beautiful name, and then he asked me my name.
“I’m Iris…”
He smiled and then he start walking to the end of the cave, and he made his wings appear once more, and the he said that it was nice meting me, but that he needed to go. He disappear in the snow storm, I couldn’t even say goodbye. I took the blanket that he gave me and I sit beside the bonfire.
When the storm end I will go to the city in search of a work, to get myself food, because I haven’t eat anything in 3 days, being poor was so bad, I wish I could have some money, but I didn’t have anything, since the moment I was expelled from my village, in that moment my life torn apart.
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