Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The Princess and the Dragon
by Ari JamesIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: The Princess and the Dragon
The Princess and the Dragon, part 2
Prince Myles was bored. Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored. Martin, his squire, was quite possibly the worst swordsman he'd ever met, and when you coupled that with the fact that they were using wooden training swords (the kind Myles had used as a ten-year-old learning to fence), it was enough to make him want to drop dead, just to spare himself the boredom.His arm moved of its own accord to block another clumsy blow from Martin. This was too easy. I wish something exciting would happen, he thought to himself, glancing up at one of the castle's many towers. At the window sat his bride-to-be, Princess Adelaide. Just thinking about her made him feel a little light-headed. She was so beautiful...too beautiful. Tonight was their engagement ball. She was probably already getting ready.
"Sire, what do you suppose that is?" Martin asked, pointing at something in the sky. Myles looked up to see a dark greenish spot hovering next to the tower. He squinted, and nearly screamed when he realized what it was. A dragon. And it was heading towards Adelaide's tower! He screamed out a warning, but no sooner had it left his lips than a claw had torn through the wall and seized the now-unconscious princess around the waist. It flew away triumphantly, clutching its captive.
The whole castle was in an uproar. Nobles rushed around, screeching and hollering and joining King Nolan in trying to comfort Queen Audra, Adelaide's mother. "Just carried her off!" the hysterical queen sobbed. "He's probably eaten her already!"
"Nonsense, Honey Bun," King Nolan said to his wife. He had a rather annoying habit of calling his wife by strange pet names, the more normal of which were "my sweet little poopsy" and "cherry bumpkin." It gave Myles a strange pang in his chest to see his beloved sweetheart's parents so distressed. He was more than a little distressed himself, to be truthful. What would the dragon do to his dear princess? Eat her alive? Roast her to a crisp? Drop her to her death? There were too many ways for her to get hurt. And he did not want her to get hurt.
"Quiet everyone!" shouted the king.
All the knights and nobles and servants were silent. Their eyes were fixed on their sovereign's weathered face. The king cleared his throat. "I, uh, well, I suppose that you've all heard about what happened to Adelaide, my daughter. She was carried off this afternoon by a large green dragon. It is absolutely imperative that she be rescued at once. Any volunteers?"
For several moments, nobody even breathed. All the knights looked down at the floor or started shifting towards the door. Who wanted to go after a dragon?
Myles hesitated. He did not like the idea of confronting a dragon. But he liked the idea of his sweetheart being the prisoner of one even less. He stood to his feet, cleared his throat, and announced, "I will go to rescue the princess. My squire Martin will accompany me."
Everyone let out a collective sigh and began to clap. Everybody, that is, except Martin. He had already left.
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